
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

author:Xiaoyang loves to talk

Text: Xiaoyang loves to talk

Editor|Xiaoyang loves to talk

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

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There is such a hot topic: Will a girl from a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere?

When discussing the impact of the family of origin on the happiness of an individual's marriage, we first need to realize that each person's growth background is unique, and a happy marriage is not achieved overnight, and the family environment may affect people's values and behavior patterns to a certain extent, but a happy marriage is more based on mutual understanding, support and efforts of both parties.

Netizen: It's very difficult!

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

I was like this in my family of origin, but I realized it early on and tried my best to be a gentle person. Now it has been successful. I'm relatively peaceful about things, very Buddhist, it's hard to get angry, and I'm willing to communicate, unless a person is really unreasonable when doing things, I don't get angry, and when I'm angry, I avoid causing conflicts. They are all taken as warnings from their original families.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

A good family atmosphere refers to a good internal relationship, daughter-in-law and son-in-law are still outsiders, and when it comes to the confrontation between husband and wife, the whole family will help to bully outsiders, but the relationship is average, and everyone is more polite.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

I envy the kind of relationship that I can talk about with my parents. My parents just called me to talk about money, saying that I was spending more than the two of them, so I didn't want to go home at all.

Love yourself! Sisters! It's so important to learn to love yourself. Only those who love themselves can receive the love of others.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

I'm just the opposite, I grew up in a good family atmosphere but married into an indifferent family of origin, and now I just want to get a divorce.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

I'm such a character, my boyfriend always says that I won't change, I quarrel again and again, I have a conflict with his family, his family is also persuading him to break up, I mind in my heart that his family persuaded him to break up, and we broke up.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

Alas, that's me. I used to think that all families were the same as me, but after adding it to my husband, I found out that there was such a harmonious family. Now I don't like my family of origin even more.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult
Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

Envy, at least you have a good in-law family, I don't have such a good life.

Hug, you will always meet the person who feels sorry for you, before we meet, we love ourselves first.

Will a girl with a bad family of origin be happy if she marries a boy with a good family atmosphere? Netizen: It's very difficult

If it's me, I'll take advantage of it, and when I get married in the future, I will be a family, my parents don't love me, some of my parents-in-law, brothers, sisters-in-law, and husbands love me, and I will have my own children in the future, I feel very happy when I think about it.

In conclusion, a happy marriage is the result of the joint efforts of both parties. The adverse effects of the family of origin can be overcome through individual efforts, partner support, and positive interactions. If both partners are committed to a relationship that is filled with love, respect, and understanding, it is entirely possible for them to create a happy and contented life. Happiness is not a destination, but a journey that requires both parties to constantly explore, learn, and grow. May every couple find their own happiness in this journey.

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