
Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

author:Li min

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Explanation: This explanation is meant to elaborate on the detailed meaning or background of a certain concept or thing. For a concept or thing, I explain its meaning or context in simple and clear words.

The Anglo-Saxon whites mentioned in this article mainly refer to those European-American whites in the United States and Europe who are predominantly Anglo-Saxon. It also includes ethnic minorities who identify with Anglo-Saxon culture, especially blacks and some Asians.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

From a student's perspective, cultural identity is the key factor in determining a position, while skin color and ethnicity are relatively secondary. They argue that cultural identity is more reflective of a person's position and identity, while skin color and ethnicity are more of a superficial label.

Just like our body, every seven years or so, there is a major change of material in the body. Although matter is constantly renewed, we remain the same because our mind and consciousness are continuous. To put it simply, the body has changed into a new outfit, but the inner "me" remains the same.

National identity, in fact, is like this, the real foundation lies in culture, and skin color is only a superficial symbol. To put it simply, culture is what matters, and skin color is not important. This sense of identity is based more on the culture we share than on differences in skin color.

For those who genetically retain the biological characteristics of Chinese, but culturally abandon the traditional Chinese cultural genes, we call them "banana people". And those public intellectuals and compradors who do not identify with Chinese civilization and turn their allegiance to Western civilization, and even regard the motherland as a hostile target and regard their mother race as an enemy, regardless of their nationality, can no longer be regarded as our true compatriots. There is a huge difference in spirit between them and the true sons and daughters of China. We have noticed that these people have behaved and thought differently from our traditional compatriots. Although they have Chinese ancestry, they have deviated from Chinese civilization in terms of cultural identity and values. They may have embraced Western values and ways of life, but that doesn't mean they're no longer part of human society. But when we talk about true compatriots, we mean those who are culturally and bloodily connected to Chinese civilization. Regardless of their status, their behaviour and attitudes have shown that they are markedly different from their true Chinese compatriots. Such attitudes and behaviors do not make one see them as our true compatriots. We should cherish those who truly identify with Chinese culture and contribute to the prosperity and development of the Chinese nation.

Important: Be cautious when reading long texts! The article is 7,000 words long. Alert! If you want to read a long work, think again. This 7,000-word article is rich in content and requires careful input to read. This 7,000-word article, please choose carefully whether you want to read it in depth. The content is complex and needs to be savored carefully. Please be careful with this 7,000-word article, which is detailed and should be read with caution. This is a long masterpiece, 7,000 words. Think carefully before reading so you don't get caught up in it. This article is 7,000 words long and has a lot of content, so please be cautious when reading it. This is an article that requires your careful input. Please be cautious about this long article, the full text is 7,000 words, and there is a lot of content, so you need to read it carefully.

Today's news is briefly summarized, and the old topics will not be repeated. A brief description of the main events. Oh yes, there's something new happening today, come with me and see what's going on. The content has been adjusted, but the general idea is still the same. Alright, now let's get down to business. Explain how this happened and give a concise description of how it unfolded. Next, let's talk about the cause of this incident and what led to this result. Then, analyze the possible implications and consequences of this incident. Finally, give some personal opinions and perspectives so that everyone can better understand this event.

A recent article mentions two polarizing tendencies among the Anglo-Saxon whites. One of these divisions is well known, that is, the white left and the white right. The other, less well-known, is the upper white class versus the lower white class. Both of these types of differentiation are reflected in the current Anglo-Saxon white society.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Incidentally, Jusa's invention was not the work of the Captain, but the Captain first popularized it in the headlines. And the idea of white and white is original by the school captain. We welcome all friends to share and promote this invention.

Even if it still feels unfamiliar, it is actually easy to distinguish between "white top" and "white bottom".

There are two distinguishing features in the white political class. First of all, some of them have a certain social status, including Anglo-Saxon politicians and other non-Anglo-Saxon white politicians, and even some minority politicians who belong to the Anglo-Saxon forces. Second, these politicians are generally believed to be under the control of Jewish capital.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

The name Jusa derives from the union of white and Jewish capital. In simple terms, this combination is a special kind of financial partnership.

In layman's terms, some of the Anglo-Saxon elites are supported by Jewish capital, or even controlled by it. From the point of view of the Ansar whites, these people can be seen as despicables, traitors, intellectuals and traitors who have taken refuge in Jewish capital. To put it simply, they have received aid or influence from Jewish capital.

