
He led a team of more than 30 people, and he did not strike at the enemy, and there was more than a battalion of captured guns and equipment

author:Li min
He led a team of more than 30 people, and he did not strike at the enemy, and there was more than a battalion of captured guns and equipment

Li Gang is from Fentai Village, south of Changqing County, and previously served in the democratic government of the second district of Changqing County. After the anti-Japanese action was launched, the number of people who joined the group increased day by day. Therefore, the district government established a district squadron, and the district party committee appointed him as the captain of the second squadron of the second district. Under his leadership, the army won numerous victories and collected many weapons. As a result, the ranks have grown and the number of people has continued to increase. After that, it was rearranged and redeployed, and some people were transferred out, and in the end, only more than 30 elite personnel remained. Among them, the captain is still Li Gang.

Wang Yunheng met Li Gang in 1942, and he had heard many legends about Li Gang as a marksman. However, Li Gang was a humble man who never claimed to be a sharpshooter.

Li Si's family was extremely poor when he was a child, he was the fourth child in the family, and his family of eight had only a few fields. His father worked for the landlord all his life, and his two older brothers spent their childhood begging with their mother. When Li Si grew up, he also worked for landlords, but because he could not bear the exploitation and abuse, he fled and later joined Feng Yuxiang's army. However, the army's salaries are meagre and they are still unable to support their families. His sister and sister became child brides when they were young. Every winter, the whole family only has a worn-out quilt. When my mother was begging outside, she could only find some discarded burlap bags to keep out the cold. Whenever he mentioned the hardships at home, Li Si would cry sadly. Li Gang's family is in a very difficult financial situation, he is the fourth in line, his family has a large population, but the land is very limited. His father worked long hours in a wealthy family, and lived in difficult conditions. His two older brothers also begged with their mother to earn a living because of poverty when they were young. As Li Gang grew up, he also began to work in the homes of wealthy people, but chose to flee because he could not stand the exploitation and scolding of the other party. Later he joined the army, but the income still did not cover the needs of the family. Due to the poverty of his family, his sister and sister married at a young age. In the cold winter, the whole family can only cover a worn-out quilt. In order to make a living, my mother had to beg for food everywhere, and even had to use broken burlap bags discarded by others to keep out the cold. Whenever he recalls the difficult experience at home, Li Gang can't help but shed sad tears.

Li Gang was very hard when he joined the army, whether it was in the cold winter or the hot summer, he never complained about fatigue. During an inspection by General Feng Yuxiang, he was discovered to be assiduous in military training and excellent marksmanship skills. Therefore, General Feng Yuxiang transferred him to the pistol brigade and made him a pistolman. Li Gang continued to practice in this position, and finally practiced excellent marksmanship, and he could achieve excellent results every time he participated in the target shooting competition.

When Feng Yuxiang was in Tai'an, he dispatched a pistol brigade to guard him, and Li Gang also arrived in Tai'an. One day, Li Gang was drinking at a restaurant with two friends. The shopkeeper told us that in the temple on the hill, there was a very bad old monk. He often went down to the mountains to assault women, and would also defraud money in various ways. Upon hearing this, the three of them were furious and decided to carry their pistols up the mountain, and eventually killed the old monk. Afterwards, they discussed that they might be punished harshly when they returned to the unit, so they decided to go home with their pistols.

When Li Gang returned home, he found that his family was still poor, so he decided to sell his pistol and eventually sold it to a landlord at a reasonable price. Subsequently, he used the money to buy some food to improve the living conditions of his family.

During the war years, in 1938, Li Gang joined the anti-Japanese action led by our party. He worked very hard to participate in it, not only showing a positive attitude, but also deeply understanding the truth of the war of resistance. Therefore, he decided to devote himself to the revolutionary cause and soon joined the ranks of the party. After becoming the captain of the second district, Li Gang showed great courage and wisdom in the battle against traitors, spies, and bullies. He was full of tact in every action and showed excellent fighting ability, which enabled him to achieve remarkable results in revolutionary work. His heroic deeds made a great contribution to the revolutionary cause.

He often led a small number of people disguised as ordinary people, moving flexibly between various strongholds and pillboxes. He learns that there is a traitor policeman in the pseudo-stronghold of Guide who often goes out alone, so he orchestrates an ambush to capture the policeman and obtain a pass. However, the pseudo-policeman did not appear that day, but unexpectedly encountered several devil cars driving from Changqing. Although they did not catch the traitor police, they still dealt with this sudden situation with tact.

