
Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

author:Corn Tea Party

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Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Edit: Corn Tea Party

Yao Di once again appeared on the hot search due to plastic surgery controversy

In the entertainment industry, the change in the appearance of celebrities often becomes a hot topic. Last year, Yao Di sparked a huge controversy over her facial changes. After the release of the online movie "Fengshen: Disaster Merchant", Yao Di released a promotional video on social platforms, intending to build momentum for the movie. However, the audience's attention is focused on her face. Her facial changes sparked a lot of discussion, and some even questioned her for having plastic surgery.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Yao Di's face lost its former aura, and it looked stiff and unnatural, like a "fermented steamed bun". Although she tried to clarify that she just didn't wear makeup when she recorded the video, netizens didn't buy it. Many people are complaining about her old appearance, and even associate it with her character, thinking that she is "born from the heart".

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Yao Di's appearance is rejuvenated, and his demeanor is still the same

This year, Yao Di once again aroused heated discussions because of his "appearance". This time, she appeared at the Xixi Night event in Shanghai, and her condition improved greatly. The black sleeveless evening dress with a big wavy hairstyle made her look charming, as if she had returned to the "Tong Jiaqian" period back then. Her confident smile and elegant demeanor at the event made many netizens look at her with admiration.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Judging from the photos at the scene, Yao Di's skin is firm and fair, and the facial lines are natural and soft, and there is no longer the stiffness that it had before. Her overall state has improved significantly compared to the past, as if she has regained her former glory. Such an appearance made many netizens lament her changes and refocus on her state. In stark contrast to the previous "steamed bun face", this appearance has rekindled people's interest in her future development.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Regain hope in your career

Yao Di's rejuvenation not only aroused heated discussions among netizens, but also brought new hope to her career. For a long time, appearance has occupied an important place in the entertainment industry, and the image of actors often directly affects their careers. After Yao Di's appearance controversy, this appearance is undoubtedly an important opportunity for her to show herself to the public.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

In recent years, Yao Di has been trying to find an opportunity to make a comeback. Although her career was hit hard by her romance with the article, she did not give up her pursuit of acting. The outstanding performance in this event allowed people to see her hard work and determination. Many netizens expressed their hope to see her performance on the screen again, and looked forward to her bringing more wonderful works.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

A review of Yao Di's love affair with the article

Yao Di's relationship with the article has always been a hot topic in the entertainment industry. The two fell in love because of the play, and sparks sparked during the filming of the TV series "Naked Marriage Era". Although the article had a family at the time, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up. After the relationship was exposed, they became the focus of public opinion, especially the marital status of the article, which made this relationship controversial.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

The article's marriage with Ma Yili fell into crisis after the relationship was exposed, but Ma Yili chose tolerance and forgiveness, trying to save the marriage. However, Yao Di was saddled with the label of "Little Three" because of this and became the target of public criticism. As a result, her career plummeted, and the public's attitude towards her became cold and hostile.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Ma Yili's successful comeback

In contrast, Ma Yili has shown great resilience and wisdom in this turmoil. She not only succeeded in saving her marriage, but also rose again in her career. With works such as The First Half of My Life, she has won widespread acclaim and multiple awards, re-cementing her position. Her wisdom and tolerance have made her a strong and wise image in the eyes of the public.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

The career trough of the article

In stark contrast to Ma Yili's success is the article's career trough. After the "See you on Monday" incident came to light, the image of the article plummeted. Although he tried to regain public recognition by various means, the results were not ideal. After divorcing Ma Yili, the state of the article became more and more sluggish, and the former brilliance was gone.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Love turmoil and career troughs

After Yao Di's relationship with the article was exposed, her career and image were severely hit. Although the two fell in love because of the play, this kind of relationship that deviated from morality could not be accepted by the public. Ma Yili chose tolerance and forgiveness, but Yao Di became the target of public opinion and was labeled as a "little three". Her work began to be boycotted, and the audience's attitude towards her changed from love to resistance and condemnation.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

