
Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

author:Tao Tao in Xinjiang

I didn't expect that in 2024, I would dare to treat us as the Qing Dynasty!

Statement: Taken from the Internet, without any bad guidance, the following comments only represent the views of netizens, if there is any infringement, please contact me immediately to delete, thank you very much!

Quarrel in the comment area:

As soon as American netizens came up, they stood on the moral high ground, saying that for the sake of the scientific and technological progress of all mankind, we should divide some crossroads for them to study.

(Even Lao Mei has learned to play scoundrels.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

South Korean netizens immediately added fuel and vinegar to agree, not only to the soil, but also to share the observed lunar data and space technology, on the grounds that we landed on their moon without South Korea's consent.

(It's really shameless and invincible.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

This made Russian netizens angry, and suggested that Chinese netizens grab a handful of sand on the seashore and give it to these two fools to study.

(Well done Lao Tie!) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Seeing that the good brothers were scolded, Indian netizens were not happy, and advised us to let India join in the follow-up moon landing, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the goal in 2023.

(Shut up, third brother, you are really everywhere.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

He also arrogantly said that we can't study the precious lunar soil, so we can consult India.

(I really served the third brother.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, and Korean netizens also agreed, and Chinese netizens must not be stingy, and take the initiative to seize the opportunity to study lunar soil with us in South Korea.

(Why do you still sing double reeds?) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

I was also worried that the probe carrying lunar soil would not break, and ridiculed the poor quality of the things we made.

(It's getting too much.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

After pretending to be forced, Korean netizens were satisfied and said that they did not envy us, because their goal was the sun.

(Korean netizens really entertain themselves.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

And Indian netizens are a little self-aware, but they just think that we have landed on the moon one step ahead of India.

(The third brother still has a bottom line.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Seeing that these two living treasures did not converge at all, Russian netizens opened up directly, and it was best for you two to go at night, because the temperature was too high during the day.

(It's best to bring a flashlight when you go at night.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

In the end, American netizens directly stopped pretending and asked us to quickly distribute the lunar soil to them.

(Don't you dare to rob it if you don't give it to you?) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Other foreign netizens:

German netizen: At this moment, two American astronauts are still trapped on the International Space Station.

(Haha, he should be exposed.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Belgian netizens: Chinese netizens really surpassed it comprehensively this time.

(We're just going back to where we were.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Pakistani netizen: Accidentally, we are also a space power.

(This doesn't make the third brother angry.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Malaysian netizen: China is so great that it has made many great contributions to mankind.

(Thanks for the recognition.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Syrian netizens: While American netizens were still looking for footprints on the moon, Chinese netizens had already brought lunar soil back to Earth.

(The key hasn't been found yet.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Filipino netizen: They should pick up the astronauts from the International Space Station by the way.

(Why don't you go and pick it up yourself.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

Lithuanian netizen: Fake, it's all fake, they shot it in the studio.

(Alas, another crazy one.) )

Arrogant! Foreign netizens watched Chang'e-6 lunar soil unpack, but this time it was not installed, and the United States and South Korea had a direct showdown

What do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!