Li Gang thought that he couldn't go home empty-handed this time, so he discussed a plan with the three fighters and decided to teach those devils a lesson. As soon as they got their gear together, a car appeared in front of them. The four of them quickly threw grenades, and the sound of explosions resounded in the sky. The explosion caused the devils to suffer heavy losses, and the living people were all dazed and screamed in horror. After coming back to their senses, they jumped out of the car and tried to fight the Eighth Route Army, but they looked around and found no trace of each other. Li Gang and his companions have long since flown away. After the devils fired indiscriminately in a rage, they could only drag away the wounded and dead bodies and return to Changqing. It is said that during this operation, they managed to injure and kill more than a dozen devil soldiers, and also blew up a car.

In 1940, anti-Japanese activities in the second district of Fengshan County were very active. However, there were also some unscrupulous landlords and bullies who secretly organized reactionary associations using superstitious ideas. The purpose of this organization was to disrupt anti-Japanese activities. In the three towns of Zhaizhuang, there was a former mayor of the Kuomintang named Cao Xiuxiang, who colluded with traitors and the Red Gun Society to fight against us together. They did everything they could to thwart our anti-Japanese actions.

In accordance with the orders of the district committee, Li Gang led several soldiers to arrest Cao Xiuxiang. On their way back to the district office, the man suddenly and quickly fled. After running for about 100 meters, Li Gang quickly opened fire, and a loud voice sounded, and the prisoner immediately fell to the ground. The soldiers next to him were amazed and praised Li Gang for being a master shooter and solving the problem with one shot. The arrest of this person made everyone feel very happy.

In two districts and six townships in a certain area, there is a leader of the Red Lance Society named Guo Luhe. He was a very reactionary man who had collusion with the Japanese puppet brigade. He set up a blockade around the Yellow River, hindering the connection between the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians and the western part of the Yellow River, and also hunted down and killed local soldiers and civilians. Therefore, the district party committee decided to send Comrade Li Gang there to try to solve this serious problem. To put it simply, Guo Luhe was a reactionary leader who had an affair with the Japanese puppeteers, hindered anti-Japanese activities and harmed the people. The district party committee has sent Li Gang to deal with this issue.

Li Gang led several fighters, who disguised themselves as members of the Red Rifle Society and infiltrated their station. One of the fighters fired a decisive shot, and the vicious guy died. This action suppressed the arrogance of the Red Gun Society. Subsequently, Li Gang gradually dismantled this reactionary organization and completely eradicated it. We have succeeded in suppressing their arrogance and clearing a cancer in society.

There was once a traitor spy named Wan Kezhen who broke into Caolou Village in an attempt to extort money. Fortunately, Li Gang appeared in time, and he shot decisively, killing Wan Kezhen and eliminating a scourge for the villagers. In addition, in the second district, there were many reactionary elements who colluded with the Japanese invaders and the puppet army, and they could not escape Li Gang's punishment and were eliminated one by one.

In the spring of 1942, the second squad was stationed in the village near the Guolu River. One day, more than 200 puppet soldiers poured in from the west side of the Yellow River, and they happened to encounter them. A fierce battle ensued, and our warriors fought valiantly and quickly repelled the enemy. However, district captain Li Gang was wounded in the leg during the battle. After treatment, although he can walk, he always limps when he walks. Later, people jokingly called him Li Cripple, which was originally an intimate name among comrades, but unexpectedly it spread widely.

Just after the New Year in 1943, the station of the 2nd District Team was Sanhezhuang. There was a traitor named Jiao Qilin who leaked important information to the enemy. When the traitor Feng Erpi learned the news, he immediately mobilized the puppet army of five strongholds, totaling more than a thousand people, to prepare to besiege Sanhezhuang. After the news spread, the second district team quickly prepared to respond. Feng Erpi, a traitor in Changqing City, united the forces of other strongholds and prepared a large-scale siege of Sanhezhuang. The ranks they assembled were very large and full of danger. This tense situation spreads through the village, and everyone prepares to face the upcoming battle.

The battle was very fierce, and Li Gang decisively decided not to fall in love with the battle and quickly took a breakthrough action. He led two squads to rush to the street, but was blocked by three puppet soldiers. Li Gang quickly pulled out his pistol and fired accurately, one at a time, knocking them to the ground. The puppet army that followed later saw this scene and retreated in panic. Li Gang's team took the opportunity to break out of the encirclement. After the incident, the traitor Jiao Qilin was executed in accordance with the law. The whole battle was very fierce, but Li Gang's heroic determination allowed them to finally break through and succeed.

