
Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

author:Turkey-flavored pancakes
Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

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Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

The Philippines is a beautiful country blessed with unique natural resources and unique cultural customs.

However, in recent years, the country's international image has been tarnished by some lawbreakers, and the frequent kidnapping cases are even more frightening.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

In these cases, the kidnappers often target high-profile, wealthy and powerful businessmen or foreign tourists, and they use such extreme means to obtain huge profits, which brings great psychological pressure and financial burden to the families and friends of the parties.

Recently, a kidnapping case in the Philippines has once again attracted widespread attention, because the victim's identity is very special, he is actually an executive of an internationally renowned medical company, and a colleague was kidnapped, what is going on?

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, and countless people came to see them off at the funeral

The protagonist of this shocking kidnapping case is named Xia Kefu, 39 years old, an executive of an internationally renowned medical company, who is very busy at work on weekdays, but he has a strong sense of responsibility, and his colleagues and friends are full of praise for him.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

On June 20, Xia Kefu and a friend Sun went on a business trip to the Philippines, and their family and colleagues felt very strange at that time, because Xia Kefu is not a person who likes to gamble, how could he lose money in a foreign casino?

Later, it turned out that this was not what he meant at all, and that a girl they met in the local area, Li Na, took the initiative to go to the casino, and kept instilling some wrong ideas in them, which led to the tragedy.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

The next day, the family received a phone call, and the other party actually said that Xia Kefu had lost hundreds of thousands of bets in the casino, and they needed to hurry up and pay money, otherwise they would physically harm him.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

They felt that this matter was a bit strange and would not easily believe the other party's words, so they quickly called the police and sought help from the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, hoping that they could find Xia Kefu's whereabouts as soon as possible.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

But when they arrived at the casino, they found that it was too late, the bodies of Xia Kefu and Sun had been abandoned in a wilderness, and their bodies were very haggard and their deaths were very tragic, it was simply an unimaginable disaster.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed
Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Hearing this heartbreaking news, everyone was grief-stricken, Xia Kefu's children kept shouting for their father to come home, and their relatives also felt that this matter was too bizarre, and there must be other conspiracies and tricks that would lead to their death.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

The kidnappers treated them like "golden roosters", which eventually led to the tragedy

Behind this tragedy, there is actually a very ugly side, that is, the kidnappers treat them as the so-called "golden roosters", and will carry out such kidnapping and extortion.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

It turned out that when Xia Kefu and Sun were on a business trip, the girl they knew, Li Na, was the mastermind behind the case, and her behavior had been monitored and tracked by the kidnappers.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

They feel that Xia Kefu is an executive of an internationally renowned medical company, and he must have a rich family background and network resources, and if he can be kidnapped successfully, then he can easily obtain huge profits and become a "golden rooster" who gets rich overnight.

So after they lost the bet, Li Na took the initiative to ask them to go somewhere in the Philippines, and this is the kidnapper's lair, and they have been secretly watching their every move.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

When they arrived, the kidnappers took advantage of the situation, kidnapped them on the spot, and tortured them very brutally, which eventually led to their death.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Once such a tragedy occurs, it will bring very heavy psychological pressure and financial burden to their families and friends, and it will also have a very bad impact on the international image of the Philippines, so that more foreign tourists will not dare to come here for sightseeing.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

In response to this situation, the Chinese government has repeatedly lodged representations with the Philippine government, hoping that they can solve the case as soon as possible, bring the culprits behind the scenes to justice, restore the truth of the facts, and give justice to the victims.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Beware of "travel traps" and don't trust strangers' "hospitality"

Through the occurrence of this case, we can clearly see that we must maintain a high degree of vigilance when traveling, and we must not easily trust the "hospitality" of strangers, let alone be taken to some remote and desolate places by them.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

In the event of an accident, we must also call the police for help as soon as possible and seek help from embassies and consulates abroad, only in this way can we protect our personal safety to the greatest extent, and also let family and friends know what happened in time and give help and support.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

At the same time, I also hope that the majority of tourists and friends can choose some countries and regions with relatively high safety when traveling, and do not blindly follow the trend to some "scourge" countries, bringing unnecessary risks and troubles to themselves and their families.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Of course, this is not to "shirk responsibility", but to hope that everyone can travel and sightseeing under the premise of safety, enjoy the customs and customs of different countries, and can also become an envoy of friendly exchanges between China and foreign countries, and make their due contribution to world peace and development.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Finally, we also want to deeply mourn and pray for the occurrence of this tragedy, may the deceased rest in peace, and hope that their families can come out of the haze as soon as possible and regain their strength, because they are not alone, and the whole society will give them infinite warmth and help, and work together to uphold justice and justice.

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