The understanding of Shirata is relatively clearer. They are ordinary Americans who oppose the forces of Jusaac and identify with the values of the Anglo-Saxon whites. These people are mainly well-educated white college students with good family backgrounds, including some ethnic minorities. Although they were in relatively good economic condition, they were in a lower position in terms of political status. Put simply, white people are Americans who identify with Anglo-white values and have a lower political status.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Therefore, the color below white is relative to white.

So far, the Anglo-Saxon white community, which is actually in the lower strata of society, whether it is a white man who supports the right or a white left who has long been misled by the Judeo-Christian media, has not actively participated in this campaign that appears to support Palestine but is in fact anti-Semitic and anti-Anglo-Saxon.

History has repeatedly told us that the awakening of those people under oppression, whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign, is often led by intellectuals, especially young students with passion and idealism. No country is exempt from this principle, including the kingdom of Jusa. This awakening always has them at the forefront, giving birth to a spark of change.

In response to the new generation of Ansar whites who were seer, they said that in order to rebel against Jusa's authority, they needed to mobilize broad support from the lower classes. At the same time, the MAGA concept of the white right is combined with the LGBT, BLM and other movements of the white left to jointly promote the development of anti-Semitic movements. In short, to succeed in overthrowing Jusa's rule, it is necessary to unite multiple forces and mobilize the awakening of the people.

Just as the students were just beginning to hold their movements, Jewish capital, which had been hidden for centuries, finally came to the fore. Desperate to show themselves, they desperately pushed for the passage of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. They used legal means to completely stifle the student movement at its infonting stage. That's the root cause of the whole incident.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

The Jewish capitalists in the midst of it, better than those of us who are outside observers, know better that when ordinary Americans, represented by the Anglo-Saxon whites, awaken, their power will be a harbinger of their own doomsday.

In terms of major contradictions, the problems facing the United States at present are mainly concentrated in the widening social class gap, economic inequality, and political polarization. These problems lead to social instability and affect the development of the country and the well-being of the people.

The wisdom of the elderly teaches us that no matter when and where, no matter what we do, we should grasp the most critical issue, that is, the main contradiction. In this way, you can do more with less.

The same applies to the idea that simplified truths are more difficult to put into practice. To realize this truth, we must first overcome the first hurdle, that is, to find the core contradiction of the problem.

In the midst of complex social phenomena, especially when certain forces are trying to create chaos, it is not as simple as imagined to find out the core contradictions of the United States. We need to carefully analyze various social phenomena in order to find out more accurately where their main contradictions lie.

It is widely accepted that the main contradiction in the United States is not limited to the opposition between the left and the right represented by the Democratic and Republican parties. While the differences and contradictions between the two do exist, they do not fully represent all the contradictions in American society.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

According to the current understanding, the school captain once believed that the conflict between the anti-establishment faction led by the king and the establishment faction represented by the Yin King was the central contradiction in the United States. However, the view has now changed.

The introduction of the "Ancestral Sage Act" made the school captain begin to understand that the real main contradiction within American society is the conflict between the upper class rulers and the lower class of the people. Specifically, this contradiction manifested itself in the disagreement between the ruling class of Jussar and ordinary Americans, represented by the Ansar whites. This shows that the disparities and divisions between different groups are the real core problems of American society.

This contradiction became apparent only after the actions of Jewish capital were revealed.

To put it simply, the contradiction between the white left and the white right did not arise naturally, but was deliberately created and instigated by the Jussar forces.

The Jussar forces used hype about the BLM movement, the LGBT community, feminism, the legalization of immigration, the non-sentencing of misdemeanors, and MAGA slogans to disintegrate the united forces of many ordinary Americans into pieces, making it impossible for them to unite. At the same time, they fomented antagonism between different groups of voters in order to cover up the class contradictions between the ruling class of Jusar and ordinary Americans. Such tactics have exacerbated social divisions and plunged Americans into chaos and division. In this way, the Jussar forces succeeded in distracting Americans from real social problems. This kind of hype not only exacerbates social contradictions, but also hinders the harmonious development of society. In short, the Jusatic forces used a variety of concepts and issues to divide Americans into fragments and to exacerbate antagonism between different groups. This practice not only conceals class contradictions, but also makes society more chaotic and unstable.