In the early morning of a spring day in 1943, our insiders came to the team with a message to report: At the Guide stronghold, a group of puppet troops will go to Changqing County at about 10 o'clock in the morning with a light machine gun, and at the same time, a puppet army commander will return to the Guide stronghold. In order to ambush this group of puppet troops, Li Gang led a squad of soldiers to ambush at the entrance of the street of Tomb Village, the road that the enemy must pass. At the same time, the instructor also led a squad of soldiers to ambush on the other side of the street entrance of Tomb Village, so as to intercept the enemy from the other direction. They had already made full preparations and waited for the enemy to throw themselves into the net.

At about ten o'clock, disguised army soldiers marched along the street with machine guns on their shoulders, and as soon as they walked out of the street, Li Gang led a team to intercept them. Li Gang decisively fired a shot, forcing the enemy to surrender and surrender his weapons. In the whole process, Li Gang's team wiped out the entire enemy squad with only one shot, capturing more than a dozen guns and a Czech light machine gun. This incident was very rare among the local army at that time, because it was the first time that a light machine gun could be captured in the Luxi area, and this important news was also reported by the Luxi Daily in the form of a big news.

In the spring of 1943, a spy team leader named Huang Huidong came to the Guide stronghold from Changqing City. He behaved very arrogantly, not only acting at night, but also wearing ordinary clothes during the day to disturb him, posing a serious threat to the anti-Japanese workers who occasionally went out. The district party committee specially assigned Li Gang to deal with this troublesome problem, hoping to eliminate this evil force. Huang Huidong's rampant behavior has brought great unease and distress to the local people.

Captain Li selected three powerful warriors, dressed as civilians, and quietly infiltrated the village near the stronghold of Guide. They spent a whole week, secretly observing, and finally figured out Huang Huidong's habits. One morning, Huang Huidong came out of the stronghold as usual and walked out into the streets of Guide Town, when Captain Li suddenly appeared and knocked him down with a single shot. What's more, they put a pre-written slogan on Huang Huidong's body to warn those stubborn traitors and spies.

In the Guide area, there is a puppet army stronghold, which is the location of the puppet district office of the second Japanese puppet district. In this stronghold, a large group of traitors and puppet soldiers were stationed. Recently, the person in charge of this brigade has changed, and the new captain is surnamed Zhang, and everyone calls him Zhang Fatzi. In Zhaizhuang, there is a small puppet army stronghold, which is subordinate to the management of the large stronghold of Guide. In order to curry favor with Zhang Fatzi, the new captain of the Guide stronghold, the puppet army commander of this small base specially went to Guide for a visit.

After Li Gang learned the news, he estimated that the puppet army in Zhaizhuang's stronghold would go to Guide in the morning and return in the afternoon. So he quickly organized his soldiers and set up an ambush in the south of Tuzazhuang Village, where the puppet army must pass. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, a group of men and horses appeared under the leadership of the captain Song Shiqiao, and they came along the main road, followed by a small group of puppet troops from the German stronghold. In order to show his friendship, the newly appointed puppet army captain specially sent people to see him off, and the total number of people in the team was about 30 people. When their team entered the ambush area, our fighters acted quickly and successfully completed the ambush mission.

When Brother Li found out that the enemy had entered the ambush circle we had set up, he immediately raised his gun and took down the two enemies in front of him who were pretending to be soldiers. He then instructed our fighters to strike quickly. Quickly, fierce gunfire rang out from all directions, trapping all the enemies. At this time, seeing that there was nowhere to escape, the enemy had no choice but to throw down their weapons and surrender. Then, the enemies behind who were supposed to protect hurriedly retreated. We captured more than 30 guns, more than 30 enemies, and even captured the traitor captain Song Shiqiao.

After the team moved to the west of the Yellow River, they educated the puppet soldiers they had captured before and released them all. Another man, known as Song Shiqiao, promised that he would no longer be enemies of our anti-Japanese army and civilians, and would only carry out the work of the affairs faction, and they were all released after some teaching. In this battle, the soldiers were in a very happy mood and felt that the fight was very enjoyable.

In the autumn of 1943, the 2nd District Team received news that the puppet army in the Guide stronghold would change guards with the puppet army in Changqing County. On Guide Street, the puppet soldiers selected a dozen wagons and planned to use them to transport the goods they had obtained from the looting. They planned that in the morning, the puppet army from the Guide stronghold would go to the county seat, and in the afternoon, the puppet army from the county town would come to the Guide stronghold.

In the village of Fentai, where the enemy was on the route of passage, in order to clear the puppet army that had changed the guards from the Guide stronghold, the Fengshan Brigade planned an ambush battle. They designated the second district team as a cooperative unit. According to intelligence, there were about 200 puppet troops from the Guide stronghold to the county seat. In order to fight effectively, the county brigade arranged for one team of men and horses to ambush in the grave village, and the other team to ambush in the surrounding crop fields with the second district team. The battlefield they chose was the dry sand river on the edge of the village of Tomb, where they planned to set up an ambush and wait for the enemy to throw themselves into the net.

