
Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

author:See the world in the middle

Li Jian, the big brother singer who became famous on the shores of Lake Baikal, seems to have attracted a lot of attention in married life recently. Recently, he and his wife Meng Xiaobei were met by sharp-eyed netizens of glutinous rice bibimbap in a high-end restaurant, and the scene was quite dramatic.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

At that time, Li Jian was wearing a striped shirt that looked like it was bought from Taobao, with black five-point pants and a pair of flat beanie shoes, and the dress seemed to be a bit like a mix and match style of Jay Chou and rural outdoor veterans. His five-fifty body proportions, his calves are so thick and short that people can't keep up with them, if he is a runner, he must be a boy chasing the wind.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

His wife, Meng Xiaobei, wore a white chiffon top with a black skirt, but she is said to have "gained a lot of weight" recently. But no matter what, she still maintains that unique elegance, her hair is fluttering, and looking at it from the back, she is simply a living version of a Hong Kong-style girl.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

However, sharp-eyed netizens found a puzzling thing: Brother Li stared at his wife's back with disgust. Some people speculate that Meng Xiaobei's weight gain may make him look unpleasant, this kind of thing happens from time to time in marriage, just like a small fluctuation in the stability of the seasoning.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

But there are also arguments that this is just over-interpreted. They have always been low-key, unlike those little fresh meat who show affection every day. Maybe they're more like the kind of bland couple who say "you have your big fish and meat, and I have my hot dry noodles" and don't like to put on a bunch of bells and whistles in public.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

Some of the previous encounters seemed to suggest that something was wrong with their marriage. For example, in Aranya, the two were met by tourists, walking like passers-by who had never met before, walking one after the other. And at a gathering of friends, Meng Xiaobei was almost a watcher in the corner, and no one even paid attention to say hello, if it were me, I would have been as sour as a bucket of soy sauce.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

These things make people feel that their relationship state is quite confusing. Maybe something really went wrong with them emotionally, maybe it was just hype from the outside world. After all, whose melons haven't been broken? I hope that their relationship can be like that old godmother, which can withstand the wind and rain and be stable.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

In the Chinese entertainment industry, every detail of the couple Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei has become the focus of attention of the media and netizens. Although they have always been known for their low profile, their encounters and observations have gradually painted a complex picture in the eyes of the public.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

Li Jian, the singer who became famous on the shores of Lake Baikal, and his wife Meng Xiaobei met by chance at a high-end restaurant, which seems to have become a microcosm of their love life. Netizens keenly captured his disgusted expression at his wife's back, a detail that sparked a lot of speculation and discussion. Some people think that Meng Xiaobei's weight gain may make him a little uncomfortable, and some people think that this is just a misreading of their dull married life by the outside world.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

Either way, however, these encounters and observations reveal certain complexities of their married lives. The scene at the gathering of Aranya and friends seems to hint at some sense of estrangement and alienation between them. These circumstances make people wonder what kind of stories and challenges are hidden behind a seemingly happy and harmonious couple.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

Perhaps, their choice of a low-key lifestyle and a dislike of showing off in public may be part of their personality. But in any case, the media and viewers are always full of curiosity and speculation about the lives of celebrities, which also shapes the public's perception of them to a certain extent.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

The story of Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei is not only a story between a singer and his wife, but also a microcosm of a phenomenon that is prevalent in modern society. In this era of information explosion, every movement of celebrities may become the focus of public opinion, and their married life is even more concerned and challenged.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

There are some important lessons to be learned about respecting privacy and understanding complexity. Everyone's marriage and family life has its own unique facets and challenges, and we can't rely solely on superficial media coverage to make a comprehensive judgment about the lives of others. The examples of Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei remind us to maintain a certain level of understanding and tolerance when evaluating others, and not to over-interpret and speculate.

Li Jian's restaurant met his wife by chance, and his stubby calf back was questioned, and netizens speculated about the truth behind it

Their stories reflect the complexities of married life and the public's strong preoccupation with private life in modern society. Hopefully, they will be able to maintain balance and happiness under such pressure, both in the spotlight and in their private lives. It's also a reminder to everyone that respect and understanding are the foundation of good relationships, whether it's an ordinary person or a public figure.

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