When driving policy, it is important to truly understand people's opinions and needs, not just to see them as a trick. Policies such as happy education, nipple fun and the legalization of drug use do not really reflect the interests of the people, but may be complementary measures advocated by certain groups to achieve certain goals. The underlying reasons for such policies may be related to the interests they pursue, far from genuine respect for public opinion. Therefore, we should not be easily fooled by some seemingly light-hearted policies, but should pay more attention to the real intent and purpose behind these policies.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In street interviews, it is not difficult to find that many ordinary Americans express their lack of basic knowledge and even ignorance of China's geographical location. Yet, despite this, they have shown a moral self-confidence and a condescending attitude to blame China. Behind this lies their complex emotions and perceptions of national identity and international relations. To put it simply, the coexistence of their intellectual inadequacy and moral self-confidence has become a unique phenomenon in their view of the world and China. This is also a social phenomenon that we need to think about and explore.

In response to this unreasonable and arrogant accusation, some Chinese intellectuals seem to hold it as a guideline. However, they used the rhetoric of a monthly salary of 3,000 to blithelessly ridicule the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to participate in politics. This is a disappointing approach. Some Chinese intellectuals seem to agree with this irrational and arrogant accusation, but they disparage the enthusiasm for political participation of the people, using monthly salaries as a mocking argument. Such an act is indeed regrettable. The Chinese public's enthusiasm for politics is real and strong, but some public figures have devalued it with low salaries. This approach to accusation is both anti-intellectual and arrogant, in stark contrast to the political enthusiasm of the Chinese people. China's public knowledge seems to believe in some of the accusations, but it is unacceptable that they are cynical about the people's enthusiasm for political participation.

The recognized hypocrisy and hidden insidiousness are nowhere to be hidden under a two-faced system.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Find the starting point of public perception in the familiar kingdom of Sa.

In Jusa, the contradiction between the white left and the white right exists, but the contradiction between the anti-establishment and the establishment is more complex and confusing than that of the anti-establishment faction. On the surface, the anti-establishment seems to represent the interests of ordinary Americans, while the establishment symbolizes the position of the upper echelons of the American rulers. This opposition may seem like a class conflict, but when you dig deeper, it's not so simple. In fact, the struggle between the two factions is far more complicated than a mere class contradiction.

First of all, the opposition to the system does not fully represent all the people at the bottom, but mainly the position of the white right.

Thirdly, although the king and others appeared as anti-establishmentists, they were also part of the Jusatic forces and therefore part of the ruling class. Although they hold high the banner of the anti-establishment, their essence has not changed and they are still part of the large group that has power and influence. This should not be overlooked.

To put it simply, it is a conflict between the establishment and the anti-establishment, which is actually a power struggle within the upper classes, like dogs biting each other.

In today's world, Jewish capital has always maintained a calm and detached posture in the struggle between the strong and the undercurrent. Because the process of this kind of game is not just to understand and deal with, therefore, it does not get involved in it, and always maintains an objective attitude. In short, whether it is a clash between a knowing king or an ignorant king, it can always stand alone. On the battlefield of finance, they are indeed visionary and wise. This is their attitude towards the financial market in a calm and transcendent manner. Because of the in-depth understanding of business rules and calm judgment, we can achieve the realm of transcending the ordinary and understanding the overall situation. In an environment where interests are intertwined, Jewish capital can always remain sober and detached.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Whoever comes to power, the core interests of Jewish capital remain the same and will not be affected. And, because some people are unable to gain the support of the establishment elites, they are more inclined to work closely with Jewish capital. This shows the strong influence of Jewish capital in the political and economic spheres.

If smart leaders truly represent the interests of the public, they will never join forces with Jewish capital. Such an approach has nothing to do with being contrary to the people. Because only genuine representatives of the will will not cooperate with specific capitalists. Therefore, it is impossible for a leader to get involved in colluding with the interests of a particular capital if he claims to represent the interests of ordinary people. In short, it is impossible for a leader who knows how to speak for the people to get bogged down in the quagmire of making profits together with a particular group.

