
Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success


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"The path of life, choose for yourself. Drive the road, choose the car. On June 30, the much-anticipated national major project Shenzhong Channel was officially opened for trial operation, and at this important moment of road opening, the global model of China's intelligent electric vehicle brand Haobo GT successfully achieved the feat of zero takeover across the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, which perfectly interpreted the wisdom of "car selection".

Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success

Known as the "milestone of three-dimensional transportation", the 24-kilometer-long maritime bridge connects Shenzhen and Zhongshan, the two core cities of the Pearl River Delta, and greatly promotes the integration process of the "Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou" and "Zhuzhongjiang" urban agglomerations.

However, just like the road of life, this transportation artery is also full of trials and challenges. Bridges, islands, tunnels, and interconnections, four road scenarios are complex and intertwined, which puts forward extremely high requirements for the perception, decision-making, and control capabilities of intelligent driving systems.

In such a complex and changeable environment, how to make the car "learn to choose the best path" has become a major issue for smart cars.

Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success

In this challenge across the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, Haobo GT undoubtedly passed this "decisive battle". Its powerful hardware configuration and unparalleled software algorithm enable it to achieve 360-degree full-dimensional environmental perception, and based on a powerful AI brain, anthropomorphic decision-making is the optimal path.

In the complex scene of narrow winding on the bridge and surging traffic in the canyon, Haobo GT is flexible and stable. It can accurately judge the distance between vehicles and the timing of lane changes, and can also respond decisively when encountering changes or emergencies ahead.

Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success

Complex interconnected road sections are its strength, and Haobo GT's newly developed ONE MODEL Shenxing algorithm allows it to plan the optimal path and adapt flexibly along the way.

It can be said that Haobo GT has achieved "no road, the more you drive, the better it is", it can choose the best driving path according to complex environmental changes, without manual intervention, to achieve the real "car road selection".

Its intelligent driving capability of "global communication without maps" can be planned and navigated without relying on high-precision maps, which can be called industry-leading. This marks another major breakthrough in Haobo intelligent driving technology, just like its brand meaning "Journey to the West", plugging in its wings and stepping into a new era of intelligent travel.

Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success

In this challenge of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, Haobo GT has proved that Chinese smart car brands can also create a new height of intelligent driving with its excellent technical strength.

Relying on GAC Aion's strong scientific and technological accumulation and large industrial operation strength, Haobo is gradually building a leading intelligent brand image. In terms of commercialization, its smart models have been delivered on a large scale, and in-depth cooperation with local governments and operators has accelerated the arrival of the era of smart travel.

Don't pick the road, the better you drive, the more you drive, the Haobo GT global model without a map intelligent driving system across the "deep middle" debut success

For the Haobo brand, this challenge is undoubtedly a milestone event. But like the path of life, Haobo is not destined to stop there.

"Don't stop until you reach the end", on the journey of intelligent driving, it will continue to develop and innovate, and write more legends with the strength of global communication. We look forward to the road of life and driving can be lit up by intelligent technology, and it will become brighter and brighter.


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