
Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night after hearing the bad news

author:Lime grapefruit juice

On July 1, when all parts of the country ushered in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, on this special day, there was unexpected news of the suffocation.

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly fainted during the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night after hearing the bad news

Just when everyone was feeling sorry and sorry for the 17-year-old player, Zhang Zhijie's family also fell ill and was hospitalized because of the bad news.

1. Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke out, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital

On the evening of July 1, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted, and after the news of his death after rescue efforts failed, it immediately aroused heated discussions among all parties, after all, Zhang Zhijie is a member of the Chinese badminton team.

has always attracted everyone's attention and love, and his sudden death at such a young age is indeed a touching thing.

After the news of Zhang Zhijie's death came out, the family also suffered a great blow, especially his mother, who fell ill and was hospitalized after learning the news.

Zhang Zhijie's father died of illness when he was very young, so his mother has always been raising him and his sister alone.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night after hearing the bad news

In fact, after the news of Zhang Zhijie's death came out, the situation of the family was indeed a little special, after all, under normal circumstances, after learning this kind of news, the family would fall into extreme grief.

There may be problems such as mood swings, but Zhang Zhijie's brother-in-law spoke out through the media as soon as possible, and told some of the circumstances on the day of the incident very calmly.

2. The family questioned the lack of timely treatment at the scene

For Zhang Zhijie's death, there are also speculations and doubts from the outside world, especially after learning that his family questioned the lack of timely treatment at the scene, which has attracted great attention from all parties.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night after hearing the bad news

After all, at such a competition site, no matter what happens, the medical security measures on the scene should be very in place, but what happened that led to Zhang Zhijie's death?

Just when everyone was speculating and doubting, Zhang Zhijie's family had already rushed to the hospital and began to investigate the entire incident, wanting to find out the truth.

The media also exposed this matter for the first time, hoping to attract the attention of relevant departments, after all, in sports events, the life safety of athletes is always the most important, and any potential safety hazards should not exist.

3. I have loved badminton since I was a child

Zhang Zhijie, this name, may not be familiar to many people, after all, he is only 17 years old, and he is still a not very famous young player, but even so, he has been working hard to move forward.

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law spoke: Zhijie's father died when he was young, and his mother fell ill and was admitted to the hospital last night after hearing the bad news

His hard work has really paid off, with great results in various competitions and honours for the national team.

After the news of his death broke, many people began to understand him, it turned out that he loved badminton very much since he was a child, and he has always firmly chosen this path.

His sister also posted on social platforms, saying that she misses him very much and feels that it is indeed not easy for him to come this way, and he has worked very hard.


On such a special day, the sudden arrival of such news is indeed a profound life lesson for people, making us understand that life is really very fragile, and sometimes life has left us even when we are still planning for the future.

In any case, I believe that Zhang Zhijie must also want us to continue to move forward and cheer for him, and I hope that everyone can remember his name, and can also cherish the people in front of them and live in the present.