
"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

author:Emotional assistants


Recently, a mother raised a topic that aroused heated discussions among netizens - the phenomenon of "eating out of households", that is, letting her son marry an only daughter, saving expenses such as bride price, house, and car. Behind this topic are family relationships, social mores, and many other issues, which have led to speculation about education, family responsibilities, and social change. It explores the interaction between family and society, the importance of education and family responsibilities, and the expectation of future prospects and social change. Want to know more? Come and look down with me!

The phenomenon of "eating out of households" has led to conjecture

Recently, a mother put forward the concept of "eating out of households", after giving birth to two sons, let one of the sons marry an only daughter, and the family does not need to pay the bride price, house, car, only need to take her daughter-in-law home to live, so that you can be a good "eater".

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

As soon as this point of view came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens, some people expressed their agreement and thought it was a good way, and some people objected, thinking that it was a scoundrel.

In fact, behind this problem is far from being as simple as the problem of "eating out of households", it not only involves the dignity of women, but also involves the growth of children, family relations and social atmosphere.

The interaction between family and society

Some people say that raising a son is raising someone else's mother-in-law, which is not unreasonable, after all, in the eyes of most people, getting married and having children is a major event in life, and it is also a very happy thing, but behind happiness there is huge pressure.

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

If you don't have a house, a car, and a bride price of 180,000 yuan, then it is impossible to fall in love, get married, and have children, which is why many young people now choose to marry and have children later.

But as a parent, raising a child is to hope that the child can grow up happily and healthily, not to take over their own life, which is why some people say that raising a child is not as good as raising a daughter.

However, some people objected, arguing that raising a daughter was more tiring, because the daughter had to leave her own house after getting married and became a member of someone else's family, and she had to pay a large amount of bride price.

Therefore, in order to be able to repay his daughter, he must have several more sons, and when his son gets married, he can also enjoy the bride price sent by his son-in-law's family.

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

This is why some people say that it is good to have children and daughters, but they are afraid of giving birth to an only child.

Education and family responsibilities

In fact, whether it is raising children or adopting daughters, the most important thing for parents is to give them the right education and let them understand what is most important.

If the child is used as a tool to take over the plate by himself, then it is equivalent to depriving the child of his right to freedom, which is not only unfair to the child, but also unfair to the society.

Because the family environment has a great impact on the growth of children, if parents pamper their children too much, so that they have not suffered any grievances since they were young, then it will be extremely difficult for them to enter the society when they grow up.

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

Because society and family are two completely different concepts, society never feels sorry for anyone, and only strong people can gain a foothold in society and survive.

Therefore, the most important thing for parents is to give their children the right education and guidance, give appropriate punishment when they make mistakes, and give appropriate encouragement when they are frustrated.

Only in this way can children grow up healthy and happy, and they can maintain a grateful heart and a sober heart to every corner of society.

Future Perspectives and Social Change

Of course, this is just a good wish, and it is difficult to achieve it in real life. Because most parents are worried that they have spoiled their children, no matter how good they are at home, they are not as obedient as having served in the army for a year.

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

Therefore, it is already commonplace to arrange a blind date for a child, even if the child doesn't like each other at all, it doesn't matter, as long as the other party's family conditions are good.

But is it really good for the child to do so? Don't they have the right to choose who they like? Don't they have the right to pursue their own happiness?

In fact, we all know that this is not right, but it is difficult to do in real life. Therefore, only by solving the problem at the root can we really solve the problem.

It is hoped that every family can give their children the right education and guidance, and give them enough freedom and choice when they face love and marriage problems.

"Eat-in-the-Job" Strategy? Parents arrange for their children's marriages in this way

At the same time, I also hope that the social atmosphere can be changed, and we can keep a clear head in the face of family and personal interests, and do not allow such erroneous concepts as "eating out of households" to continue to spread.


Every family should give their children the right education and guidance, so that they have enough freedom and choice. I hope that the social atmosphere will change and that wrong ideas will not continue to spread. Only with the joint efforts of the family and society can every child grow up healthy and happy, and have the right to pursue happiness. Like those who agree and leave a message to share your views!