
Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up: "Long face and even in the eyes", some of them will have lifelong pain

author:Xiaoping said graphic

In the eighth phase of the "Singer 2024" Ultimate Chart Competition, Na Ying, who has always been known for her boldness, took the stage with a veil covering her face, which attracted the attention of the audience. During the show, the host He Jiong choked up and revealed that Na Ying suffered from shingles, and her condition was so serious that she "had a long face and even eyes". This sudden situation not only distressed the audience, but also gave people a new understanding of this often overlooked disease.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up: "Long face and even in the eyes", some of them will have lifelong pain

Herpes zoster is a skin condition caused by the varicella-zoster virus that often flares up when immunity is weakened. Na Ying's onset is on the face and eyes, and the pain is particularly severe in this case. Doctors said that when shingles invades the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, patients may develop complications such as conjunctivitis and keratitis, which seriously affects the quality of life.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up: "Long face and even in the eyes", some of them will have lifelong pain

This is not the first time that shingles patients have been exposed in the entertainment industry. Previously, singer Cai Guoqing also suffered from acute shingles while recording the show, and endured the pain to complete the filming. These cases have sparked public concern and discussion about the disease.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up: "Long face and even in the eyes", some of them will have lifelong pain

Typical symptoms of shingles include erythema or clusters of blisters on the skin, which are usually distributed in bands. In addition to skin symptoms, severe pain is the most prominent feature of the disease. Some patients describe the pain as "burning", "electric shock" or "stabbing", and some patients may suffer from pain that lasts for months or even a lifetime.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up: "Long face and even in the eyes", some of them will have lifelong pain

The key to preventing shingles is to boost your immunity. Experts recommend eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep to improve your body's resistance. For people over the age of 50, vaccination against shingles is an effective preventive measure.

As soon as symptoms are suspected, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. Doctors emphasize that within 72 hours of onset is the golden period for controlling the disease. The use of antiviral drugs during this period can effectively inhibit viral replication and reduce the risk of complications.

Although Na Ying's insistence on performing despite illness is admirable, it also triggers thinking about the health management of artists. Netizens have called on artists to pay more attention to their own health, work moderately, and avoid overwork leading to decreased immunity.

This incident is also a wake-up call that health is always the most valuable asset in the pursuit of career success. Whether you are an ordinary person or a celebrity, you should learn to find a balance between work and health, have regular physical examinations, maintain good living habits, and build a solid line of defense for your health.

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