
The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, 1 person was unexpectedly defeated, the meritorious veteran appeared with a newcomer, and Cai Bin was unexpected

author:Nine clouds

At 10 a.m. on June 30, the fans of the Chinese women's volleyball team ushered in an exciting moment. According to reports from the authoritative domestic media "Beijing Daily" and "CCTV", the Chinese Volleyball Association officially announced the list of 13 people participating in the Paris Olympics. This list not only includes meritorious veterans like Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, but also young players Zhuang Yushan, who has performed eye-catching recently, as well as Ding Xia and Zheng Yixin, who have caused some controversy.

First, let's focus on the undisputed names on the list. Zhu Ting, as the captain and core attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, her selection is undoubtedly the best reward for her hard work in the past few years. Similarly, Zhang Changning, as the team's important scorer and all-round main attacker, her experience and strength are indispensable to the team. The leadership of these two veterans has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for the women's volleyball team.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, 1 person was unexpectedly defeated, the meritorious veteran appeared with a newcomer, and Cai Bin was unexpected

However, there are also some names in the list that have sparked heated discussions among fans. Among them, Ding Xia's selection has attracted much attention. As an experienced setter, Ding Xia has been a regular in the team during previous Olympic cycles. Although her form has fluctuated in recent years as she has grown older and plagued by injuries, her experience and tactical awareness are still of great value to the team. Fans are divided on her selection, with some believing that she will be able to stabilize the morale of the army, while others are worried about her fitness and fitness to cope with the high intensity of the competition.

Another controversial one is Zheng Yixin. As a secondary attacker, she has shown excellent offensive ability and blocking ability in recent years. However, due to the fierce competition for the team's secondary offensive position, Zheng Yixin's selection process can be described as twists and turns. In the end, she made it to the Olympic roster, which was both a testament to her quality and a chance to prove herself on the world stage.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, 1 person was unexpectedly defeated, the meritorious veteran appeared with a newcomer, and Cai Bin was unexpected

It is worth mentioning that Zhuang Yushan's selection is also a highlight. As a young attacker, she has excelled in recent games and has won the hearts of her coaching staff with her excellent offensive and defensive qualities. After getting the P card (substitute qualification), although she was not able to enter the main list of 12 people for the time being, this result undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for her future career development.

For the Chinese women's volleyball team, the announcement of this Olympic list is not only a new starting point, but also a journey full of challenges and opportunities. The persistence of the decorated veterans and the rise of young stars together constitute the unique charm of this team. In the future Olympic arena, the Chinese women's volleyball team will launch a strong impact on the medals with rich experience, excellent technology and tenacious fighting spirit.

The women's volleyball Olympic list was released, 1 person was unexpectedly defeated, the meritorious veteran appeared with a newcomer, and Cai Bin was unexpected

Fans have their own opinions on the Olympic roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but no matter what, we should give them the greatest support and encouragement. Let's look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team achieving new results in the Paris Olympics and winning glory for the country! At the same time, we also look forward to seeing more young players emerge in future competitions and inject new vitality into the Chinese women's volleyball team.

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