
Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

author:Eat melon cats

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Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Edit: Eat melon cats

The difficult road to the revival of Hong Kong films

With the reversal of "The Siege of the Kowloon Walled City" on May Day, the film market has set off a wave of discussion about the "revival of Hong Kong films". Although the two Hong Kong films "Negotiator" and "Customs Front" have a luxurious lineup and investment in place, their market performance and audience response have been far lower than expected. The road to the revival of Hong Kong films is full of challenges, and this article will deeply discuss the bottlenecks and problems in the creation of Hong Kong films through specific cases, and call for innovation and breakthroughs in the creation of Hong Kong films.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The market performance of "Negotiator": Feelings are hard to beat the market

Directed by Qiu Litao and joined by Liu Qingyun, Andy Lau, Wu Zhenyu, Miao Qiaowei and other big names, the lineup of "Negotiators" can be called a top match. However, this Hong Kong film, which has both investment and actors, although the reputation is acceptable, the audience's enthusiasm and box office are still sluggish. In 21 days of release, it only received more than 100 million box office, and even the box office performance in Hong Kong was unsatisfactory. Even if various platforms and movie theaters gave an ultra-low ticket price of 19 yuan, they failed to recover the decline at the box office. This phenomenon shows that it is difficult to pry the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies by relying on feelings and star lineups alone.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Lack of innovation leads to audience loss

Although the plot setting and filming techniques of "The Negotiator" have certain highlights, they lack innovation as a whole. The audience has developed aesthetic fatigue with the traditional police and gangster film genre, and although the film has invested heavily in the cast, the stale and lack of novelty of the plot make it difficult for the audience to continue to invest. This situation reflects the dilemma of Hong Kong films in terms of theme selection and story innovation, which cannot meet the needs of modern audiences for freshness and diversity.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The marketing strategy failed to work

In addition to the plot problems, the marketing strategy of "The Negotiator" also failed to effectively stimulate the audience's interest in watching the movie. Despite a lot of publicity on social media and major platforms, the audience has had a lukewarm response to the old theme. Although the low-priced ticket strategy of 19 yuan attracted a part of the audience in the short term, it did not form a word-of-mouth effect and failed to drive the growth of the overall box office. This shows that Hong Kong films also need to be more innovative and precise in marketing to better capture the audience's interests.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Changes in audience demand

The needs of today's audiences have changed dramatically, and the traditional Hong Kong film routines are no longer able to meet their viewing expectations. What audiences want to see is a film with a tight plot, rich emotions, and outstanding visual effects. The performance of "The Negotiator" in these aspects is relatively flat, and it is difficult to impress the audience. The change in the audience's viewing habits and preferences requires Hong Kong film producers to make more explorations and attempts in content creation.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The strategy of "Customs Front" to raise files, a rational choice or a helpless move?

The embarrassment of "The Negotiator" has not passed, and the Hong Kong action film "Customs Front", which was originally scheduled to hit the summer file head-on on July 5, was suddenly released on June 28. From a marketing point of view, this upscaling strategy is sensible. This year's summer is full of strong films, and Hong Kong films usually do not have an advantage in the competition for strong films. Early release can give you a certain advantage in terms of timing and scheduling, but it remains to be seen whether the market will perform as expected.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

"Customs Front", the old routine can hardly hide the new bottleneck

Although "Customs Front" has a star lineup such as Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung, the film still has old-fashioned and lack of innovation in terms of theme and story creation. Screenwriter Li Min has collaborated with Qiu Litao many times, and has participated in the creation of films such as "Bomb Disposal Expert" and "Anti-Drug 2", but the stories of these films have not departed from the old-fashioned crime and action routines. The so-called customs theme of "Customs Front" just replaced the police with customs, and it is still an old bridge section such as war in the Middle East, transnational investigations, and agents paying tribute to Jackie Chan, which has no new ideas.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Character setting that lacks depth

