
The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

author:Zero dew

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On the ever-changing stage of the entertainment industry, the love lives of celebrities always attract much attention. And the story of Da S and Wang Xiaofei, the former couple, is like a long drama series with ups and downs, which makes the people who eat melons overwhelmed. seems to be an ordinary day, but for Da S and Wang Xiaofei, it is an unquiet day.

The matter of Da S's handling of the child's Taiwan compatriot permit suddenly changed, and the news instantly exploded on the Internet, causing heated discussions among netizens. You must know that children have always been the most sensitive and important topic between the two, and any little wind and grass can set off stormy waves.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

As for Wang Xiaofei, in the face of as many as 18 lawsuits from his ex-wife, she was under tremendous physical and mental pressure. The love between husband and wife has been exhausted in the court again and again, and the sweet memories of the past have been torn apart by the disputes of reality. But fortunately, at this difficult moment, Ma Xiaomei appeared by Wang Xiaofei's side, accompanied him through the difficulties, and also allowed Wang Xiaofei to find a trace of warmth and support in this chaotic situation. The two plan the future together, as if they see a glimmer of light in the darkness.

Speaking of Big S, her recent image has also changed a lot. She used to always show off her glamour, but now she has a retro short haircut. But instead of adding charm to her, this new look makes people feel a strong taste of a middle-aged woman. The years are really ruthless, and the former goddess is also difficult to resist the erosion of time. This huge image contrast also made netizens sigh that time is in a hurry and their faces are fleeting.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

And the recent appearance of Big S has caused a lot of speculation. She shared a Queen's Scepter lipstick, which was a common thing, but in the eyes of many people, the move was full of deep meaning. Some people say that she wants to brush up on her sense of existence and rub off on the popularity, after all, in the entertainment industry, exposure means attention and commercial value. But others believe that there may be a deeper emotional element behind this.

At the same time, Wang Xiaofei's side is a different scene. At his birthday party, it was very lively, and Ma Xiaomei kissed affectionately to declare sovereignty. This kiss seems to be announcing her firm relationship with Wang Xiaofei to the world. And on the same day, Big S made a rare appearance to share the "Queen's Scepter" lipstick, a coincidence that made people smell a hint of unusualness.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

The capriciousness of the big S is not once or twice. Before, she first let people see a glimmer of hope for family reunion, making everyone think that she was finally willing to let go of her past grievances and make some compromises and changes for the sake of her children and her former feelings. But in the blink of an eye, she extinguished this light of hope that was finally ignited with her own hands, and Zhang Lan's wish to see her grandson came to naught again.

Especially some time ago, Big S announced through Little S that he would no longer have children, thinking that the number of existing children was just right, and he was unwilling to show up again, so he chose to retire behind the scenes. These words sounded like she was showing weakness to Wang Xiaofei at the time, so that Wang Xiaofei understood that she would not give birth to a child for Gu Junye, but only for Wang Xiaofei in this life. But looking back now, the true meaning of these words may not be so simple. Perhaps, this is a warning to Wang Xiaofei not to have any more children even if she remarries, or perhaps, this is just a momentary emotional catharsis for her.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

The two children, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao La, heard that they were going back to Beijing, and they were so excited that they danced and immediately began to pack their luggage. Their innocent hearts are full of anticipation of reunion with their father, curiosity and longing for the unknown journey. However, they never expected that their mother's sudden change of hexagram would shatter their dreams in an instant. The children's eyes, which were originally full of joy, instantly became dim, and their hearts were broken.

Big S's repentance this time completely annoyed Wang Xiaofei. You must know that since the divorce, Wang Xiaofei has been trying to maintain an attitude of peaceful coexistence for the sake of her children. He tried his best to restrain his emotions and try to understand and tolerate the various behaviors of Big S. But this repeated reversal has exceeded the bottom line he can bear.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

Wang Xiaofei in the past, maybe when facing Big S, she will still be pinched because she thinks of her old feelings, or because of her impulsiveness and impatience in her personality. But now it's different, with Ma Xiaomei by her side. Ma Xiaomei seems to be gentle, but in fact, she is firm in her heart, has her own opinions, and is emotionally stable. Her existence made Wang Xiaofei more calm and rational in the face of this series of changes.

When will this dispute over children, feelings and interests come to an end? No one can give a definite answer. Where will the relationship between Big S and Wang Xiaofei go? Will we continue to sink deeper and deeper into this endless entanglement, or will we finally find an outlet for reconciliation? It's all full of unknowns and uncertainties, and we can only wait and see.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

Children are supposed to be the crystallization of love and the hope of the family, but in their dispute, they have become innocent victims and helpless bargaining chips. Every quarrel, every backslash, has left scars on the child's young heart. They may not understand why their parents who were once close to each other have become what they are now. Why are their wishes always so difficult to fulfill?

Feelings, once vows, sweet and warm, have now turned into clouds. All that's left is resentment, accusations, and endless bickering. Do you remember the heart-warming moment? Do you miss those warm times of mutual company? But the cruelty of reality shattered all this beauty.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

Interests also play an important role in this dispute. The division of property and the struggle for custody involve complex interest considerations behind every decision. However, in the process of pursuing profits, have you forgotten your original intention? Have you neglected the most precious things?

But in any case, I hope they can remember that the children are innocent, and their happiness and healthy growth are the most important things. What children need is not a material pile-up, not a quarrelsome environment, but a home full of love and warmth. They long for the company of their parents and for the harmony of their families. I hope that Da S and Wang Xiaofei can let go of their past grievances as soon as possible, and let go of those past hurts and misunderstandings. For the sake of the children, for the sincere love that once been, bravely take the first step towards reconciliation.

The mentality is broken! Big S changes hexagrams, rare appearances, brushing the sense of existence, Zhang Lan wants to see her grandson, and it is getting harder and harder

Perhaps, reconciliation is not easy, and both parties need to let go of their prejudices in their hearts, and they need to make certain compromises and concessions to each other. But as long as there is love in the heart, as long as you think about the future of your child, everything is possible. I look forward to the day when Da S and Wang Xiaofei can truly let go of the past, re-examine their relationship with each other, and work together to create a calm and happy growth environment for the children, so that the children can thrive in love and care, no longer be hurt, no longer feel lost and afraid.

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