
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

author:Still reading History 1

Xiushui Hezi Annihilation War The first spring of the liberation of Northeast China

Text/Picture/Wang Gong

Following the red footprints, we came to the Faku Xiushui Hezi Annihilation War Memorial Hall on June 20.

Near Xiushui Hezi Town, a billboard on the side of the highway

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The billboard briefly introduced the general situation of the Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiushui Hezi Town, the old battlefield

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Schematic diagram of the battle in Xiushui Hezi Martyrs Cemetery Square

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The ground of the Xiushui Hezi Martyrs Cemetery is being renovated

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

My father took part in this battle, and we came to this former battlefield with my father's marching combat diary.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

On behalf of my fathers, I will pay tribute to my comrades-in-arms who died here

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The Xiushui Hezi Annihilation War Memorial Hall in the cemetery

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The martyr's cemetery was rebuilt

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Exhibition Preface

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Hong Xuezhi inscription

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

the "Yalta Conference" of the Allied Powers fighting against Japan; Partial anti-syndesthesis

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The Soviets dealt a devastating blow to the 700,000 Kwantung Army

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Surrender to Japan

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Two choices after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Mao Zedong's discourse on the importance of the Northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Establish a base area in the northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Advance to the Northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Zeng Kelin took the lead in advancing to the northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the 110,000 troops of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army led by our party marched into the northeast. The troops that entered the Northeast formed the "Northeast People's Autonomous Army" with the local Northeast People's Self-Defense Army.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

On September 13, 1945, Huang Kecheng suggested to the central government that 50,000, preferably 100,000 troops, should be sent to the northeast. On September 23, the central government ordered Huang Kecheng to lead 35,000 troops of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army into the northeast.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

In January 1946, the Northeast People's Autonomous Army was renamed the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army in Faku.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Outline of the Kuomintang attack on the Northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Two futures, two destinies

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Double 10 Agreement and Military Adjustment Group

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Huang Kecheng reported to the central authorities that the troops had encountered a "seven-no" situation in the northeast.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The Kuomintang army and navy air-conditioned troops seized the northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiong Shihui, director of the Kuomintang Northeast Camp

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Northeast Security Commander Du Yuming

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Dajie Xiusui

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The central authorities demanded a victory in the northeast

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

There were more than 7,000 personnel in the Seventh Brigade of the New Fourth Army in the northeast, and more than 7,000 personnel in the Shandong First Division (7,000-8,000 in the brigade of the New Fourth Army and 6,000-8,000 in the division of the Eighth Route Army in Shandong)

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiushui Hezi battle map

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Peng Mingzhi wrote an inscription for the "Xiushui Hezi Battle Heroic Model Memorial Book".

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiushui Hezi battle scene

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiushui Hezi Combat Seventh Brigade Combat Heroes Model Group Photo

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The tactics of "one point, two sides" and "three three systems" proposed by Lin Biao were practiced and applied in the Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Northeast People's Autonomous Army sequence

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Rare photos of battles

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Lin Biao's temporary command post during the battle

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Group photo of the military meeting after the reorganization of the 7th Brigade and the 43rd Army after liberating Hainan Island

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The common people greet the victorious army

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The battle is won, and our side rejoices and the enemy is sad

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The Seventh Brigade held a congratulatory meeting

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Group photo of the 7th Brigade after the battle

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

A group photo of a certain battle hero

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Group photo of the troops who were the first to storm the village

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation


The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The Northeast Democratic Alliance Army annihilated the entire regiment of Chiang's army with inferior weapons, and Mao Zedong issued the thesis that "all reactionaries are paper tigers".

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The local people enthusiastically supported the front

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Heroes are immortal

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Merit lives on

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The backyard of the memorial hall is the site of the battle of that year

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Attached: My father's diary (he joined the Red Army in 1931 and was the head of the 20th Regiment Security Unit) is excerpted from February 2, 1946 to February 18, 1946, a total of three pages

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Note: In the diary of February 13, "Rama Camp" should be "Lama Camp" 2, and "Xiao Huang X" should be "Little Huangdi"

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

Xiushui Hezi battle praise

The white mountains and black waters are boundless,

Compete for the short and long.

The three divisions galloped three thousand miles,

Hundreds of battles and victories cast loyal souls.

Xiushui Hezi Annihilation War,

Break the myth of American machinery.

Seven brigades and one division worked together,

The first spring of the liberation of the Northeast.

The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation
The first victory on the battlefield in the Northeast: Xiushui Hezi Annihilation Battle The first spring of the Northeast liberation

The article is from the author's beautiful article, thanks to you!