
With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

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With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Edit: Eat melon cats

Ma Xiaomei's strong rise

In the bizarre world of the entertainment industry, the love lives of celebrities always attract much attention. From the beginning to the end of Wang Xiaofei's marriage with Da S, it has always been a hot topic in the media. After the breakdown of Wang Xiaofei's marriage with Da S, Ma Xiaomei's appearance completely changed the situation.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Through various efforts, Ma Xiaomei not only gained a firm foothold in the family, but also completely blocked the possibility of Da S and Wang Xiaofei getting back together. So, how exactly did Ma Xiaomei do it? This article will conduct a detailed analysis from four aspects: emotional value, companionship and support, meeting family expectations, and correct three views and positions.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Emotional value, Zhang Lan's "pistachio"

Ma Xiaomei gave Zhang Lan an emotional value that Da S couldn't give, which was one of the keys to her success. As we all know, Da S's attitude towards Zhang Lan in marriage is not friendly, but Ma Xiaomei is completely different. She called Zhang Lan "Mom" one by one, and when she visited Zhang Lan's home in Beijing for the first time, she also specially prepared a big red envelope, although the money also came from Wang Xiaofei, but this move gave Zhang Lan enough face. As the saying goes, when the mother-in-law is happy, the husband is happy.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Through this meticulous emotional management, Ma Xiaomei not only made Zhang Lan full of affection for her, but also made Wang Xiaofei feel the importance of family harmony. In this context, even if Big S wants to get back together, it is difficult to break this solid relationship based on "emotional value". Emotional connections are often stronger and more lasting than physical connections. Through delicate emotional care, Ma Xiaomei successfully occupied an important position in the hearts of Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Intimate mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship

Ma Xiaomei also showed meticulous care for Zhang Lan in her daily life. She often took the initiative to call Zhang Lan to ask about her physical condition and understand her life needs. Every holiday, Ma Xiaomei will personally prepare gifts and cook some dishes that Zhang Lan likes to accompany her to spend warm family time. This kind of delicate care made Zhang Lan feel unprecedented warmth and love.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Zhang Lan even mentioned in an interview: "Xiaomei is very good to me, she always makes me feel at ease and happy." This kind of heartfelt praise is enough to prove that Ma Xiaomei has won Zhang Lan's heart in the family. This kind of intimate mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship is undoubtedly beyond the reach of Big S.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Wang Xiaofei's feelings

For Wang Xiaofei, family harmony is an important support in his life. In his view, a mother's happiness and satisfaction are directly related to his own happiness. Ma Xiaomei's careful care of Zhang Lan not only made Zhang Lan feel satisfied, but also made Wang Xiaofei feel the stability and warmth of the family. Wang Xiaofei said in an interview with the media: "Xiaomei is very good to my mother, which makes me feel that the family is more warm and harmonious. This heartfelt feeling shows Ma Xiaomei's important position in the family.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Impact on Big S

In this context, even if Big S wants to get back together, it is difficult to break this solid relationship based on "emotional value". She may find that Ma Xiaomei's position in the family has become unshakable. Emotional connections are often stronger and more lasting than physical connections. Through delicate emotional care, Ma Xiaomei successfully occupied an important position in the hearts of Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

For Big S, this emotional disadvantage is something she can't make up for. Even if she tries to improve her relationship with Zhang Lan, it is difficult to achieve the natural intimacy of Ma Xiaomei. This makes Big S face huge challenges and obstacles on the road to compounding. Through delicate emotional care and meticulous care, Ma Xiaomei successfully won the hearts of Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei. On the basis of this emotion, the harmony and stability of the family have been effectively guaranteed, and the hope of the big S reunion has become more slim.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Companionship and support, unconditional companionship

Let's look at companionship and support. When Wang Xiaofei divorced Big S, she hoped that she could go back to Beijing to start a business together and face the challenges of life together, but Big S was unwilling to cooperate. Married for many years, Wang Xiaofei has been flying back and forth between Beijing and Taipei, according to Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei has flown more than 700 times in total in this marriage, an average of 1.5 times a week. This state of life not only makes Wang Xiaofei physically and mentally exhausted, but also makes it difficult for the family to maintain.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Ma Xiaomei showed great companionship and support. No matter how busy Wang Xiaofei's career is, Ma Xiaomei always accompanies him unconditionally. According to media reports, every time Wang Xiaofei broadcasts live late, Ma Xiaomei will wait for him to go home together. Ma Liuji opened new stores all over the country, and Ma Xiaomei will also be present to support. Such unconditional companionship and support not only made Wang Xiaofei feel warm and caring, but also made him more motivated in his career.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Meet family expectations and reunite children

The third point is that Ma Xiaomei met Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's expectations that they wanted their children to be by their side. Da S has never allowed his children to return to Beijing, and it is very difficult for grandma and father to see each other, and they can only go abroad during the holidays to see their children. Zhang Lan made it clear that her fortune would only be left to her grandson, who had a Beijing hukou. Now Ma Xiaomei is pregnant with twins, which undoubtedly makes Zhang Lan see the hope of her grandson with a hukou in Beijing.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

This is a great comfort and satisfaction for Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei. The continuity of the family and the reunion of children and grandchildren are important to many traditional families. Through pregnancy, Ma Xiaomei successfully further consolidated her position in the hearts of Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei. This not only makes it difficult for Big S to have a foothold, but also makes Wang Xiaofei full of expectations and hopes for the future.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Correct three views and positions

Fourth, Ma Xiaomei's three views and positions are very clear, and she has won the trust and support of her family. Some netizens once asked her if she was Thai, and Ma Xiaomei directly answered that she was Chinese. This firm stance has won a lot of goodwill. Ma Xiaomei showed great friendliness to Da S's two children, and often took them out to play, which made the children feel the warmth and love of the family.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Big S appears to be more self-absorbed in dealing with these issues and is unable to meet the expectations and needs of family members. Ma Xiaomei has successfully established a good image and reputation in the family through the correct three views and a clear position. This not only made her recognized by Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan, but also won the support of the public.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

Big S's sense of crisis, there is nowhere to escape

In the face of Ma Xiaomei's strong rise, Big S obviously felt a great sense of crisis. It is rumored that Big S has begun to apply for Taiwan compatriot permits for his two children, hoping to occupy a favorable position in the future competition. Although she looks down on Ma Liuji, she still hopes that her children can inherit the family business, rather than letting Ma Xiaomei's children have the upper hand.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

These actions of Big S are obviously out of anxiety and fear for the future. No matter how hard she tries, it is difficult to change the solid position that Ma Xiaomei has established in the family. Through various efforts, Ma Xiaomei completely blocked the possibility of Da S and Wang Xiaofei getting back together.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

An irreversible situation

Ma Xiaomei successfully occupies an important position in the hearts of Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan through emotional value, companionship and support, meeting family expectations, and correct three views and positions. The combination of these factors completely blocked the possibility of Da S and Wang Xiaofei getting back together. In this family battle, Ma Xiaomei is the clear winner.

With these 4 points, Ma Xiaomei also blocked Da S's road, and it is impossible to reunite with Wang Xiaofei

It remains to be seen how the situation develops in the future. Ma Xiaomei's efforts and performances have allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the family and become an important person who cannot be ignored. For Big S, how to deal with this situation will be a huge challenge. I hope she can find a new way out and create a better future for herself and her children.

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