
Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man
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Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

In 2022, a TV series called "Hurricane" swept the country like a hurricane, triggering a warm response from the audience. In this drama, an actor named Li Jian instantly became the focus of attention with his outstanding performance in the role of "Li Xiang".

What few people know is that this actor who suddenly became popular is over the age of confusion and has been working silently in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years.

Li Jian's success was not achieved overnight, but after a long period of precipitation and accumulation. From entering the film and television industry at the age of 19 to becoming popular at the age of 42 due to "Hurricane", his acting career was full of twists and turns.

So, how did this once mischievous military kid transform into an acclaimed actor? And what is the strength that sustains him to persist in his dreams in the years of obscurity? Let's uncover the mystery of Li Jian's growth and witness the extraordinary life process of an ordinary person.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

Li Jian's story begins in a military camp compound. As the child of a soldier, people thought that he would inherit the good qualities of his parents, but the young Li Jian was an out-and-out naughty ghost.

He neither has the rigor and stability of his father, nor the bravery of his mother, but has become a troublemaker who gives his parents a headache.

This continued until Li Jian was in junior high school. Faced with his increasingly deteriorating academic performance, his father finally took it anymore and decided to have an in-depth conversation with his son.

Li Jian replied without thinking: "I want to be a soldier!" "

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

My father shook his head and said earnestly, "With your current grades, I'm afraid you're not even qualified to be a soldier." You've got to work harder. "

These words were like a slap in the face, which made Li Jian wake up suddenly. He began to realize the importance of learning and tried to change his behavior. Although his grades are still mediocre, his attitude towards learning has changed dramatically.

At this moment, fate gave Li Jian an unexpected opportunity. A famous drama theater came to the school to enroll, and Li Jian saw that the girl he had a crush on was eager to try, so he mustered up the courage to sign up.

His performance was horrific, and his name was crossed out mercilessly. This defeat did not bring him down, but instead sparked a keen interest in acting.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

He began to secretly go to the off-campus acting training class to audit, and worked silently for his dream.

With this dedication, Li Jian was finally admitted to Hebei Art School. There he spent several years studying hard. When he graduated, he was faced with the opportunity to join the art troupe of his hometown army, but Li Jian made an unexpected choice.

He rejected this stable job and resolutely embarked on the journey of chasing his dream in the north.

Although he failed to apply for the Central Academy of Drama for the first time, he was not discouraged. Li Jian continued to train hard for a year, and finally got his wish and was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy. At this moment, he seemed to see the dawn of his acting dream.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

From a naughty teenager to a dream-chasing youth, Li Jian's transformation stems from his father's teachings, inner perseverance, and love for performing arts. This experience not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Li Jian's story tells us that as long as we have a dream and work hard for it, we will definitely be able to create miracles.

Stepping into the gate of Beijing Film Academy, Li Jian thought that he was one step closer to his dream. However, reality soon hit him in the face. In this place where the elite gathered, Li Jian quickly drowned in many outstanding talents due to his lack of rich acting experience and strong family background.

But opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In the second year of studying at Beiying, a well-known director came to the school for casting, and Li Jian stood out with his handsome appearance and unique military temperament, and got a rare opportunity to act.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

This director is Gao Qunshu. When he learned that Li Jian had no actual combat experience, he did not give up on this young man, but patiently guided him: "Acting is not superficial work, but to go deep into the character's heart and naturally reveal true emotions."

These words were like an enlightenment, allowing Li Jian to comprehend the true meaning of acting in just one week.

This valuable experience made Li Jian's acting skills improve by leaps and bounds, and even his mentor was amazed. Although he is only a small supporting role in the movie, his performance still attracts the attention of some audiences.

Since then, Li Jian has developed a deep love for the profession of actor.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

The ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny. After graduation, Li Jian faced the dilemma of "unemployed after graduation". He ran around submitting resumes while having to work as a group performer to make ends meet.

This difficult time lasted for several years, and luckily, he found a job as a college acting teacher and barely made ends meet. But whenever he has the opportunity to play a role, he will not hesitate to go to the camera.

Li Jian's turnaround came from the famous director Xu Jizhou. Under the questioning of many producers, Xu Jizhou firmly chose Li Jian to play the role of Sun Datie in "Killing the Tiger's Mouth".

In this opportunity, Li Jian lived up to the director's expectations and interpreted the role vividly. He proved his strength with practical actions, and his cooperation with director Xu Jizhou was perfect.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

This experience became an important milestone in Li Jian's acting career.

Since then, Li Jian's acting career has gradually broadened. He has successively participated in many works such as "The Indelible Number", "My Very Best Friend", "Only Child", "Reunion Dinner" and so on.

In the process, Li Jian gradually discovered that he was not only capable of the roles of soldiers and policemen, but also various characters such as farmers, civil servants, and doctors.

His acting skills are getting better and better, and the range of roles is constantly expanding.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

From an unknown group performance to a gradually emerging actor, Li Jian used his efforts and talent to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry step by step. Although most of the time he can only play a supporting role, he has always maintained a love and awe for acting.

Li Jian understands that every role is a challenge and an opportunity to grow. He cherishes every opportunity to perform and interprets each character with his heart, and this professional attitude and professionalism have gradually made him recognized in the entertainment industry.

Li Jian's story tells us that success never happens overnight. It requires opportunity, but also preparation and persistence. In difficult days, Li Jian never gave up his dream of being an actor, and this dedication finally earned him a place in the entertainment industry.