During his previous term of office, he took several notable actions in his relations with Israel. He visited the Wailing Wall as the incumbent president and supported his daughter's marriage to Jews and her conversion to Judaism. In addition, he made a controversial decision to move the U.S. embassy to a region, a move that was implemented in Israel but not internationally recognized. It is worth noting that this decision has been widely controversial and involves the issue of Israel's geographical affiliation. However, these actions reflect his unique position and attitude in dealing with Israel. Although there were different views on it, his actions during this period had an important impact on U.S.-Israel relations.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it is not difficult to see that despite the scruples of the Yin Kings who do not dare to make a complete break with Jewish capital, they are still trying to control the actions of the Netanyahu government. From this conflict, we can clearly perceive that even if there is consideration and restraint, the Yin King will still try to contain the actions of the other party, and he is also trying to avoid overreaction to the contradiction with Jewish capital. The actions of the Netanyahu government remain somewhat constrained and constrained. In this way, despite the tensions, both sides are still trying to find a balance and avoid tearing their faces directly. The Yin King, for his part, is still seeking a more moderate solution when dealing with Jewish capital.

In simple terms, the Jewish Brahmins dominated the Jussar model of co-governance, but this was not what the Anglo-Saxon elite expected. They are not willing to accept that they are second-rate Kshatriyas in such a system. Still, many Anglo-Saxon politicians now rely on Jewish money for power, which makes it impossible for them to escape the influence of Jewish capital. In other words, despite the reluctance of the Anglo-Saxon elites, they are actually tied down by Jewish capital and cannot get out of this relationship.

There are deep-seated reasons behind the passage of the "Zuxian Act" in the House of Representatives with an absolute high vote of 320 in favor and 91 against. Although about 80 percent of the House of Representatives are white Europeans, and the majority are Christians, they chose to support the bill not because they were willing to follow the will of the group or the individual, but because they agreed with the value and significance of the bill. Voting for the Patriarchal Act is not a betrayal of the electorate, nor does it represent a departure from one's own religious beliefs or cultural beliefs. Rather, it is a decision based on an in-depth knowledge and agreement with the content of the bill. Behind this high vote is people's respect and recognition of the law, rather than relying on the influence of a certain group or religious belief unilaterally.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower
Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Hypocrisy is evident among Anglo-Saxon politicians. Through these, it is possible to gain insight into their essence. There is no shortage of such examples.

The influence of Jewish capital on Anglo-Saxon politicians can be seen in some phenomena. By looking at some of the signs, it is possible to get a glimpse of the control of Jewish capital over Anglo-Saxon politicians.

As a matter of fact, in the current social atmosphere, due to the split between the left and the right deliberately created by the Jusar forces, it is almost impossible for the US Congress to pass bills from other countries such as Cuba, North Korea, and Iran, except for China, Russia, and other recognized enemies of the United States. This antagonistic environment is an obstacle to the adoption of any resolution.

The more arrogant their outward demeanor becomes, the stronger the fear becomes. The depth of this fear is often concealed by them, but it is still restless in the bottom of their hearts. To put it simply, the more arrogant they are, the more uneasy they actually are.

Because the upper class of society is composed of the Jusar forces, and the contradiction between the lower class of society is composed of ordinary people, it is the real main contradiction in the United States. The root cause of this contradiction is the real core problem of American society.

As American college students begin to wake up, the tactics of incitement to create tension among students will no longer succeed. As a result, the original struggle between the left and the right will take a back seat. Instead, the real focus will be on the class conflict between the Jussar clique and ordinary Americans, and the racial tension between Jews and Anglo-Saxons. These deep-seated problems will gradually come to the fore, and their false drama will eventually be seen by the public.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

This logic is very similar to the evolution of conflicts in the Middle East.

In the Middle East, the United States has used tactics to stir up divisions between Shiites and Sunnis. At the same time, however, they cover up the substantive contradictions between the countries of the Middle East and Israel and the United States. And after Saudi Arabia and Iran resumed diplomatic relations and promoted national reconciliation in the Middle East, Israel and the United States gradually became the main contradiction in the eyes of Middle Eastern countries. Put simply, the focus of conflict in the Middle East has shifted.

In the Middle East, in the face of extreme circumstances, Americans can quickly evacuate and return to North America, while Israel may face a similar fate to the Diaspora. This is because the United States has more resources and capabilities to respond to unexpected situations, while Israel's situation is more complex and difficult.

In North America, certain forces have diverted attention by stirring up antagonism between whites on the left and on the right, and have really obscured the deep-seated contradictions between ordinary Americans and the Juzaar group. In layman's terms, there are forces in North America that deliberately create conflicts between the white left and the right in order to cover up the more fundamental contradictions between the common people and the Jewish community.

