
"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

author:Chi Heng


"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao Phoenix Forest Eye Killing: The Famous Scene Revealed

The adventure of the phoenix forest, the eye contact sparked heated discussions

In "Sauvignon Blanc", Xiao Yao's chance encounter with a mysterious character in the Phoenix Forest is not just a simple encounter. This ancient phoenix forest, which is said to be the holy place of the phoenix's nirvana, is full of mystery and unknown. Xiao Yao stepped into this forest, as if he had stepped into another world.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Here, her eyes met with a mysterious character, and sparks instantly sparked. Netizens have said that this look is simply killing, making people's hearts beat faster, as if they are also in that phoenix forest.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Netizens are hotly discussed: What secret is hidden in Xiao Yao's eyes?

As the plot progresses, Xiao Yao's eye killing has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Some people say that her eyes reveal firm faith and unyielding will;

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Some people also say that her eyes hide a desire and exploration for the unknown. Some netizens ridiculed: "Xiao Yao's eyes are even hotter than a phoenix, and people can't help but want to go through the rivers and lakes with her!" ”

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Yang Zi's version of Xiaoyao, can it reproduce the famous scene?

As the heroine of "Sauvignon Blanc", Xiao Yao played by Yang Zi is highly anticipated. Whether she can perfectly reproduce the eye killing of Phoenix Forest in the play has become the focus of netizens' attention.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Some people said that Yang Zi's acting skills have always been online, and I believe that she can interpret Xiao Yao's inner world; There are also concerns that the TV adaptation may weaken classic scenes from the original books. However, in any case, everyone is full of expectations for Yang Zi's version of Xiaoyao.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Tencent Video on July 8th, the big heroine and the little girl are waiting for you to tease

As the broadcast date of "Sauvignon Blanc" is getting closer and closer, Tencent Video has also begun to promote it intensively. On July 8th, the audience will see the demeanor of the big heroine Xiaoyao on Tencent Video. At that time, whether Xiao Yao's phoenix forest eye killing can be perfectly presented will also become the focus of the audience's attention.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Controversial summary: Xiao Yao's eye killing, is it the pinnacle of acting or the failure of the adaptation?

The killing of the little phoenix forest in "Sauvignon Blanc" has undoubtedly become the highlight moment of the whole play. However, with the broadcast of the TV series, whether this classic scene can be perfectly presented has caused controversy among netizens.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Some people believe that Yang Zi's acting skills are enough to interpret Xiao Yao's inner world, and eye killing will become the pinnacle of her acting skills; There are also concerns that the TV series adaptation may weaken the classic scenes in the original book, making Xiao Yao's eye killing bland and unremarkable.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

Is Xiao Yao's eye killing the pinnacle of acting or the failure of the adaptation? The answer to this question may only be revealed after the TV series is broadcast. However, no matter what the result is, we are looking forward to seeing a vivid and three-dimensional image of Xiaoyao on Tencent Video.

"Sauvignon Blanc" Xiaoyao's eyes are coming! Yang Zi's version of "Phoenix Forest Crazy Criticism" laughed at netizens!

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