
Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!
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Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

Let's follow Faye Wong's footsteps and trace the ups and downs of her emotional journey with Luan Shu, Dou Wei, Nicholas Tse, Li Yapeng and others. from the young and ignorant first love to the vigorous rock years; From the high-profile love of the century to the plain and warm married life.

Faye Wong's emotional world is like a legendary epic spanning more than 20 years, let us uncover the secret behind the charm of this Chinese music diva.

In 1969, in a family of artists in Beijing, an extraordinary life was born. The baby girl was the future fame Faye Wong, her father was a talented coal engineer, and her mother was a world-renowned soprano.

Such a family background laid a solid foundation for Faye Wong's future artistic career.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

However, fate seems to have prepared the girl for a long time. When Faye Wong was 4 years old, she suddenly became critically ill and her life was in danger. The doctors shook their heads, believing that this young life was difficult to save.

However, with her mother's unremitting efforts and unique treatment, Faye Wong miraculously recovered. This experience of brushing shoulders with death seems to be a tempering of God for her, planting the seeds for her perseverance in the future.

In 1989, 20-year-old Faye Wong released her first solo album "Wang Jingwen" under the stage name "Wang Jingwen". This debut film showed her extraordinary musical talent, and won the bronze medal for female singer in the "Hong Kong Music Pop Chart" in one fell swoop.

This achievement is undoubtedly an amazing start for a fledgling singer.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

However, the real gorgeous metamorphosis took place in 1997. This year, Faye Wong made a seemingly simple but significant decision - to change her stage name to "Faye Wong".

This concise and powerful name seems to indicate that she is about to usher in a major turning point in her life. Sure enough, Faye Wong's career and relationship have ushered in great changes this year.

Not only did she officially become a first-list star in the music scene, but she also started her legendary emotional journey.

From Wang Jingwen to Faye Wong, this is not only a name change, but also a symbol of the gorgeous transformation of a talented woman. It marks Faye Wong's transformation from a young girl with dreams to a charming and talented mature woman.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

In this process, she experienced the test of life and death, experienced the sweetness and bitterness of first love, and tasted the joy of success. All these experiences have become an important element in shaping Faye Wong's unique charm and laid the foundation for her wonderful life in the future.

In 1991, Faye Wong's encounter with rock singer Dou Wei was like a fateful encounter, and it was also the most magnificent chapter in her emotional life. At that time, Dou Wei was already the lead singer of the famous Black Panthers, and Faye Wong was the girlfriend of the band's keyboardist Luan Shu.

However, the gears of fate turned, and a protracted emotional strife unfolded within the Black Panthers.

It was a late autumn night, and the bandmates were hungry after the show. Dou Wei took the initiative to ask Ying to buy a boxed lunch, and Faye Wong followed without hesitation. However, the night's wait turned into a long ordeal.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

Everyone was looking forward to it, but they never saw the two of them. It wasn't until the next morning that they returned hand in hand, their eyes shining with an indescribable light.

This scene was vividly described by eyewitnesses at the time, like a classic episode of a romantic movie. However, the reality is far more brutal than the movie. Dou Wei's girlfriend at the time, Jiang Xin, an equally talented rock singer, angrily quarreled with Faye Wong after accidentally bumping into Dou Wei and Faye Wong in the same room.

The smell of gunpowder fills the air, and two women go toe-to-toe for the same man.

Despite this, the relationship between Faye Wong and Dou Wei is getting hotter and hotter. In 1995, the paparazzi photographed the two of them going to a public toilet together. Although the picture is slightly embarrassed, it truly reflects their dedication to love.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

In that era when the material conditions were not abundant enough, they interpreted the true meaning of love in the most simple way.

In 1996, Faye Wong, who was pregnant, stood at the crossroads of her life. Dou Wei admits that he is not a perfect husband and is full of apprehension about his future life. However, Faye Wong, who was deeply in love, resolutely chose to marry him.

This decision seems to be a bet on their love.

Na Ying asked Gao Yuan angrily, and Gao Yuan's calm response was even more chilling. At this moment, the string in Faye Wong's heart finally broke. She resolutely decided to end the marriage and take on the responsibility of raising her daughter alone.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

Although this marriage was short, it left a deep mark on Faye Wong. It not only gave Faye Wong her first taste of the joy of motherhood, but also allowed her to experience the sweetness and bitterness of love.

In the frenzy of rock 'n' roll, she found herself and also lost something. But this experience is undoubtedly an important factor that made Faye Wong more mature and free in her relationship later.

Since then, Faye Wong has become more cautious and independent in the emotional world. This rock and roll years became the most indispensable stroke in her life, laying the groundwork for her future emotional journey.

On March 12, 2000, at the celebration banquet of "In the Mood for Love", an amazing scene was staged in front of everyone: Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse openly held hands, which instantly ignited the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

This relationship, which was dubbed by the media as "holding hands of the century", was actually matched by Hong Kong music diva Anita Mui. For a while, this enviable sibling relationship became a hot topic on the streets.