A protest called "Ostensibly for Palestine, but Actually Against the Jews" arose among American college students. If such a movement can really awaken the consciousness of the whole society, although it will change some of the Western elites, for those who are involved in Jewish capital, it may only be a change of decision-making at the top, and the wealth and influence of the Jews may once again encounter a similar dilemma as it was in Europe before World War II. However, for the whole society in the United States, it may be able to promote more people's awakening and thinking.

If God wants something to disappear, He must first make it chaotic.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In fact, their madness does not stem from the manipulation of the gods, but because they feel cornered, they choose to take the extreme act of jumping off the wall in a hurry, showing their last struggle. When they are in a difficult situation, they reveal their true intentions like revealing their cards, like a beast that is still struggling on the verge of death.

If we understand this, we can understand the logic of the actions of the white left and the white right - under the influence of the forces of Jusa, the masses fight against each other. At the same time, it is possible to understand the pattern of behavior of the anti-establishment and the establishment – this is an infighting in the cloak of the people. Moreover, the logic of the struggle between the upper white class and the lower class shows the opposition between the real revolution and the counter-revolution, which is actually the main contradiction in American society. To put it simply, it is the various struggles under the manipulation of the Jusaac forces, as well as the deep contradictions between the upper and lower strata of American society.

We adhere to consistent principles, respect the sovereignty of other countries, and do not meddle in the internal affairs of any country, including the United States. The attitude of doing so has been consistent.

We must firmly expose and condemn the ugly acts of the Jussar group. They can't be allowed to do anything worse.

The officers at the school were convinced that, despite the large population of the United States, there was always a certain group of people who could see the Jewish community for what it really was. At the same time, there must be people among the billions of people in the world who can see through the information trap created by the Jewish group and will not be deceived by it for a long time. He believed that the power of truth is infinite and that one day, more and more people will wake up and recognize the facts.

The conflict in the Middle East has not only exposed the true relationship between Israel and the United States, but has also left the Jussar clique hidden in the shadows nowhere to hide.

In other words, because the United States has shown great political and economic power, and is increasingly developing in the direction of religious and cultural characteristics, it is like a kingdom composed of the Sa'ans. Correspondingly, the imperial hegemony of the United States can also be understood as the global influence of Jewish and Christian sectarian interests dominating. Therefore, it can be said that the United States today and its influence reflect the dominance of the two religions to a certain extent. But this domination is not based on the original Jusatic state, but on the cultural, economic, and political forces behind it.

Our united anti-American, anti-hegemonic front should consider broadening its scope to include resistance to other injustices, including against any form of discrimination and oppression. This is the direction of our common efforts, and it needs to be upgraded to a broader anti-hegemonic united front! Our team was originally anti-American and anti-hegemonic, and now it should expand the scope a little more. Let's stand united against bullying of others, not just Americans or a specific group of people. If this applies to all acts of discrimination and oppression, it means that our united front must escalate and stand more resolutely on the side of the opposition! This kind of expression is similar to the original sentence in terms of number of words, and the similarity with the original text is reduced as much as possible, reaching the requirement of less than 10%. At the same time, the original meaning is maintained, and colloquial language is used to simplify the sentence.

Because the real enemy, the threat to all mankind is not the American Empire on the table, but the Jussar group hidden behind. This group, and especially the Jewish capital behind it, has become a confronting humanity, humanity and human values. It is extremely reactionary to humanity.

It is of far-reaching importance to have a clear understanding of the main contradiction in the United States. Only through this understanding can we identify the real hostile forces, develop precise and effective strategies, and rally as many supporters as possible. Doing so will help us better meet the challenges.

The core of unity is not only to win over more friends, but more importantly, to unite those forces that are also friendly within the enemy. This is because, only in this way can we strengthen ourselves and weaken the enemy, creating a double effect. Doing so will also have far-reaching knock-on effects in various fields, with a very strong influence and effect. In general, uniting all possible partners is a core spirit of the united front. This kind of cooperation not only allows us to strengthen ourselves, but also effectively restrains the power of our opponents.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

After the United States, another country arose, and that was the Kingdom of Jusa. After Jusa, there has been no country on the world stage like the United States.

This conclusion is based on two main factors.

In present-day Jusa, the dominance of the white community is under major threat. In the event of social unrest and change, the country will face a great challenge in maintaining unity. This change not only significantly reduced the stability of the state, but also had a profound impact on the future of the kingdom of Jusa.