This relationship not only ruined Yao Di's career, but also made her image in the public mind plummet. She used to be the "national girlfriend" in everyone's minds, but now she has become a "street rat" that everyone shouts and beats. She tried to return to the entertainment industry in various ways, but the results were not ideal. Whether it is participating in variety shows or starring in new film and television works, it cannot restore her reputation and popularity.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

A difficult attempt to restart your career

Despite the huge blows, Yao Di did not give up the pursuit of an acting career. She tried to make a comeback, taking on some online movies and low-budget TV series, trying to rebuild her image through new works. She also actively interacts with fans on social platforms, hoping to regain everyone's love through a sincere attitude.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

However, the road to comeback has not been smooth. The public's doubts and criticism of her have not diminished with the passage of time. Every time she appears in the public eye, her past will be brought up again and become the focus of everyone's discussion. Every move and appearance of her will trigger a new round of public opinion storm.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Try to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage

After many unsuccessful comebacks to the entertainment industry, Yao Di decided to try to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. In 2024, she will cross over to direct her first work "Grandma's Spring". This film is a bold attempt for her to regain the direction of her career, hoping to regain the recognition of the industry and the audience through her role as a director.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

"Grandma's Spring" is a warm movie about family and affection, and Yao Di put a lot of energy and effort into the filming process. Not only did she participate in the creation of the script, but she also personally coached the actors to try to present the best possible results. Although directing across borders is a difficult path, she hopes that through this attempt, she can open up a new path for her acting career.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

The career trough of the article

Compared with the ups and downs of Yao Di's career, the situation of the article is not optimistic. After the "See You on Monday" incident was exposed, the article's career encountered an unprecedented trough. Although he has tried to regain the public's trust through apologies and low-key handling, his image has been greatly tarnished. After divorcing Ma Yili, the state of the article became more and more sluggish, and the former brilliance was gone.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

The career trough of the article

Similar to Yao Di's situation, the article's career also suffered a heavy blow after the "See You on Monday" incident was exposed. used to be a hot actor in the entertainment industry, but after the scandal was exposed, his career was put on pause. Whether he continues to act or tries to be a director, his works have not made any splashes.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

After divorcing Ma Yili, the state of the article was even more sluggish. With dull skin and gray hair, the sunny and handsome image of the past is gone. Not only did he lose the pinnacle of his career, but he also lost the public's favor.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

Ma Yili's successful comeback

Unlike the article and Yao Di's frustration, Ma Yili's comeback after the scandal appears to be unusually successful. At the beginning, after the scandal was exposed, she did not choose to divorce immediately, but forgave the article leniently. The move not only salvaged some of the public's favor, but also paved the way for her own comeback.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

After Ma Yili returned to the entertainment industry, she regained the love of the audience with works such as "The First Half of My Life" and "Flowers". She has won many awards such as Magnolia and Huading Awards, and has proved herself with her strength. Her two daughters also grew up, and Ma Yili finally chose to divorce the article and start a new life.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

The complexity of the relationship between the three

Although many years have passed since the incident, the complex relationship between Yao Di, the article, and Ma Yili remains the focus of public attention. Recently, there have been rumors that the article and Yao Di have reunited, and the two parties have already met their parents. This rumor once again pushed the relationship between the three to the forefront. If they are really together, it may be considered true love, but it may also spark more public discussion and criticism.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time


The story between Yao Di, the article and Ma Yili reflects the complex relationship between the stars in terms of emotions and careers. Their experiences have taught us that emotional entanglements and public attention can have a huge impact on a person's life. I hope they can find their own happiness in the future and no longer be haunted by the shadows of the past.

Good news came from Yao Di's article, Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse were implicated, and Ma Yili lost completely this time

In this war without gunpowder, there is no real winner. Everyone finds their way out in the twists and turns of their emotions and careers. Perhaps, the real growth is to find inner peace and tranquility after the storm.

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