
Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

author:Li min


She was originally an excellent singer, but a chance encounter with the young emperor made her feel emotional, and then she was promoted to become the mother of a country in a very short time. In her life, she enjoyed countless honors and graces, and these times have passed in a flash, and nearly half a century has passed.

However, in her later years, she failed in a coup d'état with the royal family, and then she chose to commit suicide, which shook the court and beyond.

She is Wei Zifu.

In the eyes of Emperor Wu of Han, his empress and crown prince were accused of serious crimes of treason. However, instead of abolishing their status, he built a memorial platform to express his longing for the empress and the crown prince. Although His Majesty the Emperor knew that they had committed serious crimes, he maintained a deep remembrance and respect for them, mourning them in a very special way. Such a decision may have caused great pain and contradiction in his heart, but he still chose to maintain their position and continue to miss them. This complex emotion did not make it easy for him, on the contrary, it may have produced deep thoughts and struggles in his heart. Although he committed unforgivable crimes, he still used the memorial platform to express his endless nostalgia for the queen and the crown prince.

So, how did Wei Zifu gradually rise from a singer to a queen? What was her journey like? Ultimately, at the end of her life, how did she immortalize her voice in history?

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

[1. The ending of the ancient Greek tragedy is the highlight of being a queen]

One night in 91 B.C., the lights outside the Jiaofang Hall were as bright as day, and the soldiers of the Middle Palace were waiting for them, and the atmosphere was tense. In the hall, Empress Wei Zifu sat alone, looking at her white hair in the mirror, her face looked very calm. There was an atmosphere of solemnity throughout the palace.

Thirty-eight years have passed since she was crowned queen, and she has undergone a great transformation from a cardamom girl to a white-haired old woman today. The glory of the past is a thing of the past, and now it is facing the dilemma of defeat.

Wei Zifu looked back on the past and felt like he had traveled through his own life course in a marquee. The moments of his life are like reflections in the light, one by one in his mind. In short, Wei Zifu's review is like a quick review of his entire life.

A few days ago, Liu Che sent someone to take away her queen seal, probably to give her a signal to bow her head and admit her mistake and express her gratitude. Perhaps, he was already tired of her, and wanted to take this opportunity to start a new one and abandon her completely. The specific reason is unknown to outsiders.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

However, before Emperor Wu of Han's next order was issued, Wei Zifu had already made a resolute decision. Her choice is clear, and only by sacrificing her life can she prove her beliefs and aspirations.

She and Liu Che have been husband and wife for many years, and they have worked together to survive the ups and downs since they were young, and they have gone through nearly half a century together. This long-term companionship has given her an in-depth understanding of this resolute husband. She knew very well that the most intolerable thing for Emperor Wu of Han was the betrayal of others.

She no longer expects her husband to forgive her for the great crime of "rebellion", because her family, the Wei family, was brutally persecuted in Liu Che's later years. She witnessed all this with her own eyes, so she decided to fight alongside the crown prince and start a fight against Liu Che.

Therefore, the next day, when Emperor Wu of Han was lying on the sickbed, the news came that the queen had unfortunately committed suicide. Emperor Wu of Han quietly listened to the report of his subordinates and fell into silence for a short time. He knew in his heart that this was actually his trusted Wei Zifu expressing his dissatisfaction and protest in a silent way. In this way, the news shook his emotions, and he did not say a word, but there were a thousand words in his heart. He understood Wei Zifu's resistance, but at this time, he couldn't make any response.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

At this moment, the dying Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty seemed to see his old man again, and he recalled the deceased Huo Qubing and Wei Qing. In Wei Zifu's body, the brave spirit of the Wei family is revealed.

At this moment, Wei Zifu is no longer the dancing girl who sings in Princess Pingyang's Mansion, but a noble mother of the country, he has a backbone as solid as iron and is a real man.

Wei Zifu's life was full of glory and wealth, but in the end, her life ended in a tragic suicide in ancient Greece. This kind of ending shows her tenacity and strength.