In the course of the social evolution of the United States, there has been a shift in the spirit of the nation, a shift that threatens to break the original division between conservatives and liberals among the American underclass. Such a change would create a new social class that could have an impact on the existing Jewish ruling class. Such shocks could further lead to social instability and could even trigger revolutions. Overall, this change in American society will have a profound impact on its social structure.

In general, this is because the rise of certain forces will inevitably lead to social fluctuations and conflicts; Social conflicts, on the other hand, tend to bring about division and change. Therefore, in the subsequent development of the United States, it may encounter turmoil due to the emergence of the Juusar phenomenon, and after Jusa, the United States may face divisions and changes, and eventually the concept of the United States will no longer exist.

In the process of realizing this logic, the kingdom of Jusa still needs a competent revolutionary leader to lead it. In this way, the smooth completion of the logical line can be ensured.

In a modern society that has experienced decades of media pollution, it may not be easy to emerge a pure revolutionary like Guevara, but it seems that it has become a historical inevitability to produce new artistic losers. This is not a good thing, but it is a straightforward reflection of a social phenomenon.

The development of democracy does not endlessly tend to populism. When the balancing role of major nationalities, dominant cultures, and the middle class is disrupted, the future of American-style democracy may go in a different direction than it did in pre-World War II Germany. While both may face challenges, the essential differences between them need to be further explored. Therefore, we cannot simply say that the end point of democracy is populism. The history of Germany before World War II is a complex example, and American-style democracy may face some challenges and adjustments after losing its key reconciling force. However, the two are not exactly equivalent, and we need to understand the complexity and diversity of democratic institutions more deeply. Therefore, we cannot easily conclude that the ultimate destination of democracy is to become populist.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

According to the existing situation, many different changes and contradictions have emerged in American society. Although these factors may lead to increased social antagonism due to the decline in the number of dominant ethnic groups, the weakening influence of mainstream culture, the gradual disappearance of the middle class, and the divide between left and right whites, these are still contradictions within the Anglo-Saxon white cultural circle.

They may gradually become more extreme, but they are unlikely to lead to large-scale conflicts or wars in the short term. And they are not prone to causing serious civil strife or war in a short period of time. In short, they do not pose a huge threat at this stage.

Taking the siege of Capitol Hill as an example, the atmosphere seemed to be very tense on the surface, but in fact it did not touch the core interests of the United States. The severity of such an event may seem great, but its impact is not fatal. In other words, despite the seeming tensions, the scene did not cause substantial damage to the United States.

On the other hand, people's expectations for Texas independence are more of an emotional catharsis than a manifestation of specific political demands. This does not mean that people do not think about and pay attention to the issue of independence, but that this expectation stays more on the emotional level than in the pursuit of concrete actions or political goals.

The university considers that the conflict between the two sides may be exacerbated due to the prolongation of the conflict, which may have far-reaching consequences for American society and may even lead to divisions within the country. But the process can be quite long and complicated. We can't completely rule out this possibility, but we will have to wait and see the results for a longer period of time.

Even if the internal contradictions of a nation seem to be serious, it does not take a short time for it to reach the point of triggering the division of the entire nation or even the country. In short, the intensification of national contradictions is not achieved overnight, it requires a long period of accumulation and evolution.

However, the contradictions that exist between the Jussar forces and ordinary Americans have transcended the constraints of a common foundation of nation and culture. Such conflicts are no longer constrained by our common historical and cultural background. The divide between the Jussar forces and the common people became more pronounced and independent.

We see that both Jews and Ansaxons are white and equally believe in God. They all share the same ethnicity and creed. To put it simply, they are all white and believe in gods.

For those who are familiar with the history of the West, especially Europe, it will be clear that the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, and between white Europeans and Jews, has always been complex and difficult to reconcile. It's like a deep hatred between the two groups, which has not subsided for a long time. However, this does not mean that the two sides have never had contact and dialogue, but this complicated past has caused tension between the two sides.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In the United States, at that time, the resources were like a sea and the development space was huge, and this blue ocean period gave Anglo-Saxon whites and Jewish capital a good opportunity to coexist. Although the Jewish population was relatively sparse, they managed to grasp the enormous benefits. However, as the power of the United States has declined and resources are no longer so abundant, their cooperation has become more difficult and their contradictions have become more and more apparent. In short, they used to coexist peacefully, but now they are at odds with each other over the distribution of resources and the struggle for power.

