
The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

author:There is sunshine in the heart

When is the family strife? The ex-wife is now tearing her face for profit!

You think that the bloody plot that only exists in TV dramas is actually staged in real life! The death of a man has triggered a fierce fight between two women, which makes people sigh: how terrible is human greed?

The pillars of the family have fallen, leaving behind a pile of chicken feathers. Brother Wang's sudden death not only brought a huge blow to his family, but also detonated a jaw-dropping family war. Ex-wife Sister Hu and current wife Sister Li, two women who should have nothing to do with each other, but they made shocking waves because of a piece of inheritance.

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

On what basis are you fighting for my daughter's property? Sister Hu asked Sister Li angrily. And Sister Li did not show weakness: I am his legal wife, what qualifications does an ex-wife of yours have to point fingers here? The two women were tense, and they almost did it directly!

What is incredible is that Brother Wang's bones are not cold yet, and these two women have already begun to fight openly and secretly for interests. Sister Hu even ran to take care of her ex-father-in-law on the third day of Brother Wang's death, which made Sister Li angry.

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

You said that you are taking care of the elderly, I think you are clearly trying to please the elderly and inherit the inheritance, right? Sister Li unceremoniously exposed Sister Hu's true intentions. And Sister Hu is not to be outdone: My daughter is the only granddaughter of the old man, shouldn't these family properties belong to her?

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

The two women come and go, fighting for each other. On the one hand, there is a blood relationship, and on the other hand, there is a legal relationship, who is the one who should inherit the family property? This farce is simply more exciting than the TV series!

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

What's even more laughable is that Sister Hu actually called the police! She accused Sister Li of not letting her and her daughter worship her ex-husband, which is simply a crime that she wants to add! Sister Li explained aggrievedly: I was home alone, and suddenly someone knocked on the door, of course I was afraid! Who knows if there are gangsters outside the door?

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

This farce is in an uproar, and many netizens can't stand it. Some people say: These two women are too shameless, right? It's disgusting that everyone is gone and still fighting here! There are also people who understand: who doesn't want to fight for more for their children? Besides, life is so stressful now, it is not easy for anyone.

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

But more people are sighing: why can't people get along with each other? A family is supposed to be a warm harbor, but because of monetary interests, it has become a battlefield. With such an ending, presumably Brother Wang will also feel heartache in the spirit of the sky, right?

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

The mediator tried to calm the conflict between the two women, but with little success. Sister Hu insisted that her daughter was the only bloodline of the old man's family and should inherit all the family property. And Sister Li moved out of the law, saying that as a widowed daughter-in-law, as long as she fulfills her maintenance obligations, she will be the first heir.

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

How will this farce end in the end? Will there be more untold insider stories revealed? Let's wait and see!

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property

Dear readers, what do you think of this family dispute? Who do you think should inherit the family property more reasonable? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area, and don't forget to like and follow!

The ex-husband died unexpectedly, and the ex-wife rushed to support the ex-father-in-law, saying that the ex-husband's current wife was not qualified to rob the family property