
Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

author:Still reading History 1

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

Text/Photo/Li Hailong

The year-end assessment of military training is a routine activity of the troops every year, and the reason why 1990 was special was that the group army adopted the form of a competition at the same field and a live-fire competition.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

The assessment site is at the shooting range of the 334th Regiment of the 112th Division and the training ground of Wolongshan (Lijiafen) in Yixian County; The shooting range of the 334th Regiment mainly conducts competitions in infantry (mechanized infantry), reconnaissance, communications, anti-aircraft artillery (guns instead of guns), logistics, equipment and other subjects; The Wolongshan training ground is mainly a competition in artillery, armored troops, engineers, anti-chemical warfare and other subjects.

The on-site commander of the Wolongshan Training Ground is Yin Anpu, director of the artillery command of the group army, and the deputy commander is Li Zongqi, director of the engineering department. I served as the chief judge of the artillery subject. At that time, the assessment team lived in the 335th regiment barracks.

The artillery assessment subjects are 82, 100 mortars and 122 rocket artillery (simulated shells) live firing.

Judges are required to be judged on the spot, and the results are announced on the spot.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

In the course of preparing for the examination, he received a notice that the head of the Beijing Military Region attached great importance to the year-end assessment of the 38 th Group Army, and Commander Wang Chengbin and Political Commissar Zhang Gong of the Military Region led all the Standing Committee members of the Military Region to inspect and guide them on the spot. This move is very rare, and the pressure on our assessment is even greater.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

In order to do a good job in the assessment of live ammunition, we have carefully formulated an assessment plan and implementation plan. It was determined that the 112th, 113th, and 114th Divisions and the 6th Tank Division each had two mortar squads for random examinations, and each artillery squad should designate an artillery platoon commander to be responsible for supervising safety, and operating according to the assessment standards, and the muzzle of the gun should not be biased towards the visiting platform.

Considering the viewing effect and the on-site evaluation to announce the results, we set up 8 targets, mark the center point with white ash, and then draw a circle with the center point according to the assessment criteria, so that there are 8 eye-catching white circles in the target area, and it is clear at a glance whether the shell hits the target during the shooting, and as the chief judge, you can directly announce the assessment results.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

The 122 rocket artillery shooting is carried out by the artillery brigade, a company of four guns, firing simulated shells (for training shells), similar to live ammunition, but the range is short (about 2000 meters), the fire is small, the sound is small, the explosion point is small, and the cost is low.

and Director Li Zongqi on-site research assessment plan.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

On the day of the assessment, the head of the military region, accompanied by Zhang Meiyuan, commander of the group army, and Wu Runzhong, political commissar of the group army, arrived at the Wolongshan training ground, and the competition officially began.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

According to the assessment plan, I gave the command to start the artillery at the right time, and the eight mortar squads participating in the assessment quickly moved forward to occupy the position.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

After completing the preparation for shooting, the mortar squad aimed at their respective targets and began to shoot, the rumbling sound of artillery firing sounded, the sound of fluttering projectiles streaked through the air, and at the same time eight targets (white circles) in the target area fell shells, hit the target, the visiting platform resounded bursts of applause, and then the sound of shell explosions came, the second and third shots...... and whistling towards the target.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

At the end of the shooting, the observer reported to me that all the shells had hit the target, which was consistent with what I had seen, and promptly announced that the mortars had all been excellent.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

Then, the 122nd Rocket Artillery Company of the Artillery Brigade quickly advanced from the concealed area to occupy the position and fired at the enemy stragglers, and the shell group covered all the targets. The visiting platform burst into warm applause.

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

The artillery exercise was successfully concluded. According to the plan, we went to the auditorium of the 112th Division headquarters to hold a meeting and listen to the instructions of the head of the military region.

In 1991, Commander Wang Chengbin, Political Commissar Zhang Gong, Deputy Commander Li Laizhu and other military commanders of the Military Region visited the exercise troops. Me (1st from right).

Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment

Commander Wang Chengbin of the Military Region made three points in his speech:

First, the year-end assessment organized by the 38th Group Army was fully affirmed, reflecting the overall quality of the troops;

Second, the 38th Group Army is a unit with glorious traditions, and during the war years, when I was in Shandong, the troops often sang a song called "Our Company Commander He Wanxiang," and He Wanxiang Company was in your 334th Regiment.

Third, I heard such rumors in the Nanjing Military Region, saying that the Beijing Military Region is okay in organizing major activities, but the basic training of the troops is average, and today I see that the basic training of your 38 th Group Army is good, and next year our Beijing Military Region will organize a basic training competition and report to the head of the Central Military Commission on doing a good job in basic training.

At that time, we understood that the purpose of the inspection of the year-end assessment of the 38 th Group Army by all the standing committee members of the military region was to unify our thinking and prepare for next year's major activities.


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Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment
Unforgettable Troop Contests and Exercises (16) -- 1990 Military Training Year-end Assessment