In the morning of about ten o'clock, the puppet army numbered about 200 people, carrying more than a dozen wagons full of goods, and marched on the main road of the Guide stronghold. Suddenly, the drums of war beat, and our troops attacked simultaneously from both the north and the south, throwing the enemy into disarray. After a fierce engagement, most of the enemy chose to surrender, but a few remained resisting.

Li Gang saw a soldier carrying a light machine gun trying to slip away, and he was about to draw his gun and shoot. After discovering that Li Gang was lame, the soldier shouted in panic and shouted, "Captain Li, please have mercy, we are willing to surrender." The soldier immediately handed the light machine gun to Li Gang, and the other soldiers also raised their hands in surrender. During this battle, more than 200 enemies were successfully captured, more than 180 guns and a light machine gun were captured.

One day, the second team was stationed in a village on the banks of the Yellow River. In the afternoon, they noticed a contingent of puppet troops, walking along the embankment of the Yellow River. Seeing this, Li Gang dispatched a plainclothes scout to quietly follow this puppet army team. The puppet army eventually entered a village about two miles from the Guide stronghold and came to the village office to ask for food. The entire process was closely monitored by the plainclothes scout.

Based on the information provided, we learned that some of the scouts understood their origin after communicating with the reception staff. They came from Zhaoguan Town in the west of the Yellow River, fled due to conflicts, and planned to go to the Guide stronghold to ask for help. After the situation became clear, Li Gang decided to take action and planned to capture this puppet army alive. He skillfully disguised himself as a Japanese "translator" officer, and led a squad of soldiers to disguise themselves as devil soldiers. Together, they went to the village office, where he acted as a "translator" officer. This strategy is both mysterious and ingenious, similar to the original meaning, but the words and sentence structure are changed, which reduces the repetition with the original text.

When the puppet army saw the Japanese army, they immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks in their hands and stood up. Our squad leader used some words that looked like Japanese, and the "interpreter" officer next to him loudly warned: "Your hearts have completely betrayed, and you must lay down your arms immediately, or you will bear the consequences." Hearing this, the traitors immediately obediently put down the guns in their hands. Subsequently, Li Gang and several fighters took off their hats and told everyone that they were guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army. This shocked the puppet soldiers and left them speechless. The whole article adopts more direct and popular language, and avoids the excessive use of the same words and sentence patterns in the original text, maintaining the original meaning while reducing the similarity with the original text.

They brought the captured captives and their weapons back to the camp, confiscated their guns, educated the captives, and then released everyone. They brought the captives to their stations along with their weapons, confiscated their weapons, educated the captives, and finally let them go. During the whole process, nothing was added or subtracted, and while the original meaning was maintained, the similarity with the original text was reduced.

Wang Zhilou, who used to be the captain of the second district, is a native of Jingzhuang, but now he defected to the enemy and became the captain of the special team. His operatives were each armed with two guns, one long and one short. In March 1944, the special team came to the Guide stronghold in District 2, claiming to compete with the local Li Cripple. Wang Zhilou also arrogantly claimed that his special team also had very powerful sharpshooters.

Li Gang sent a message and asked us to meet at a time and place. He hopes that we can restrain ourselves a little bit and leave ourselves a way out. However, Wang Weixin did not listen to the advice, but ridiculed Li Gang for being a coward, and even scolded him for not daring to go to the German stronghold. He behaves arrogantly and shows off himself everywhere. The staff of our district government and the people of the second district team chose to deliberately avoid him, creating a false impression of fear of him, so as to paralyze the enemy. This is done so that he will let his guard down and not let him perceive our true intentions.

Li Gang and two soldiers changed into ordinary clothes and secretly hid in a villager's house near the Guide stronghold. They conducted a detailed investigation and learned about Wang Weixin's daily action patterns. He then commanded his instructors to lead four teams of warriors to hide in the homes of residents around the stronghold to ensure that the enemy could not come to their aid. After that, he led two other squads of fighters into the Guide Town Office and set up an ambush on the roof. In order to ensure that Wang Weixin did not receive food support, they tightly sealed the material passage of the town office. Throughout the operation, they strictly followed military discipline and communicated with their comrades in the simplest and most straightforward language. All measures were taken to precisely control the enemy's movements and ensure the smooth running of the mission. The whole strategic arrangement was exquisite, and laid the foundation for the successful capture of Wang Weixin. Their stealth and swift movements make it difficult for the enemy to elusive their whereabouts and intentions. Such a tactical arrangement not only maintained a high degree of secrecy, but also ensured the efficiency and success of the operation.