However, fate always seems to like to joke. Only three months later, another explosive news came out: the "Toshiba Love" between the new jade girl Cecilia Cheung and the popular student Chen Xiaodong made a strong debut, instantly grabbing the headlines of major media.

The appearance of this couple is like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves, and also casting a shadow on the relationship between Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse.

The relationship between Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung is like a sword hanging over Faye Wong's heart. When Cecilia Cheung was injured in an accident, Nicholas Tse's mysterious visit caused a frenzy of the media.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

In the face of Faye Wong's questioning, Nicholas Tse just understated that Cecilia Cheung was just a "little sister". Despite the doubts in her heart, Faye Wong still chose to believe and be tolerant, giving Nicholas Tse the opportunity to continue to make mistakes.

However, reality gave Faye Wong a slap in the face. In the recording studio she carefully built for Nicholas Tse, she witnessed a heartbreaking scene: Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung are intimately flirting.

At this moment, the tight string in Faye Wong's heart finally broke. Looking back on this scene many years later, Faye Wong can still feel the heart-rending pain at that time.

In September 2003, major media broke the news one after another, saying that Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse had purchased wedding rings, and the wedding seemed to be close at hand. Fans are ecstatic and looking forward to the perfect combination of the golden boy and girl.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

However, there were unforeseen circumstances, and only two months later, the two suddenly announced their breakup. This news is like a bombshell, which has caused a huge shock in the Asian entertainment industry, and countless fans have been heartbroken by it.

After the breakup, Faye Wong seems to have lost the focus of her life, and only mahjong is by her side. Her obsession with mahjong even attracted ridicule from her friend Leslie Cheung.

At an awards ceremony, Leslie Cheung publicly quipped: "Everyone should pay attention, Faye Wong's smile was given to the gentleman surnamed Xie." Behind this seemingly joking sentence, there may be an unspeakable emotional entanglement in Faye Wong's heart.

Although this relationship ended in failure, it left a deep imprint in Faye Wong's heart. It made Faye Wong experience the sweetness and bitterness of love, and also made her more mature and rational in her relationship.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

This experience is like a mirror, reflecting the truest desires and fears in Faye Wong's heart.

Although the breakup at that time seemed to be the end of the story, the gears of fate were still quietly turning. This unforgettable emotional experience may be the foreshadowing of the resurgence of "Fengfei Love" in the future.

In the labyrinth of emotions, Faye Wong began a new journey of exploration, and this journey will eventually lead her back to the starting point and re-examine her heart.

After experiencing the ups and downs of rock 'n' roll love and century love, Faye Wong's love life ushered in an unexpected calm episode. Her encounter with Li Yapeng originated from an ordinary mahjong game.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

This seemingly ordinary encounter has brought a new turn in Faye Wong's life.

Although Li Yapeng's appearance is ordinary, his pursuit of Faye Wong is full of creativity and sincerity. He is like a diligent word craftsman every day, carefully carving hundreds of text messages, weaving jokes, poems, food and other topics into a text feast, trying to touch Faye Wong's heart.

When Faye Wong held a national tour, Li Yapeng spared no expense to buy tickets and invited many celebrity friends to cheer for Faye Wong, which was moving.

Li Yapeng's sincerity finally melted Faye Wong's heart. In 2005, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand, and soon ushered in the crystallization of love - daughter Li Yan.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

In addition, Faye Wong's eldest daughter Dou Jingtong also became a member of this new family. This reconstituted family seems warm and harmonious in the eyes of outsiders.

However, this seemingly dull and happy married life suddenly came to an end in 2013. It is rumored that Faye Wong has a mysterious room in her home, and Li Yapeng has never been allowed to enter.

This unsolved mystery seems to imply that Faye Wong still has an unknown world in her heart, and it also casts a veil of mystery over this marriage.

Although the marriage ended in failure, this experience undoubtedly made Faye Wong understand her heart better, and also provided valuable experience for her future emotional decisions. The surprise conceived in this ordinary period has become an indispensable chapter in Faye Wong's life journey, making her sail more calmly in the ocean of love.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

Faye Wong's emotional world is like an intricate spider web, which affects the whole body. Her friendship with Zhou Xun stemmed from her triangular relationship with Li Yapeng, but it became closer because of her daughter Dou Jingtong.

The frequent picture of the two in the same frame has even caused a lot of speculation from the outside world.

The indirect entanglement with Cecilia Cheung adds a bit of drama to Faye Wong's emotional life. This complex relationship is like a mirror, reflecting the subtle changes in the emotional world of people in the entertainment industry.

In 2014, the reunion of Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse seemed to draw a successful end to this emotional puzzle. However, Luan Shu, Dou Wei, Li Yapeng, and Nicholas Tse have surprisingly consistent evaluations of Faye Wong: let go and give freedom.

Faye Wong's former affair: I am the old king next door!

Perhaps, it is this kind of freedom and freedom that has made Faye Wong's unique charm, allowing her to swim freely in the ocean of love and write her own legendary chapter.

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