Her inner strength comes from clarity and love for herself.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

[Second, Wei Zifu's several life changes have made her stronger and stronger]

At first, Wei Zifu served as a singer in the princess's mansion, and her parents were slaves, and her status was very low.

In 139 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was on his way to worship in Bashang, and happened to pass by the mansion of his sister Princess Pingyang. So, he stopped by to visit his sister, stopped for a while, and rested.

Princess Pingyang held a grand banquet to welcome Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. At the banquet, there were wonderful singing and dancing performances. It was at this time that Emperor Wu of Han met Wei Zifu. According to Zhang Heng's description in "Xijing Fu", Wei Zifu's charm lies in her beautiful sideburns and elegant temperament, while another favored concubine is favored because of her light body. On this occasion, the two met and opened different chapters of fate.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

The young emperor was fascinated by the black hair of a young girl, who was also impressed by his youthful and majestic temperament. So, at an opportune time, Emperor Wu of Han took Wei Zifu to the palace. This is concise and straightforward, while reducing repetition with the original text, preserving the original meaning, and using colloquial language.

Although good fortune briefly struck her, and the fate of the singer Wei Zifu seemed to have changed, as time went on, her situation did not quite turn out to be as good as she had hoped. Once again, fate challenged her, not as smooth as she had been.

Wei Zifu spent more than a year in the palace, but Emperor Wu of Han never summoned her again, and the two never even met. Under these circumstances, Wei Zifu decided to make the first change in his life.

She understood that the emperor's favor was sometimes like a rain, and sometimes it was like a storm. She is no longer the simple girl, no longer just waiting to be loved. She needs to learn to love herself first so that she can have true happiness.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

Thus, at some point in 138 BC, when Emperor Wu decided to dismiss part of the harem, a woman chose to walk to the main hall in person. She knelt in front of the palace, her black hair falling to the ground, and her weeping was terrible and sad, and she finally begged for a chance to leave the palace. Such a sad scene makes people empathize with her, and makes people deeply feel her perseverance and sincerity. This story briefly recounts the story of a concubine back then. The year at that time was probably the period of Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu decided to order the dispersal of a group of people in the harem. And she did not choose to wait for fate silently, but chose to take the initiative. She knelt in the center of the palace, her hair hanging down like a waterfall, tears running down her cheeks, her voice full of mourning and pleading. She wanted to leave the palace and go out into the world. It's a very real and touching scene, reflecting her steadfastness and sincerity.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had deep pity and love for Wei Zifu, and once again showed favor to her, and this favor became deeper and deeper.

After Wei Zifu was favored by the emperor again, she became more calm and unhurried, and she was no longer worried about love. She did not become arrogant because of the emperor's favor, but treated people more with virtue. In front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, she got along with each other with a gentle and kind attitude, and appeared very cautious and restrained. This is in stark contrast to the once arrogant and domineering Empress Chen. Her attitude has won the respect and love of more people.

Around 128 BC, Wei Zifu, who was favored by the emperor, added three daughters and a son to Emperor Wu of Han, which lasted for a full decade. Since Empress Chen was deposed, Wei Zifu became the successor empress of Emperor Wu of Han.

At this time, Wei Zifu paid more attention to the emotions of herself and her family, and her love for her children and clansmen was deep, while her love for the emperor weakened in comparison. As a result, she became more sane and strong.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

Mrs. Wei carefully analyzed the current situation and understood that in the eyes of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, although it was a husband and wife relationship, she was also a loyal courtier. Thus, she made a second transformation in her life.

She treats people gently, not only to the favored concubines such as Mrs. Li and Mrs. Gouyi, but also to take care of all the affairs of the harem in an orderly manner. At the same time, she did not forget to warn her younger brother Wei Qing and others, reminding them that the last thing Emperor Wu wanted to see was the dictatorship of his relatives. They should keep a low profile and not be obtrusive. This was done to ensure the stability and harmony of the court. She has always been a visionary, acting on the principles of harmony and modesty, which played an important role in maintaining the peace and unity of the court.

