
5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

The recent situation in the Asia-Pacific region has become particularly tricky for the US military, full of challenges and dilemmas.

On the one hand, the Philippines' provocative behavior in the South China Sea has escalated, and finally met with a resolute counterattack from China.

However, the failure of the U.S. military to provide any substantial support, apart from a few words of verbal comfort, has dealt a considerable blow to its prestige and credibility in the Western Pacific.

5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

On the other hand, our military has carried out continuous and intensive military exercises around the Taiwan Strait, and the Taiwan authorities have repeatedly appealed to the US military for assistance, but the US military appears powerless and unable to make an effective response.

Against this background, the PLA's military operations are particularly striking.

At least five Type 055 10,000-ton large drive ships and two aircraft carriers, the Liaoning and the Shandong, have gone to sea to carry out their tasks, demonstrating our military's strong maritime strength.

Behind this series of developments, it highlights the serious decline in the current strength of the US military, and its available strength is far from what is shown on paper.

Looking back at the South China Sea incident in the past 16 years, the United States was still able to mobilize multiple aircraft carrier strike groups for confrontation; And in the 20-year 520 period, the US military was also able to organize aircraft carrier battle groups and conduct exercises with air force aviation.

However, this year, the situation in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait is heating up at the same time, and the US military needs to transfer even the last available aircraft carrier to the Middle East, resulting in an obvious force gap in the western Pacific region.

Under such circumstances, the influence of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region is not as great as before, and our military's exercise and training activities have ushered in a new peak.

The three Type 055 destroyers of the Navy of the Southern Theater of our military have formed a formation to conduct actual combat training in the South China Sea.

This action not only demonstrated the actual combat capability of our navy, but also conveyed to the outside world our military's firm determination to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

At the same time, there are other reports that a Type 055 destroyer in the Southern Theater of Operations led a group of destroyers approached Palawan Island in the Philippines and then headed for a visit to Malaysia.

This action not only strengthened the friendly relations between our army and neighboring countries, but also further demonstrated the ocean-going combat capability of our navy.

After the four Type 055 destroyers all went to sea to carry out their missions, the Shandong ship based in Hainan was also confirmed to be at sea and carried out training in the area from the Dongsha Islands to the Bass Strait.

5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

This action is a gesture of going beyond the first island chain to conduct the first Philippine Sea exercise this year. The navy of the Southern Theater can be said to have done its best this time, demonstrating the strong strength and determination of our navy.

And the military operations of our army are not limited to the Navy of the Southern Theater of Operations and the direction from the South China Sea to the Philippine Sea.

According to a report by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, the 10,000-ton Lhasa destroyer of the Northern Theater Navy also sailed north through the Tsushima Strait with a supply ship and entered the Sea of Japan to carry out its mission.

This action not only demonstrated the ocean-going combat capability of our navy, but also further expanded the scope of activities of our navy.

Earlier, our military's Y-20 planes successively landed at the Russian army's Kamchatka and Anadyr airfields, which is likely to be in preparation for the first joint cruise of strategic bombers between China and Russia this year.

The footprint of this joint cruise is likely to involve the Alaska region of the United States.

This action will further enhance the strategic mutual trust and cooperation between China and Russia, and will also constitute a certain strategic deterrent to the United States.

Before the Lhasa went north, the Liaoning ship, which was stationed in Qingdao, also left its home port with its formation and went to sea to carry out training missions.

This is the first time that the Liaoning has carried out a mission to the far sea after completing docking maintenance and upgrades.

This action not only demonstrated the actual combat capability of the Liaoning, but also marked the further improvement of the combat effectiveness of our navy's aircraft carriers.

The two aircraft carriers in service are deployed at sea at the same time, and at least five of the eight Type 055 10,000-ton vehicles in service are carrying out training missions.

This is a rather rare grand occasion for the mainland navy.

5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

The large number of vertical hair units installed on these ships undoubtedly caused a great shock to the surrounding countries.

This grand scene not only demonstrated the great strength of our navy, but also further enhanced our military's strategic deterrence capability.

The large-scale dispatch of the main forces of our navy is a situation that the US military is extremely unwilling to see at present.

It can be said that our navy now has ships deployed in the vast western Pacific region from the north to the Sea of Japan and the south to the Philippines, and the scale has surpassed that of the US Navy and its allies.

Four Type 055 destroyers operated with the Shandong in the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea, and one Type 055 destroyer crossed the Tsushima Strait to the Sea of Japan to prepare for a larger operation.

As well as the training of the Liaoning warship formation to go to sea, it shows that our army has taken the initiative to attack in the north, east, and south.

