
The Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital carried out extended nursing services

author:Top sea breeze l

On the morning of June 28, the Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital received a request for help from the family of a patient with an indwelling gastric tube blockage. After learning about the needs of the patient's family, Cao Suqing, director of neurosurgery, immediately sent two medical staff to the patient's home to replace the patient's stomach tube and conduct a return visit after discharge.

At the patient's home, Dr. Jiang Ying and head nurse Shi Chunmiao carefully checked the patient's indwelling gastric tube, determined that the patient was re-instilled with a gastric tube after the blockage, and explained in detail the precautions during the indwelling gastric tube. In addition, in view of the problems of patients who are bedridden for a long time, have poor nutritional status, and are prone to pressure ulcers, medical staff put forward detailed nutritional support suggestions and guidance on the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.

The Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital carried out extended nursing services

A health care provider reviews the patient

The Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital carried out extended nursing services

Replace the gastric tube for the patient

The Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital carried out extended nursing services

Replace the endotracheal tube for the patient

The Department of Neurosurgery of Pinglu County People's Hospital responded positively and visited patients to replace gastric tubes, urinary tubes, tracheal cannulas, etc., realizing the transformation from traditional telephone visits by discharged patients to door-to-door visits by critically ill patients, narrowing the distance between doctors and patients and increasing the sense of trust.

In the future, the Nursing Department of Pinglu County People's Hospital will continue to expand the scope of extended nursing services, deepen the service content, help more patients enjoy high-quality nursing services at home, and further improve the overall rehabilitation experience of patients.

[Source: Pinglu County Medical Group]

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