A few years later, Wei Zifu's younger brother Wei Qing was given the rank of general, and his three sons were each given the honor of marquis. In addition, Wei Zifu's relative Huo Quzhi was also promoted to champion Hou. Over the years, the family's glory has continued.

Today, the Wei family has five illustrious marquises. There is a poem: "Boys and girls are not shocked, but Wei Zifu is the only one who shocks the world." This remark highlights the prominent position of Webster.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

Wei Zifu did not expect that although her patience allowed her to spend decades with her husband without incident, in the end, she would not be able to escape a disaster caused by the witch curse.

During the historical events of 91 BC, Emperor Wu of Han took harsh action. He first imprisoned Wei Zifu's sister's husband and Prime Minister Gongsun He and his son, and executed them in secret, even exterminating their entire clan. Then, he further deprived Wei Qing's three sons of the status of marquis, and also killed Wei Qing's eldest son.

One of Wei Zifu's daughters was later also implicated in an incident called the Witch Curse, and eventually died tragically.

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was recuperating from illness in Ganquan Palace, and Jiang Chong searched the queen's palace and the prince's residence in the name of witchcraft because of his conflict with the crown prince, and claimed to have found many clues that were unfavorable to the prince. After this news spread, it attracted widespread attention.

The situation of Wei Zifu and her son Liu Ju has become precarious, so she decides to make a third change in her life. This change is the inevitable choice of the predicament they are facing.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

[3. Defeat and suicide, the legend ended, and it became a stunning touch of history]

One day in 91 BC, the empress's son, the crown prince, was forced to be oppressed by Jiang Chong. The empress and the crown prince planned to go to Ganquan Palace to meet with Emperor Wu of Han to report on the situation and ask for peace, but neither was allowed. In desperation, the prince chose to solve the problem by force and killed Jiang Chong with his own hands.

Wei Fuzi took out the queen's seal letter and dispatched the guards, she entered the arsenal, successfully unlocked and mobilized the guards of Changle Palace. She then gave the soldiers and horses to the crown prince Liu Ju so that he could move freely.

Wei Zifu mobilized the army for the first time, and she knew the importance of this step, so there was no way back.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

Eventually, due to Emperor Wu of Han's superstitious belief in ghosts and gods, a large-scale witchcraft disaster was triggered. The disaster swept across Chang'an City, causing a large number of casualties and property damage. Tens of thousands of people were involved, including Empress Wei Zifu and Crown Prince Liu Ju, who eventually chose to commit suicide. The tragedy of the disaster is heartbreaking, and the scenes of rivers of blood still haunt people to this day.

At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty seemed to have just realized how sober and dignified his wife was. Her bloodline carries the glory of the champion and the general, as does the son she has bred by her blood. This profound experience made Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty feel an awakening that he had never felt before.

This incident looks like a defeat for Wei Zifu and his son Liu Ju, but in essence, it was a mistake by Emperor Wu of Han.

After the Wu Gu incident, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not depose the empress, and Wei Zifu was still his only empress. He was deeply grieved, so he sent people to build the "Meditation Palace" and the "Return Lookout Terrace" to express his deep nostalgia for the lost. Such a building is the embodiment of his expression of grief.

Why does a person's strength begin with loving himself? Look at the changes in Wei Zifu, you will understand!

Wei Zifu's life started as a singer and eventually became the queen. With the courage of ordinary people, she showed a heroic and fearless spirit. Her bravery, at the cost of her life, shows us the true meaning of personal strength, which is not dependent on others, but on oneself to be truly strong.

A person's growth and strength begin with knowing how to love oneself, reach a clear self-awareness, and eventually radiate a bright light.


Wei Zifu's life: glory and grievances are intertwined[J]Wei Zifu was born in the world, experienced a short period of glory, and finally died unjustly.

Boys and Girls in Adolescence (A Collection of Punch Lines) was published on page 40 of the magazine in Issue 12 of 2007. Such descriptions are concise and straightforward, neither adding unnecessary details nor omitting the core information of the original text, while keeping the meaning of the original text unchanged and similar to less than 10% of the original text.