
Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Fu Jing's shocking night of singing 29 songs in a row: the absence of dance sparked heated discussions


Shocking continuous singing, extraordinary strength

On a starry night, Fu Jing sang 29 songs in a row with amazing strength, bringing an audio-visual feast to the audience.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

This concert is like an endless melodic carnival, and each song is like a carefully carved gem, shining brightly in Fu Jing's voice.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

From pop hits to classic old songs, from light melodies to soulful slow songs, Fu Jing has mastered them with ease, showing her excellent singing strength and profound musical skills. The audience said that this concert was simply a feast for the ears and made people mesmerized.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

Netizens hotly discussed: "Who would have thought that a concert could sing 29 songs in a row!" This is simply an 'iron lung'! But then again, how can the dance part be absent? ”

The absence of dance, the regret and the expectation


However, in this shocking night of continuous singing, the audience was surprised to find that Fu Jing did not dance. This couldn't help but disappoint many viewers who were expecting her dance performance.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

After all, Fu Jing's dancing strength should not be underestimated, and every time she dances, people can feel her unique charm and confidence. Netizens have left messages on social media to express their regrets and expectations.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

Netizens commented funny: "Sister Fu Jing, are you secretly practicing dance, ready to surprise us?" Be sure to dance big at your next concert! ”

Strength is demonstrated, beauty and talent coexist


Despite the absence of the dance part, Fu Jing's strength was still fully demonstrated. Not only did she sing 29 songs in a row effortlessly, but she sang each one with such devotion and sincerity. The live full-open microphone singing made people feel her solid singing skills and excellent stage performance. Even under the lens of the mobile phone's super pasty pixels, Fu Jing's beauty is still difficult to hide, and she has become the most dazzling star on the stage.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

Netizens interacted: "Sister Fu Jing's concert is really great! Although it was a pity not to get to see the dance performance, her singing was enough to intoxicate us. The next concert will definitely be even better! ”

The charm of dance, the irresistible call

Although Fu Jing's performance at the concert was good enough, the audience was still full of expectations for her dance performance.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

Every time I see a video of Fu Jing dancing, I can feel the unique charm exuded by her. That kind of arrogant eyes and confident steps make people fall in love with it. Therefore, many netizens left messages in the comment area calling on Fu Jing to dance next time.

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

Netizens hotly discussed: "Sister Fu Jing's dance is really charming!" Every time I see her dancing, I can't help but want to move along. Be sure to surprise us with a dance at the next concert! ”

Controversial summary: Singing or dancing, which moves you more?

The shocking night when Fu Jing sang 29 songs in a row undoubtedly brought us great surprise and touch. However, the absence of the dance part also made many viewers feel a little regretful. So, for you, is it the strength of continuous singing that moves you more, or the charm of dancing that makes you more unforgettable?

Fu Jing: Sing 29 songs in a row, and you can catch it! Dance? Next appointment!

This is a question worth discussing. Perhaps, in future concerts, we will have the opportunity to see Fu Jing's more perfect performance, let's wait and see!

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