
Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

author:See the world in the middle

Cheng Shulin, a seemingly ordinary young man from Xinyang, Henan Province, whose main business is to bake gluten on street stalls. The name of Brother Gluten does not rely on the unique secret recipe passed down from the family, but his personal explosiveness on Douyin. In the blink of an eye, this gluten master has become a national Internet celebrity, and the number of fans has exceeded 4.7 million! If you think about it, this world is really magical, a little gluten can make a person rise from a roadside stall to a national idol overnight.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

However, what should have been a moment of infinite scenery was shattered by a palpitating piece of news. I heard that Cheng Shulin was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, and the situation was so serious that he needed an emergency liver transplant, and the operation cost was as high as 2 million! After the news broke, not only his family, but even his fans fell into panic and helplessness.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

Cheng Shulin's girlfriend and children used all the tools on social media to raise money. From a social account originally used to post daily life, it has become a gathering place for donations and a live live broadcast room for life in a blink of an eye. Netizens have reached out to help, but there are also some criticisms and doubts. You say, isn't this more dramatic than any idol drama? In the live broadcast, gifts and remarks are like colorful fireworks, which are unpredictable, and the family's life is really full of excitement and twists and turns.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

Rumor has it that Cheng Shulin has been urgently transferred to a hospital in Hangzhou for treatment, but unfortunately, he is still in a coma. It's all heartbreaking, life, it's like an unknown art exhibition, full of fantasy and unpredictability.

Brother Gluten's experience teaches us that life doesn't always go according to our plans. From an ordinary gluten chef, to a sudden influencer, to a major life-threatening challenge, it's all like a journey against the wind. But in any case, we all hope that Cheng Shulin can recover soon and re-embrace his ordinary and extraordinary daily life.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

In this story full of drama and challenges, Cheng Shulin went from an ordinary gluten master to suddenly become popular because of Douyin and became an Internet celebrity who paid attention to the whole country. However, the turning point of fate was when he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and required the huge cost of an emergency liver transplant. In the face of threats to his life, his family and fans have gone to great lengths to raise funds, and social media has become a bridge for them to communicate and donate. However, despite the attention and help of society, Cheng Shulin still fell into a coma, and the future of his life was full of uncertainty.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

This story is not only the twists and turns in a person's life, but also a concentrated embodiment of social and emotional resonance. It shows the kindness and compassion of human nature, but also reveals the struggle and despair in the face of life and death decisions. In Brother Gluten, we see the embodiment of people's cherishing of life and social morality.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

The story also reflects the power of digital media in modern society. Douyin is not only a tool for entertainment and social networking, but also a platform for information dissemination and social action. Here, the life and destiny of an ordinary person can instantly arouse the attention and action of the whole society, forming an unprecedented social dynamic. People are not only watching through the Internet, but also participating in and changing real life, and this new sense of social participation has given Brother Gluten and his family great hope and support.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

However, the drama of life also makes the story full of unpredictability. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, and then to the edge of life and death, Cheng Shulin's experience has taught us to cherish every ordinary and precious moment.

In the end, we hope that Cheng Shulin can overcome the disease and return to his family and fans. His strength and bravery will become a mirror in our lives, reminding us to cherish every moment and face life's challenges and opportunities with determination.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" has advanced liver cancer, and his girlfriend's children are under the age of 20, and the demand for surgery fees is as high as 2 million

In this journey full of hope and challenges, Cheng Shulin's story does not end, it continues in our hearts and becomes an important reference for us to think about the meaning and value of life. Let's cheer him on together, look forward to his speedy recovery, and continue his simple and extraordinary life.

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