
Severe COPD and the development of cor pulmonale, professor: do 4 things to avoid acute exacerbation

author:Director Du, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine


Recently, I saw such a statement in the background message: Since COPD cannot be cured, it will not be treated.

For patients, this kind of thinking can actually be understood, because diseases such as COPD will always recur, some patients go around for treatment, spend a lot of money, but the effect is not ideal, after a long time, confidence is lost, and the idea of giving up will arise.

However, as a TCM practitioner in respiratory medicine, I feel that it is necessary for me to correct this misconception.

Severe COPD and the development of cor pulmonale, professor: do 4 things to avoid acute exacerbation

Because most of the diseases of the respiratory system are progressive, they will aggravate the condition with the passage of time and recurrent attacks, taking COPD as an example, if it is not controlled in time at the beginning, it will gradually develop into pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary hypertension and even respiratory failure, affecting life and health.

For example, the patient in the video (click to play) has emphysema, pulmonary bullae, severe COPD, and now has developed to the stage of pulmonary heart disease, wheezing, this situation is not formed in a day or two, but a long period of repeated aggravation of the condition is formed, and at this stage, the treatment will be relatively slow, we often say that the treatment is like a thread, for some chronic diseases, the first thing is to stabilize, and then slowly make it better.

Severe COPD and the development of cor pulmonale, professor: do 4 things to avoid acute exacerbation

This patient has also been conditioning for a while, now there is less phlegm, eating better, and the mental head is also a lot better, but the main thing is wheezing, you must know that asthma is something formed by COPD for decades, and it will naturally not be as fast as treating a cold, and the top priority now is to stabilize the condition, do not let it have an acute attack, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, you should also pay attention to these 5 things in your life to avoid aggravation!

1. Don't get cold, keep the indoor temperature appropriate, and blow the air conditioner less in summer, especially not blowing directly on yourself, so as not to aggravate the condition.

2. Do not smoke, including second-hand smoke, and avoid contact with irritants such as oil smoke and dust.

3. Don't use mosquito killers in summer, avoid using chemical things, once you are choked, it is easy to get stuffy.

4. Don't eat spicy and stimulating things, and eat less foods that are not easy to digest.

Severe COPD and the development of cor pulmonale, professor: do 4 things to avoid acute exacerbation

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is often said that "if you are in an emergency, you will treat the symptoms, and if you are slow, you will be cured", and the treatment needs a process, especially for chronic diseases such as COPD, do not be anxious, feel that your symptoms are getting better, and do not take the complete return to normal as the only curative effect standard.

Severe COPD and the development of cor pulmonale, professor: do 4 things to avoid acute exacerbation