
Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

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"Lao Li, I heard that you haven't been in good health lately? Is it another heart attack? Aunt Wang asked with concern while handing Uncle Li a box of supplements.

Uncle Li took the supplement, shook his head with a wry smile: "Hey, it's not that old problem, it's happened again recently, the doctor said to pay more attention, eat less greasy, and regularly take 'tube expansion injections' to prevent stroke and coronary heart disease." ”

"Injections? That's too much trouble, isn't it? I heard that there is a popular saying on the Internet that injections are useless, and to prevent stroke and coronary heart disease, you have to rely on lifestyle changes, such as exercising more, controlling diet, quitting smoking and drinking, and so on. Aunt Wang said as she flipped through the articles on her phone.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

"Really? So why should I go for injections? Uncle Li hesitated.

"Don't listen to the nonsense on the Internet, let's listen to the doctor! Doctors say that injections can dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clots, and are very helpful in preventing stroke and coronary heart disease. Uncle Li's wife, Aunt Zhang, interjected on the side.

"But it is said on the Internet that injections are only a symptom but not a cure, and the real prevention depends on lifestyle changes." Aunt Wang insisted on her point of view.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

"Hey, this is a real headache, who should I listen to?" Uncle Li sighed helplessly.

Uncle Li's confusion is actually the confusion of many people. With the explosive growth of online information, all kinds of health information are flooding our lives, which is true and false, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Especially for some complex diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart disease, people often fall into confusion and do not know how to choose.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

So, is it "regular 'tube expansion injection' can prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease" or "these 5 measures are effective"?

Can "dilated needles" really prevent stroke and coronary heart disease?

"Dilator" usually refers to vasodilators, which can help dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and reduce pressure on blood vessel walls.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

For some people who already have high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and other diseases, the use of vasodilators can help control the condition and reduce the risk of disease.

However, it is important to note that vasodilators do not prevent stroke and coronary heart disease. The occurrence of stroke and coronary heart disease is often the result of a combination of factors, including genetic factors, lifestyle, environmental factors, etc.

Prevent stroke and coronary heart disease, and more importantly, make lifestyle changes.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

1. Control blood pressure and blood sugar:

High blood pressure and hyperglycemia are major risk factors for stroke and coronary heart disease. Therefore, controlling blood pressure and blood sugar is key to preventing these two types of diseases.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022), adults should not consume more than 6 grams of salt per day, and should control sugar intake and reduce the intake of sugary beverages.

2. Quit smoking and drinking:

Both smoking and drinking alcohol increase the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. The nicotine in cigarettes can damage the lining of blood vessels, leading to hardening of the blood vessels, while alcohol can damage the heart and increase the risk of irregular heartbeats.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

3. Exercise regularly:

Exercise can help lower blood pressure and blood sugar, improve blood circulation, and enhance heart and lung function, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) recommends that adults engage in at least 5 days of moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week, or 3 days of vigorous-intensity physical activity for at least 75 minutes.

4. Eat a healthy diet:

A healthy diet can help control weight, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and reduce cholesterol and fat intake, which can reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) recommends that you should eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish, poultry and eggs, and less red meat, processed meat products, sugary beverages and high-salt foods.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

5. Regular medical check-ups:

Regular physical examinations can help early detection and control of diseases such as hypertension, high blood sugar, and high blood lipids, and reduce the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.

After listening to Aunt Wang's explanation, Uncle Li fell into deep thought. He remembered that when he was young, he often stayed up late and worked overtime, ate irregularly, and liked to smoke and drink.

"You're right, I must get rid of these bad habits in the future and take good care of my body." Uncle Li said firmly. "That's good, let's do it together!" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

Can regular "dilation needles" prevent stroke and reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease? No! These five measures are effective

From that day on, Uncle Li began to study health knowledge seriously and actively change his lifestyle. He insisted on getting up early every day to exercise, controlling his diet, quitting smoking and drinking, and regularly going to the hospital for physical examinations.

After a few months, Uncle Li's health improved significantly, and the symptoms of heart disease were reduced. He finally understood that the most important thing to prevent disease is to change lifestyle, not to rely on drugs.


Preventing stroke and coronary heart disease requires a multi-pronged approach, focusing on both medication and lifestyle changes. Regular "tube expansion injection" can only play an auxiliary role, but cannot completely prevent stroke and coronary heart disease.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


1. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)

2. Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of hypertension in China (2018)

3. Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of diabetes in China (2020)

4. Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in China (2021)