
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!

author:Top sea breeze l

In response to the key work competition and TV political questioning activities in the first half of 2024 launched in Linyi County on June 27, the Transportation Bureau faced the problem, implemented reforms, and effectively solved the shortcomings in the field of transportation. On June 29, a work deployment meeting was held. The members of the team, the heads of the relevant units, the leaders of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of transportation, the heads of the relevant units of the transportation and highway development center, and the main persons in charge of the three taxi companies and Unicom bus companies attended the meeting.

【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!

The meeting reported on the "209 National Highway Occupation Operation, Large Trucks Parking on the Roadside, and Bus Departure Point Parking on the Road" reflected in the "TV Politics" on June 27. The responsible persons of the county's transportation comprehensive administrative law enforcement team and the transportation and highway development center respectively made statements on the problems reflected, and immediately said and acted on the problems reflected in the political questioning, and quickly grasped the implementation of rectification and reform.

【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!

The meeting emphasized

  • First, we must attach great importance to it. All deputy positions and responsible units should attach great importance to it, act quickly in accordance with the feedback from the TV policy, formulate effective measures, and do a good job in rectifying and implementing the problems.
  • Second, we must consolidate responsibilities. The law enforcement team should give full play to the role of road administration, enrich the law enforcement force, strengthen law enforcement inspections, and carry out inspections by road sections, time periods, and without interruption. At the same time, the joint traffic police department and the local government carried out a two-month special inspection of road traffic safety, focusing on the key sections of national, provincial and county roads and level crossings. For some long-term "guerrilla" and "hide-and-seek" business households, we will join forces with the local government and grassroots law enforcement teams to take effective measures to supervise and supervise them. The development center should continue to strengthen the management of the public transport and taxi industry in combination with the urban passenger service quality improvement year and the "listen to public opinion and do practical things" activities, and the joint law enforcement team will severely crack down on irregular operations such as taxi refusal, stealing passengers, and dumping passengers, random parking of buses, and illegal operation of private cars, so as to enhance the overall image of urban passenger transport. It is necessary to combine the actual situation, reasonably park public transport vehicles, and create a harmonious, orderly and convenient riding environment.
  • Third, we must publicize and educate. Combined with road administration propaganda and grassroots activities under thousands of laws, explain the "Highway Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations to the masses, and guide the masses through real case education to fully understand the potential safety hazards caused by stalls and road occupation operations.
  • Fourth, we must strengthen supervision. As the competent department, the transportation bureau should strengthen supervision and guidance, establish and improve the supervision mechanism, punish highway violations in accordance with the law, and ensure the fairness and seriousness of law enforcement. At the same time, it is necessary to actively guide and promote the development of the urban passenger transport industry, improve the level of transportation services, and provide a better travel environment for the people.
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!

On the same day, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of transportation faced the problems reported by the TV government, and quickly organized three law enforcement teams to go deep into factories and mining enterprises, 209 national highways, and county and township roads to carry out special rectification on "occupying roads and setting up stalls, illegal operations, and overloading and overloading".

【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!
【Linyi】Face the problem, implement reforms, the Transportation Bureau is in action!

The relevant personnel of the transportation and highway development center and the relevant person in charge of Unicom Public Transport Company conducted on-site surveys, in-depth exchanges and discussions on the temporary parking sites of buses, formulated specific measures, and coordinated and solved the parking problems of urban and rural public transport vehicles

[Source: Linyi Traffic]

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