
In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

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In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth
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In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

In October 2018, a piece of news shocked the entire Chinese entertainment industry like a bolt from the blue: the famous host Li Yong passed away in the United States at the age of 50.

However, what is even more surprising is that his remains were not repatriated to his homeland. Li Yong's wife, Ha Wen, made a decision that shocked everyone: to bury her husband in a foreign land.

This decision is like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves and causes an uproar on the Internet.

Over time, the controversy did not subside. It wasn't until today, five years later, that Harvin finally broke the silence and unravel the mystery that had puzzled everyone for a long time. The emergence of the truth not only restores Li Yong's last wish, but also allows us to see the little-known side of this public figure.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

Li Yong's life is like a legendary script full of ups and downs, full of unexpected twists. As a young Han man born in the northwest, Li Yong's initial dream was to become a singer.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on people. During an ordinary physical examination, Li Yong was diagnosed with "vocal cord nodules", a seemingly insignificant minor problem, but ruthlessly shattered his musical dream.

However, as the saying goes, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Having lost the opportunity to become a singer, Li Yong was not discouraged. With his excellent academic performance, he was successfully admitted to the university and laid a solid foundation for his future career.

After graduation, Li Yong successfully became a CCTV host with his talent and unremitting efforts, starting his brilliant TV career.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

On the big stage of CCTV, Li Yong was like a fish in water and quickly stood out. The ratings of the two programs "Very 6+1" and "Lucky 52" hosted by him have been rising steadily, and they are deeply loved by the audience.

Li Yong's unique hosting style, which is both humorous and warm, made him quickly become the "national host" in the hearts of the audience. His success is not only reflected in the ratings, but more importantly, he has won the trust and love of the audience.

Li Yong's career is in full swing, and he has even been fortunate to serve as the host of the Spring Festival Gala many times, which is undoubtedly the highest affirmation of his talent. On the stage of CCTV, Li Yong showed unparalleled brilliance.

Even in a highly competitive environment, in the face of strong opponents such as "National Face" Kang Hui and "Fangxin Arsonist" Sa Beining, Li Yong still relied on his strength and charm to gain a firm foothold in CCTV.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

However, who would have thought that the once insignificant "vocal cord nodule" would become a time bomb buried in his life. 20 years later, this small illness turned into a fatal laryngeal cancer, which completely changed the trajectory of Li Yong's life.

This cruel joke makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

Looking back on Li Yong's career, we see a host who constantly breaks through himself and has the courage to challenge. From the initial music dream being shattered to becoming the top host of CCTV, Li Yong used his own efforts to interpret what real success is.

His story is not only the growth history of a host, but also an inspirational legend about perseverance and courage.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

Behind Li Yong's brilliant career, there is also an enviable love story. His wife, Harvin, is not only the most important partner in his life, but also his right-hand partner in his career.

This couple, known as CCTV's "Condor Heroes", used their stories to explain what it is to truly work together.

Li Yong's pursuit of Harvin can be called a romantic comedy. In order to win the heart of his sweetheart, Li Yong racked his brains. Like a silent shadow, he silently followed behind Harvin, carefully observing her every move, trying to understand her preferences.

Knowing that Haven was a filial daughter, Li Yong began to visit her home frequently. He took the initiative to share the housework for Harvin's mother, played chess with Harvin's grandfather, and gradually won the favor of Harvin's family with his sincerity and thoughtfulness.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

Li Yong's persistence and carefulness finally melted the ice in Hawen's heart.

Soon after graduation, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. After marriage, Li Yong and Ha Wen, one was radiant in front of the stage, and the other was silently behind the scenes, and they used tacit cooperation to become a model couple praised both inside and outside CCTV.

Li Yong's love for Harvin is reflected in the bits and pieces of life. In order to avoid the pain of childbirth for his beloved wife, he once decided to give up the opportunity to have children, and was even willing to become a "Dink".

However, when Harvin expressed his desire to have children, Li Yong did not hesitate to support his wife's decision. This respectful and tolerant attitude is the secret of their long-term and happy marriage.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

With the birth of their daughter Fatoumah, Li Yong and Havin's family has become more happy. In her spare time, Li Yong always finds as much time as possible to spend with her family.

He knows how rare happiness it is to have a warm and happy family as a public figure.

The love story of Li Yong and Ha Wen has become a good story talked about inside and outside CCTV. They support each other, grow together, and interpret what is a real couple with practical actions.

Even when Li Yong faced the biggest challenge in her life, Harvin always stood firmly by her husband's side, giving him unlimited support and strength.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

In 2013, a news that shocked the entertainment industry spread: Li Yong, the CCTV host who is deeply loved by the audience, decided to leave CCTV, where he had worked for many years.

This decision was like a thunderbolt, causing a huge shock among the audience and industry insiders.

For a time, all kinds of speculation and criticism arose. Some people accuse Li Yong of being "ungrateful", and some people think that he is "forgetting his righteousness for the sake of profit". However, no one knows what kind of inner struggle Li Yong is going through under these superficial hustle and bustle.

