
Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

author:Wu so-called
Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

The mainland has a history of 5,000 years, and many traditional virtues have been passed down since ancient times, and after being inherited and propagated from generation to generation, these have become our cognitions engraved in our bones.

The so-called father's kindness is filial piety, raising children to prevent old age, which shows that family harmony is conducive to the growth of children, and crows know how to feed back, not to mention emotional human beings.

In 2019, a story of finding relatives broke out on the Internet.

A dying old woman, with a glazed gaze and a breathing tube stuck in her nose, calls into her cell phone, hoping that her youngest son, Qiangqiang, will come back to see her one last time.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

The wife on the side said that their son Qiangqiang had lost contact after going abroad 20 years ago, and finally found the other party through the search of netizens, and found that he was a doctor from Peking University, who fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and has been settled for many years.

He ignored his mother's dying pleas and let his mother leave with regret, and for a while he was pushed to the forefront, and netizens scolded him for being a white-eyed wolf, but his mother's 7-word last words told the truth.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

1. Born with parental responsibilities

The protagonist in this incident is called Wang Yongqiang, who was born in 1969 in a rural family in Changzhou, Jiangsu, as the youngest child in the family, he should have been pampered by his parents and family, but in fact this is not the case.

He also has an older brother and sister, and his family situation is somewhat special, his brother has polio, and because his family is relatively poor, he missed the best time for treatment, and he is disabled.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

My sister is an ordinary rural girl, she didn't read much when she was a child, she always helped her parents with housework, and she got married early when she reached a certain age, and the family's life depended on her mother.

As a rural family, their income is relatively simple, a few acres of thin fields are all income, in order to reduce the pressure of life, my father will sell some rat poison or agricultural medicine.

The concept that his parents instilled in Wang Yongqiang since he was a child is that he must take care of his brother when he grows up and make more money to support the family, which puts him under great pressure at a young age.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

Due to the special condition of the eldest son's body, the parents gave him more love, which led them to neglect the growth of the younger son in their lives.

His parents gave their love to their eldest son and indifference to their younger son, no matter who made a mistake in life, Wang Yongqiang would definitely become the target of being beaten and scolded, and this kind of life made him feel very depressed.

When he reached school age, Wang Yongqiang entered the campus like other children of the same age, where the teachers were kind and kind, which made him feel more relaxed than ever.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

But the good times didn't last long, and after entering junior high school, his parents thought that Wang Yongqiang had grown up and could take care of his eldest son, so the couple went out to work, but they forgot that the youngest son was only a teenager at this time.

So Wang Yongqiang took care of his brother while studying, and it was from this time that he strengthened his belief in going to university and going out.

In order to reduce the pressure of life, his parents once persuaded Wang Yongqiang not to go to high school after finishing junior high school, but Wang Yongqiang's attitude was very resolute.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

At that time, Wang Yongqiang had been admitted to the local key high school, and his academic performance had always been excellent, because the high school was far away from home, his parents thought that he would not be able to go home to take care of his eldest son, so they put pressure on Wang Yongqiang and stopped all his living expenses.

His parents' obstruction made his path to study extremely difficult, but he did not complain about his brother, but clearly understood his parents' partiality.

Fortunately, the principal of the high school he attended was very sorry, and after learning about his situation, he exempted him from high school tuition and also handled a series of subsidies for him.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

In this regard, his mother also made a big fuss, and his purpose was very simple, that is, to let the younger son stop studying and take care of the eldest son's life with peace of mind.

After that, Wang Yongqiang promised to send back a sum of money every month, which made his mother stop, and he would go out to work during the winter and summer vacations, and he would also use his spare time to pick up scrap and sell it for money during school.

In such an environment, Wang Yongqiang's grades are still among the best, and in 1987, he entered Soochow University with excellent results.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

2. Difficult study path

After learning that he was admitted to university, the teachers and classmates around him were all happy for him, which was rare in those days, but his parents were just the opposite.

They didn't let Wang Yongqiang go out to study, and even said that he wanted to study, and his family had no money to pay for his tuition, so he was finally able to leave this home by his own efforts, and Wang Yongqiang naturally would not give up.

After arguing with his parents about this, he turned around and left, and in the summer of that year he entered the construction site, moving bricks and cement every day, and after two months of hard work, he finally saved enough for his freshman year.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

With this money, he successfully entered the university campus, and then the tuition and living expenses were all borne by himself, because of his excellent grades, he was able to get a scholarship to the school every year, and he could also get a certain amount of subsidies due to his family's poverty.

The money could have been kept for the next year's tuition, as well as his daily expenses, but his parents didn't know where to find out about it, and they got into trouble with the school again.

They asked their son for the money, and they cried hoarsely at school, attracting many onlookers from students, in fact, Wang Yongqiang has been sending money home since high school.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

Most of this money is his scholarship, and with this money, his parents' life is indeed much better, and they no longer go out to work and sell rat poison, but enjoy themselves directly at home, completely forgetting what kind of hardship their youngest son suffers outside.

