
There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

author:Fun facts classic stew
There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely
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There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

In the bright galaxy of the Chinese entertainment industry, Chen Kaige is undoubtedly a dazzling star. However, behind his brilliant career as a director, there is a sad love story.

Ni Ping, the once popular host, has been in love with Chen Kaige for 5 years. In this relationship, Ni Ping paid a price unimaginable to ordinary people.

In order to support Chen Kaige's career, Ni Ping resolutely gave up the hosting work she loved. She devoted herself to Chen Kaige's life, not only taking care of his daily life, but also taking care of the Chen family.

Once, Chen Kaige's father was hospitalized with a sudden illness, and when Chen Kaige was busy filming movies and had no time to doppelgänger, Ni Ping put down his work without saying a word and rushed to the hospital to take care of Chen's father.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Her performance is like a daughter-in-law who has integrated into the Chen family, and has won the praise of Chen's father.

With Ni Ping's full support, Chen Kaige's career is booming. In 1993, his film "Farewell My Concubine" was not only nominated for an Oscar, but also won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, becoming an internationally renowned director.

Ni Ping originally thought that this success would make her relationship with Chen Kaige stronger, but fate played a cruel joke on her.

Just when Ni Ping was full of expectations and thought that happiness was about to come, she received a breakup letter from Chen Kaige. This was like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly pushing Ni Ping into the abyss of pain.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

What's even more heart-wrenching is that Ni Ping later learned that during her love affair, Chen Kaige had made another actress, Chen Hong, pregnant with his child.

Ni Ping fondly recalled in her autobiography "Days" that during that time, she felt that she had lost her dignity and her soul was forced to give in. She described herself as a walking corpse, tormented inside.

However, even in such a predicament, Ni Ping still did not give up on herself.

In this relationship, Ni Ping gave her youth, career and all her love. Her story is like a mirror, reflecting the brutal imbalance between giving and giving in love.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

However, it was this unforgettable experience that eventually became the starting point for Ni Ping to reinvent herself and be reborn.

Chen Kaige's love life is as ups and downs as the movies he directs, full of ups and downs, full of drama. His emotional trajectory begins with Hong Huang, goes through Ni Ping, and finally stays on Chen Hong, and each relationship reflects the uniqueness of his character and choices.

Hong Huang's family background opened the door to the international stage for Chen Kaige. They frequently attend various high-end events, and Chen Kaige seems to enjoy this life.

However, as he rose to prominence in the film industry, so did his contact with numerous actresses. This sparked unease in Hong Huang, who found herself struggling to adapt to competing with so many women for a man.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

In the end, in 1991, Hong Huang chose to take the initiative to file for divorce. The failure of this marriage may stem from the difference in values between the two, or it may be the result of Chen Kaige's inability to resist the temptation of fame and fortune.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Kaige and Ni Ping started a 5-year relationship. Ni Ping devoted herself to this relationship, and even sacrificed her career to support Chen Kaige.

However, just when Ni Ping thought that happiness was coming, fate took another turn.

In 1993, when Chen Kaige was preparing for the new film "Fengyue", he met the glamorous and moving Chen Hong. Chen Hong once played the role of Diao Chan in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and attracted Chen Kaige's attention with his unique charm and enchanting temperament.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Chen Kaige claimed to have fallen in love with Chen Hong at first sight, firmly believing that she was the most suitable person for him.

The two had frequent contact under the pretext of discussing the script, and the ambiguity continued. Although Chen Kaige was still in a relationship with Ni Ping at the time, their private correspondence quickly attracted the attention of the media.

In order to avoid affecting the promotion and box office of the movie, Chen Kaige and Chen Hong had to be temporarily separated.

However, an accident in 1996 changed everything. Chen Hong is pregnant, and this news has become a turning point in her relationship with Chen Kaige. Chen Kaige immediately proposed to Ni Ping to break up, and soon after he entered the marriage hall with Chen Hong.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Chen Kaige's emotional journey, from Hong Huang to Ni Ping to Chen Hong, every relationship is full of drama. It not only reflects Chen Kaige's ambition and pursuit in his career, but also reflects his hesitation and choice in his relationship.

This emotional journey, which spans more than ten years, is like a real emotional drama, which makes people sigh at the tricks of fate and the complexity of human nature.

In 1996, Chen Hong's unexpected pregnancy became a decisive turning point in her relationship with Chen Kaige. This news was like a bombshell that completely changed the trajectory of the fate of the three people.

Chen Kaige quickly proposed to Ni Ping to break up, and then walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand with Chen Hong. Their wedding was a grand event, with many celebrities invited to attend, as if to announce to the world that this controversial love affair had finally come to fruition.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

However, Chen Hong's "victory" did not come without a price. Her appearance and eventual union with Chen Kaige sparked widespread public discussion and criticism. In order to calm the controversy, Chen Hong had to publicly emphasize many times that both of her and Chen Kaige were single when they met.