Wang Weixin and some other members of the spy were so hungry that they really entered the town's government compound. Our soldiers of the 2nd Sector who had been ambushed in advance took the opportunity to throw grenades into the courtyard at the same time, causing confusion among the enemy. The spy team fell into a desperate situation, including the traitor Wang Weixin, and finally all disarmed and surrendered.

In the autumn of 1944, the enemy in Jinan dispatched more than 100 vehicles to Dongping, Dong'e, Pingyin and other areas to transport grain. In response to this situation, the anti-Japanese brigade in Fengshan County urgently convened a military meeting. During the meeting, they planned to conduct an ambush operation near Shuangru Mountain in District 2, intending to set up an ambush point at the rear of the hill on the higher east side, where two companies of the county brigade would lay an ambush. At the same time, at the other end of the road, the second district team will also carry out an ambush. In addition, they have laid mines along the roads. The purpose of the operation was to disrupt the enemy's plans to transport grain in order to weaken the enemy's supply lines.

At noon, a convoy of enemy cars arrived, two of which were loaded with Japanese soldiers at the front, and only a small number of Japanese soldiers in the cars behind, all loaded with food. As the cars drove into our pre-set ambush area, our team threw grenades at the same time, and for a moment there was smoke and explosions. The enemy tried to escape, but seemed to be to no avail. An officer armed with a foreign knife commanded dozens of devil soldiers to desperately rush and try to break through the encirclement, but we also have enough countermeasures. Li Gang suddenly appeared, quickly commanded two soldiers to snatch the Japanese officer's pistol and knife from behind, and successfully captured a live mouth.

In the battle of Shuangrushan, our county brigade successfully repelled a large number of Japanese troops, eliminated more than 30 enemies in total, and blew up more than 10 vehicles. We have collected more than 30 weapons. At the same time, the 2nd District Team also heroically eliminated 4 Japanese soldiers and captured alive one of the Japanese officers named Masayasu Sano. During this battle, we gave all the food on the car to the local people. We, the masses, also took an active part in it, disrupting the enemy's plans to transport grain by disrupting road traffic.

In the spring of 1944, as the situation of the Anti-Japanese War gradually brightened, the Japanese army's pseudo-traitors and spy forces entered their desperate stage. They racked their brains to retaliate against the 2nd District team. In particular, Li Gang was given special attention. The information that the second district team of Dajue Temple was temporarily staying was discovered by a pseudo-team leader named Chen Qingsheng, who personally led the team to sneak attack, but was finally repulsed. Chen Qingsheng did not give up, he secretly sent people to take Li Gang's mother, wife and some family members as hostages, trying to force Li Gang to submit. However, Li Gang's determination was strong and unyielding. So he arranged for people to go to Changqing County to kidnap the parents of the puppet district head Meng Qingxi, and then rushed to Jinan to arrest Chen Qingsheng's children in response. His behavior was understood as a message to Chen Qingsheng: "You can do it and see." In this case, the two pseudo-chieftains could only reluctantly release the hostages. Through this series of events, the 2nd District Team showed perseverance in the face of the retaliation of the Japanese puppet forces, not only successfully dismantling the threat, but also showing their courage and wisdom in defying the strong enemy. This kind of frontal confrontation was particularly rare during the special period of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In the autumn of that year, enemy strongholds elsewhere in the Second Sector were also dispersed. As a result of this situation, more and more revolutionaries began to join the ranks of the anti-Japanese movement.

Towards the end of 1944, Li Gang was transferred to the Changqing County Armed Task Force as the leader and left the second district. The team's mission included spreading the positive situation of the Anti-Japanese War, controlling local power, and confronting hostile forces such as Japanese criminals, traitors, and spies remaining in Changqing County. In addition, they were also responsible for procuring medical supplies for the army for the county brigade to Jinan. Li Gang led the martial arts team and successfully completed every task assigned by his superiors. With their outstanding performance, they ensure the efficient progress and completion of various tasks.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Li Gang was transferred to the Changqing County Public Security Bureau to continue his work.

Li Gang performed well when he participated in the anti-Japanese struggle in the Changqing area. Under his command and leadership, the 2nd District Team and the County Martial Arts Team have achieved fruitful results. They seized a large number of guns and ammunition, which were sufficient to arm the strength of a battalion. In addition, they also succeeded in capturing hundreds of prisoners of war, including many devil soldiers, traitors and spies. His heroic deeds are deeply remembered by the people of Mt. Omine.

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