The character settings in the film do not break through the traditional model, the protagonist played by Nicholas Tse is still a typical "tough guy" image, and Jacky Cheung's role is "wisdom and responsibility". Although such a character configuration is classic, it seems boring in the eyes of the audience and lacks eye-catching novelty. The motivations and emotions of the characters are also not portrayed in depth, making it difficult for the audience to empathize with the characters.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Problems with narrative pacing and logic

The narrative rhythm of "Customs Front" seems to be dragging and lengthy, lacking a sense of compactness. The development and advancement of the story lacks climaxes and turning points, and it is difficult for the audience to be attracted to the plot and is prone to fatigue. There are also certain problems with the logic of the film, and many plots seem far-fetched and lack rationality. This narrative makes it difficult for the audience to engage in it and affects the movie-watching experience.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Limitations of action scenes

Despite the film's heavy investment in action scenes, the action scenes still fail to break through the traditional conventional routines of fighting, gunfights, and explosions. Although Nicholas Tse's performance in action scenes is still excellent, the design of action scenes lacks innovation, which makes it difficult to bring new visual impact to the audience. Although such action scenes are exciting, the audience will become aesthetically tired after watching them once or twice.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The urgency of innovation in Hong Kong films

The problems of "Customs Front" reflect the urgent need for innovation in Hong Kong films. The audience is tired of old-fashioned crime and action themes, and Hong Kong films need to explore and try more in theme and story creation. By introducing new themes, innovative narrative methods and in-depth character portrayals, Hong Kong films can regain the favor of the audience.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Through the market performance and creative problems of "Customs Front", we can see the challenges of Hong Kong films in innovation and market adaptation. It is hoped that in the future, Hong Kong film producers will be able to make breakthroughs on the basis of maintaining classic elements and bring more refreshing works. Only by continuous innovation can Hong Kong films stand out in the fierce market competition and achieve real revival.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The bottleneck of Hong Kong film creation

Hong Kong films have fallen into a serious bottleneck in the choice of themes and storytelling. For decades, the mainstream themes of Hong Kong films have been revolving around the underworld, anti-drugs, murderers, internal ghosts, etc., and the story has been filmed repeatedly and failed, and it has been a headache. Although Hong Kong films still have advantages in action scenes and actors' performances, they lack innovation and breakthroughs in overall creation, which is difficult to meet the increasingly diverse needs of audiences. Especially in terms of storytelling, Hong Kong films often rely on old narrative modes and routines, lacking freshness and attractiveness.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The problem of the revival of Hong Kong films

There is a huge contradiction between the feelings in the creation of Hong Kong films and the real market demand. The audience's expectation for Hong Kong films is not only the star cast and action scenes, but also the novel stories and profound themes. Many Hong Kong film producers still stick to traditional routines and lack a sense of innovation. This kind of game between feelings and the real market makes the revival of Hong Kong films face huge challenges.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

The future development direction of Hong Kong films

To achieve the true revival of Hong Kong films, innovation and breakthroughs are the key. Hong Kong film creators need to have the courage to break through the tradition in the choice of themes and explore more diversified story content. In terms of storytelling, it is necessary to pay attention to details and logic to improve the overall quality of the film. Hong Kong films should pay attention to character building and emotional expression, so that the audience can find resonance and emotion in the movie.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Where is the road to the revival of Hong Kong films?

Through the analysis of the market performance and creative problems of the two films "Negotiator" and "Customs Front", it can be seen that the revival of Hong Kong films has a long way to go. The creation of Hong Kong films requires comprehensive innovation and breakthroughs in theme selection, story narration and overall creation, in order to regain the favor of the audience and the recognition of the market. It is hoped that in the future, Hong Kong films can pay attention to the innovation of story and narrative while maintaining the advantages of action and performance, and bring more refreshing works to the audience.

Customs Front: Qiu Litao's assembly line works, but unfortunately Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung are difficult to carry the banner of Hong Kong film rejuvenation

Only in continuous innovation and breakthroughs can Hong Kong films usher in a real revival. As an audience, we should also give more support and encouragement to Hong Kong films, and look forward to Hong Kong films being able to shine on the film stage again in the near future.

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