In fact, as early as 2013, Li Yong had already noticed an abnormality in his body. However, as a dedicated presenter, he chose to continue to stick to his post until a suitable successor was found.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

This kind of professional ethics was not known to the outside world at the time. It was undoubtedly a difficult time for Li Yong to suffer from physical discomfort and face public doubts and criticism.

In 2017, fate played a cruel joke on Li Yong. During an ordinary program recording, Li Yong suddenly fainted in the dressing room. This unexpected event caught everyone off guard.

After a detailed examination, the doctor gave a diagnosis that shocked everyone: Li Yong suffered from laryngeal cancer.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which not only plunged Li Yong's family into great grief, but also made him fall into deep confusion. For a host who lives on his voice, laryngeal cancer is undoubtedly the most brutal blow.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

This not only means that he may lose his beloved career, but also his life.

In the face of this difficult situation, Li Yong showed admirable courage and professionalism. He decided to go to the United States for treatment, but before leaving, he persevered in the job at hand.

It was not until the successful conclusion of the "Familiar Taste" program in 2017 that Li Yong officially resigned as the host.

Behind this difficult decision, Li Yong's responsibility for his career, his respect for the audience, and his cherishing of life. He chose to leave, not because of betrayal, but to fight the disease and to be able to spend more time with his family.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

Li Yong's experience allows us to see the true reaction of a public figure in the face of life's major challenges. His choice not only reflects his love for his career, but also shows his cherishing of life.

This decision may be the most difficult of his career, but it is also the bravest.

Li Yong and his wife Harvin embarked on a journey to the United States for treatment, starting the most difficult journey of his life. In a foreign country, faced with language barriers and cultural differences, Li Yong and her family began a desperate battle against cancer.

The daily chemotherapy process is a painful ordeal. The side effects of the drug made Li Yong suffer a lot, he was once radiant, but now he has lost a lot of weight, but his eyes still shine with determination.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

In this difficult moment, the company of family has become Li Yong's biggest support.

Her daughter, Fatoumah, is studying in the United States, and she spends as much time as possible with her father outside of school. Although Li Yong is seriously ill, she always smiles and encourages her daughter to study hard and not worry about him.

His wife, Harvin, gave up all her work and took care of her husband wholeheartedly. This deep family affection has become the biggest motivation to support Li Yong to continue fighting.

After more than a year of arduous treatment, Li Yong's condition finally improved. The family was ecstatic, thinking that the most difficult time was over. Li Yong even began to plan to return to China, eager to return to the stage he loved.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

However, fate dealt them a heavy blow again. In 2018, Li Yong's condition suddenly deteriorated. Despite the best efforts of doctors, the cancer cells are spreading much faster than expected.

This time, Li Yong never escaped the clutches of death.

In the last moments of his life, Li Yong still maintained his usual humor and optimism. He told his family that he wanted to be able to leave quietly and didn't want to cause too much noise because of his death.

This wish eventually became his last wish to the world.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

Li Yong's departure is not only a huge loss to his family, but also makes countless viewers feel deeply regretful. However, the courage and strength he showed in the fight against cancer have left us with valuable spiritual wealth.

Li Yong's death brought a huge shock to the entertainment industry and the audience. However, even more surprising was that Harvin decided to bury her husband in the United States. The decision sparked widespread controversy, and many people could not understand why Li Yong's body was not shipped back to China.

Doubts have come and gone, with some people believing that this is a departure from Chinese tradition, while others accuse Li Yong and his wife of worshipping foreigners.

However, the truth is often more complicated than imagined. It wasn't until today, five years later, that Harvin finally broke the silence and unravel the mystery that had puzzled everyone for a long time. It turned out that this was Li Yong's last wish before his death.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

He wanted to be able to leave quietly, not wanting to cause more trouble to his family because of his death.

Li Yong knows that if the body is transported back to China, it will definitely attract huge social attention. He didn't want his wife to be tired of dealing with the aftermath, and he didn't want his elderly parents to suffer the pain of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man.

More importantly, he hopes to continue to be by his daughter's side to study in the United States and silently guard her growth.

This decision reflects Li Yong's deep concern for his family. Even in the last moments of his life, he still thinks about his family. He chose a way to leave that would not bring additional burden to his relatives, and this thoughtfulness and kindness are exactly the portrayal of Li Yong's life.

In the past 5 years, the cause of Li Yong's death has been revealed, why is his body not transported back to China? Wife Harvin reveals the truth

As the truth was revealed, the doubts and criticisms that had once been about Li Yong gradually dissipated. People are beginning to understand the well-loved presenter's good intentions and admire his deep affection for his family.

Li Yong's story allows us to see a little-known side of a public figure. Behind the glamour in the spotlight is an ordinary person's deep thinking about life and family.

He used his actions to explain what true love and responsibility are, and also left us with valuable life inspiration.

This final choice is not only the embodiment of Li Yong's personal wishes, but also a profound life topic about love, responsibility and choice.

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