Still, this explanation does not seem to have completely quelled the skepticism.

What's even more disturbing is that Chen Hong has publicly stated that Chen Kaige has never really loved Ni Ping. This remark undoubtedly rubbed salt on Ni Ping's wounds, and also caused public dissatisfaction.

Chen Hong's behavior makes people wonder if she really has enough security for this relationship.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Married life seems happy on the surface. Chen Kaige loves Chen Hong very much, and even does not hesitate to fly over thousands of mountains and rivers just to make her a meal of braised pork. Such a move is enviable, as if it is the best interpretation of their love.

Today, 27 years later, we can't help but ask: Is Chen Hong really the winner of love? On the surface, she seems to have got everything: married to a well-known director with a successful career and formed a happy family.

As time went on, Chen Hong's situation did not seem to be as rosy as people thought. In her recent public appearances, she looked exhausted and completely lost her former glory.

used to be a glamorous and confident actress, but now it gives people a sense of vicissitudes and powerlessness.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

All this makes people think: in love, is there really a so-called "winner"? Perhaps, the real victory is not in what you get, but in finding balance in your relationship, respecting each other, and growing together.

Chen Hong's story may be a profound interpretation of this truth.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the marriage between Chen Kaige and Chen Hong has gone through 27 spring and autumn. However, in 2021, an explosive news was like a depth charge, instantly setting off a monstrous wave in the entertainment industry.

It is rumored that Chen Kaige and Chen Hong's son are caught in a jaw-dropping scandal. There are even intimate photos of him with a female fan circulating online, and the content of these photos is explicit enough to put any family in trouble.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

In the face of this sudden crisis, Chen Kaige showed his usual iron-fisted style. It is said that when he learned the news, he immediately interrupted the ongoing filming work and called his son to the office to severely reprimand.

It is even rumored that he even asked his son to kneel outside the office for an entire day as a sign of punishment. Even other celebrities such as Zhang Yi and others came forward to intercede, but they failed to shake Chen Kaige's determination.

This scene seems to be a true portrayal of the iron-faced and selfless image he has created on the screen over the years.

This turmoil not only brought huge public opinion pressure to Chen Kaige's family, but also seemed to have dealt a serious blow to Chen Hong's mental state. In recent public appearances, Chen Hong, who was once radiant, looked exhausted, as if he had aged much older overnight.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

The woman who once conquered Chen Kaige with her peerless appearance now gives people a feeling of twilight.

Today, 27 years later, when we re-examine the marriage of Chen Kaige and Chen Hong, we can't help but ask: Does this relationship, which is based on controversy, really stand the test of time? Chen Hong, who once boasted of being the winner of love, can still maintain his former self-confidence and pride? As time passes, the truth will eventually surface, and this truth may be much more complicated than we think.

In stark contrast to Chen Hong's current malaise is Ni Ping. Despite that heartbreaking emotional trauma, Ni Ping has shown admirable resilience.

She was not trapped by the haze of the past, but rediscovered her life direction and made remarkable achievements in her hosting career.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

With her own talent and hard work, Ni Ping has gradually grown into a national-level host. She has been invited to perform for major national celebrations many times, and has become a well-deserved "national business card".

Her hosting style is warm and wise, and she has won wide love and respect from the audience.

What's even more amazing is that although she is no longer young, Ni Ping still maintains her vigorous vitality and vitality. Her eyes shone with wisdom, and her words revealed her love for life and enthusiasm for her career.

This kind of charm exuded from the inside out is far from being comparable to the youthful beauty of youth.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Ni Ping's experience tells us that true happiness does not lie in external gains and losses, but in inner growth and breakthroughs. Not only has she achieved great success in her career, but she has also found inner peace and happiness.

Ni Ping's story can be called a legend reborn from the ashes, and she has proved with her actions that even if she encounters a low point in her life, she can still bloom with the most gorgeous brilliance.

The stories of Chen Kaige, Chen Hong and Ni Ping are like a prism, reflecting the complex aspects of love and life. It leaves us with a deep thought: love is important, but personal value and career success are equally indispensable.

Ni Ping's experience tells us that even if we encounter a heavy emotional blow, we must face it bravely and start anew. She proves with practical actions that true happiness comes from her own growth and breakthrough.

There are thousands of scumbags, and what I'm afraid of is Chen Kaige! After 27 years of marriage, Chen Hong lost completely

Chen Hong's case warns us that the so-called "victory" may only be temporary. True happiness requires us to manage and grow with our hearts.

This story teaches us that the value of life should not be pinned on love alone. Only by constantly improving oneself and pursuing career achievements can we achieve long-term satisfaction and happiness.

In the face of the ups and downs of life, maintaining inner tenacity and love for life is the most precious wealth.

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