At that time, Wang Yongqiang's monthly subsidy was only about 20 yuan, and after his parents' trouble, he would send all the money home every month, which completely chilled his heart.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

Later, he was admitted to graduate school, and at this time, his parents began to bewitch again, thinking that he was a college student, so they asked him to find his brother a high-paying and easy job in Suzhou.

In addition, his parents also made a lot of promises to relatives and friends in their hometown, saying that Wang Yongqiang could arrange school and work for their children in Suzhou.

At that time, Wang Yongqiang definitely did not have this ability, and he was blamed and even abused by his parents when he clearly refused, and then in order to stay away from his parents, he was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a doctorate, and in 1997, he was successfully admitted to the postdoctoral fellowship of Peking University.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

3. Completely break away from home

From this point, it can be seen that Wang Yongqiang has always been self-improving, and his parents not only did not help him, but also kept pulling him back.

After being away from his parents, Wang Yongqiang rarely gained a few years of stable life, but he still had to send money home every month, and he ushered in his love life when he was studying in Beijing.

The daughter of a professor at Peking University, with outstanding knowledge and appearance, in the process of getting along, the two cherished each other and established a love relationship, but when they were about to get married, they were strongly opposed by Wang Yongqiang's parents.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

They are afraid that their son will settle in Beijing, and after having a wife and a family of their own, they will no longer send money to the family and will no longer take care of his brother.

Wang Yongqiang's parents are really quite selfish, this time Wang Yongqiang did not choose to compromise, but quietly held a wedding with his wife, and he did not inform anyone in the family.

It is precisely because of this experience that Wang Yongqiang has plans to go abroad, in 1999 he took his wife to Japan, in order to appease his family, he said that this time they went to study and exchange.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

The reason why he was in such a hurry to go abroad was because he learned from his uncle that his mother knew that he had a stable job after graduating from his doctorate and had a fixed residence in Beijing, so they deliberately wanted to take their eldest son to Beijing to join the younger son.

But the real estate in Beijing was purchased by his wife, and his parents did not know that he was married, but he far underestimated his mother's selfishness, she went directly to Wang Yongqiang's school, and learned that he was married.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

After that, she made a big fuss in the school, saying that her son and daughter-in-law did not want to see her in-laws, nor did she want to support the elderly.

Seeing that her in-laws were so unreasonable, his wife, who had just been married for less than a year, filed for divorce, and finally had her own family, but was messed up by her mother, which made Wang Yongqiang's hatred for his parents a little more.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

After the divorce, he quietly went to the United States alone, changed all contact information, and cut off contact with everyone in the country, which was 20 years.

It wasn't until the outbreak of this video of looking for relatives that Wang Yongqiang was scolded on the Internet for a while, and then everyone found out that Wang Yongqiang had already cancelled his Chinese household registration.

A few years ago, Wang Yongqiang's classmates told his uncle that Wang Yongqiang had settled in Atlanta, USA, had a high-paying job, and had already started a family.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth

In 2012, Wang Yongqiang's mother suffered from uremia, and in 2019, the oil ran out, and his only wish was to see his youngest son before he died.

In just a few words, it expresses the pain in Wang Yongqiang's heart that is difficult to heal.

Through many efforts, Wang Yongqiang was finally contacted, and he only answered his mother's plea, and it was difficult for Qing officials to decide family affairs, and after netizens learned about the whole incident, they also felt sympathy for Wang Yongqiang.

Wang Yongqiang, a doctor from Peking University, fled to the United States for 20 years to hide from his parents, and his mother's 7-word last words told the truth


Although parents have the grace of nurturing their children, they must also do things in moderation, Wang Yongqiang is now engaged in software engineering abroad, and the salary is not low, all of which is in exchange for his efforts, if he does not escape from this home, his parents are likely to ruin his life.

Some people may say that no matter what parents do, children cannot be unsupported, but it can only be said that moral kidnapping is not feasible in this current society, and do not persuade others to be kind without suffering others.

Wang Yongqiang has always refused to forgive his family and reconcile with the past, which can see how much shadow his parents have left in his heart, the difficult support of his studies and the breakdown of his family, which are all pains that he can't forget and can't make up.


Student Observation2021-12-31 "Peking University Postdoctoral Fellow Wang Yongqiang, Missing for 20 Years, Regardless of His Parents' Life and Death, the Truth Behind It: They Only Recognize Money"

Sports Record2022-06-07 "Peking University Dr. Wang Yongqiang: Telling the Truth After 20 Years of Missing Contact: "Vampire Parents" Make Me Have Nowhere to Escape"

Today's Finance2024-06-20 "Peking University Dr. Wang Yongqiang: Hiding from his parents and fleeing to the United States for 20 years, his mother's 7-word last words tell the truth"

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