In this situation, the gap in the US military in the western Pacific region is particularly prominent, and its actions against our military appear to be powerless. Next, it will be up to the US military to respond to the situation.

For the US military, which is currently strained in strength, the PLA's multi-front attack undoubtedly poses a serious challenge.

The U.S. military wants to respond effectively, but it is difficult to draw enough ships to respond to our military's actions.

If the US military does not respond to the actions of our army, then the situation in which "there are two aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific, one of which is of the PLA, and the other is also of the PLA" will become a reality.

This will lead to doubts about the U.S. defense commitment by U.S. allies and puppet regimes in the Asia-Pacific region, which in turn will destabilize U.S. military hegemony and may even lead to the collapse of the world order it wants to establish.

In such a situation, the US military's position and influence in the Asia-Pacific region will be seriously challenged.

Recently, public opinion on Taiwan Island has expressed a great deal of suspicion and questioning about the situation in which our Shandong warship is conducting exercises and training around Taiwan Island but the US military has not reacted at all.

Taiwan media questioned why the United States failed to send any of them to the vicinity of Taiwan Island to assist the Taiwan military in defending even though it has 11 active aircraft carriers.

5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

This kind of questioning not only reflects the distrust of the people on Taiwan Island towards the US military, but also further reveals that the influence of the US military in the Asia-Pacific region has seriously declined.

If the situation in which the Chinese and US militaries dispatch their large fleets and the US military is short of troops continues, then it is obvious that there will be even greater problems in public opinion on the island.

Under such a situation, Taiwan's political stability and social tranquility will also be seriously affected.

However, the U.S. military does face a dilemma at the moment. Compared with sending a small number of troops in the western Pacific region to carry out formalistic tracking and surveillance, the US military still has more urgent and critical tasks to deal with.

Globally, the U.S. military faces challenges and threats from multiple directions, and needs to be dispersed to respond.

In the Western Pacific, the shortage of U.S. military strength has become a problem that cannot be ignored.

Although the U.S. military is still trying to maintain the dignity of its number one power, cobbling together aircraft carriers to show strength, it has become incapable in the face of our military's multi-front attacks and displays of strength.

While the U.S. military is still struggling to maintain the decency of its number one power, cobbling together aircraft carriers to demonstrate strength, our military's two active aircraft carriers are in a usable state, while the U.S. military is in a very different situation.

Nuclear aircraft carriers are much lower in availability than conventionally powered aircraft carriers, and the weak shipbuilding capacity of the United States has led to multiple aircraft carriers being in different maintenance statuses.

Among the aircraft carriers that the US military can use in the Pacific direction, the "Roosevelt" needs to go to the Middle East to support Israel, and the "Reagan" has not been properly maintained because of its forward deployment for many years.

The number of sorties of carrier-based aircraft has dropped sharply and they have to return to the mainland for repairs, and the "Washington" is far away in South America.

The only remaining "Carl Vinson" will have to participate in this year's RIMPAC exercise to support the façade.

This distribution and state of forces makes it particularly difficult for the US military to respond to the actions of our troops.

5 055 ships were dispatched, two aircraft carriers were dispatched together, the Chinese Navy showed its sword in the West Pacific, and 560 vertical hair were ready to go

Western media are still promoting that the United States has organized the largest joint naval exercises aimed at the PLA and demonstrating the strength and invincibility of the US Navy.

However, on such occasions, the absence of aircraft carriers will be a serious problem.

If there are no U.S. aircraft carriers in the RIMPAC exercise, the impact will be far more serious than if there are only Chinese aircraft carriers around Japan and South Korea, and only Chinese destroyers around the Philippines.

This is not just as simple as the Taiwan military complaining that the Americans are unreliable and do not come to the rescue in the face of the Shandong ship formation.

This will be a signal that the whole world is aware that the US Navy is only a force on paper, and its actual foundations are rotten.

In such a situation, the hegemony of the US Navy will be seriously challenged, and its global influence will also be greatly reduced.

The US Navy should now pray that during the next few days of the RIMPAC exercise, the two aircraft carriers of our military in the north and south will not meet in the Philippine Sea outside the first island chain, and will not conduct large-scale exercises in the waters east of Japan or Taiwan Island.

Otherwise, the scale of some of the main forces pulled out by the PLA Navy in the two theaters will exceed the maritime forces of dozens of countries cobbled together by the United States. When the time comes, it will be difficult to say who will be deterred by whose exercises.

In the face of the rapid development and enhancement of the strength of our navy, the US Navy needs to seriously examine its own strength and status, and respond to the current situation and challenges with a more pragmatic and rational attitude.

At the same time, our military also needs to continue to maintain a high degree of vigilance and readiness to cope with various complex situations and challenges that may occur.

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