In the long years of chasing his acting dream, Li Jian's life ushered in an unexpected surprise. He is reunited with the girl he had a crush on in junior high school. Fate seemed to have played a joke, the girl who only dared to secretly like in his heart back then was now standing in front of him.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

The two hit it off at first sight and quickly fell in love. This kind girl became Li Jian's strongest backing, giving encouragement and support in his most difficult days.

In 2008, after overcoming the difficulties of a long-distance relationship, Li Jian and his girlfriend finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. His wife doesn't care that Li Jian is just an ordinary university teacher, she knows that ordinary life is the truest happiness.

Soon after their marriage, they welcomed their lovely daughter, and Li Jian was ecstatic, as if the whole world had become a better place because of this little life.

During his wife's pregnancy, Li Jian showed touching care and thoughtfulness. In addition to the necessary teaching, he put aside other things as much as possible and took care of his wife wholeheartedly.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

The loving couple never had an argument during their long pregnancy, and Li Jian's careful care and his wife's thoughtful understanding made their relationship even deeper.

For the sake of her young daughter, the wife chose to give up her career and devote herself to family life. Her selfless dedication made Li Jian more determined to pursue his acting dream.

The support and understanding of his wife, as well as the birth of his daughter, have become a strong motivation for Li Jian to persist in his dream.

With the dual support of career and family, Li Jian has found a balance in life. He is both a dedicated actor and a dutiful husband and father.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

This love from his family has become a strong backing for Li Jian to overcome obstacles on the road of acting. Whenever he faces a setback, the thought of his family's support brings him back to strength.

Li Jian's story tells us that behind success there is often a happy family. Love and family affection not only did not become an obstacle to his pursuit of his dreams, but became his most solid support.

It is this warm love that has kept Li Jian motivated to move forward in the long years of struggle.

The turning point in Li Jian's career came from a seemingly ordinary audition. That day, he went to the crew with apprehension, but unexpectedly met Director Xu Jizhou, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

Ten years have passed, and the high-spirited nineteen-year-old boy has now transformed into a twenty-nine-year-old man with calm eyes and no longer impulsive.

Xu Jizhou was surprised to find that the baptism of the years not only did not wear out Li Jian's enthusiasm, but added a precipitation and calmness to him. Xu Jizhou, who knew Li Jian's talent, immediately decided to give him a stage to show himself.

Although the new script has not yet been completed, Xu Jizhou still sent an invitation to Li Jian to perform in advance.

In this way, Li Jian was fortunate to participate in "Forward for New China" starring Wang Baoqiang. This work later won the Golden Eagle Award for Outstanding TV Drama and the Feitian Award for the third prize for feature-length TV series, which became an important milestone in Li Jian's acting career.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

With the popularity of this drama, Li Jian's name has gradually become well-known to the audience, and his acting skills have also won wide recognition.

Since then, Li Jian's acting career has become wider and wider. He has starred in many high-profile film and television dramas, such as "The Indelible Number", "War Thunder", "Brothers on the Wrong Path" and so on.

In every performance, Li Jian devotes himself wholeheartedly and strives to interpret the role in place. His tacit cooperation with director Xu Jizhou has made his acting skills more and more sophisticated.

Although most of the time he can only play a supporting role, Li Jian is still full of gratitude. He cherishes every character and interprets each character with his heart. In his opinion, no matter how big or small the role is, it is an indispensable part of his acting career.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

This professional attitude and professionalism, coupled with the long-term cooperation with director Xu Jizhou, allowed Li Jian to gradually gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Li Jian's story tells us that opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When director Xu Jizhou appeared in front of him again, Li Jian successfully seized this opportunity with years of accumulation and progress.

This is not only his personal growth, but also the foreshadowing for his future brilliance.

In 2022, a criminal investigation TV series called "Hurricane" swept the country like a whirlwind, instantly detonating the enthusiasm of the audience. In this high-profile work, the role of "Li Xiang" played by Li Jian left a deep impression on the audience.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

His superb acting skills not only won the enthusiastic pursuit of the audience, but also added a strong touch to this masterpiece.

In the play, the heroic sacrifice of "Li Xiang" moved countless audiences and burst into tears. The successful shaping of this role has become the most shining moment in Li Jian's acting career.

For the 42-year-old Li Jian, this is undoubtedly a moment of celebration and pride. He finally ushered in his own glory and success, and years of perseverance and hard work finally came to fruition.

However, Li Jian is well aware that this honor is not accidental. It stems from countless efforts and persistence behind the scenes, and is the result of daily training and accumulation. At the same time, he did not forget to thank those who have helped him in his career, especially director Xu Jizhou, whose careful guidance and support have allowed Li Jian to continue to improve on the road of acting.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

The success of "Hurricane" catapulted Li Jian to fame, from an unknown supporting actor to a household name. Looking back on his acting career over the past 20 years, Li Jian is full of emotion.

From an ignorant teenager who stepped into the entertainment industry at the age of 19 to being widely recognized at the age of 42, this road is hard but worth it.

Today's Li Jian has a successful career, superb acting skills, and a harmonious family, which can be called a model of both virtue and art. He is not only a great actor, but also a dutiful husband and loving father.

Although he has become famous, Li Jian still maintains his original intention, sticks to the film and television industry he loves, and interprets the awe and pursuit of art with practical actions.

Li Jian: Acting at the age of 19, famous for "Hurricane" at the age of 42, married a junior high school lover and is a good man

Li Jian's story is exactly like the old saying: "Gold always shines". He used his own experience to tell us that as long as we stick to our dreams and work hard, we will eventually have our own highlight moments.

On the long and challenging road of acting, Li Jian used his persistence and love to compose a moving song of struggle.

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