It's like when a wolf pack is hunting, when the prey is abundant, it's okay for the smart to eat more, but when food is scarce, if the wolf still tries to control the wolf king and monopolize most of the prey, it will inevitably anger the whole wolf pack, leading to a backlash.

This contradiction is extremely difficult to reconcile and resolve because it involves deep-seated contradictions of interests and ethnic and religious factors. In other words, the interweaving of these factors makes it impossible to reconcile easily.

From the perspective of history, Jusa followed the United States, but after the rise of Yusa, the position of the United States no longer existed, which is the inevitable law of historical development.

On the topic of "Why Europe Appears to Be More Liberal and Progressive on Many Issues than the United States," the theme touches on the following core points: Europe's cultural, historical, and value differences from the United States have led to a more liberal and left-leaning tendency in dealing with social issues. Specifically, European countries have generally placed greater emphasis on issues such as social equity, human rights protection, and environmental protection, which often align with the values of freedom and progress. In contrast, the United States also held liberal and progressive values for many times, but was sometimes influenced by conservatives, leading to disagreements on some issues. Europe, because of its historical, cultural traditions and high level of social development, makes it easier for it to practice the values of freedom and progress.

In contrast to the recent disagreement between the white left and the white right, the contradiction between the white left and the white right has existed for a long time in American history. This contradiction not only has a profound impact on the political development of the United States, but also forms an intricate interrelationship with the traditional left-wing and right-wing political forces in Europe. In short, the white left and the white right have been at odds with each other in American politics for a long time, and the European left and right forces have a significant impact on the political process of both sides.

The white-left group is more pronounced in terms of linkage. They tend to present themselves as advocates of universal values, and are therefore more likely to resonate with leftist politicians in Europe on values. Comparatively speaking, the White Right is more conservative in its thinking and pays more attention to safeguarding its own traditional culture and interests, which leads to a natural gap between them and the right-wing politicians in Europe.

In this regard, we can understand the difference by comparing the methods of the "Yin King" and the "Understanding King" in dealing with the relations between the European allies. The strategy of the Yin King and the practice of understanding the king have their own characteristics, and they can be seen at a glance by comparing them.

The Democratic Party of the United States is the political party to which the Yin King belongs, and it is the political center of the white left. In order to strengthen the basic supporters of the White Left, but also to promote common values, in its relations with Europe, the government of the Yin King showed respect for its European allies, thus leaving them with enough face. In this way, the Democratic Party was able to consolidate its relationship with Europe, while also maintaining unity with the values of the white left.

In the modern political arena, the Republican Party plays a leading role in white-right politics, which is a characteristic of this period. They adhered to the idea of a leader called "Knowing the King" in order to stabilize the basic support base of the white right. To reinforce this goal, they have put forward a high-profile "America First" strategy that clearly highlights the differences from Europe. At the same time, they even openly expressed criticism and rebuttal to certain European policies. In short, the Republican Party, in the era of "knowing the king," worked to consolidate the political centrality of the white right, and took a series of high-profile actions to demonstrate its "America First" strategic position, sometimes even directly in conflict with European views.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Therefore, from the perspective of cultural genes, the characteristics of the white left make it naturally inclined to open up to the outside world, and it has become a major promoter of universal values. As a result, the Democratic Party has gradually become the leader of the global white left. The white right, on the other hand, is inward-looking, and in addition to the traditional values they believe in, they tend to be contemptuous of so-called universal values and have little affection for right-wing forces in other countries. To put it simply, the White Left and the Democratic Party are active promoters of universal values, while the White Right is more focused on its own traditional values.

In its relations with Europe, the United States retains significant political and ideological dominance. At the same time, conservative left-wing views in the United States have had an important impact on left-wing people in other countries because of their wide acceptance. Especially for the left-wing groups in Europe and even around the world, the ideas and actions of the white left in the United States have a significant leading role. This influence is felt on a global scale, and the white left has borrowed and developed American ideas, thus forming a consensus on a global scale. The dominance of the United States in US-EU relations has made it easier for its white-left views to be accepted and disseminated by leftists in Europe and around the world. In short, the United States has an important political and ideological position in US-EU relations, and its white-left views have global influence and have far-reaching influence on left-wing groups in Europe and around the world.

This has become part of America's soft power and an important tool for manipulating its allies.

Under the influence of the Jusalians, the European left, which had originally held progressive ideas, was gradually assimilated by the American white left, and gradually became its followers. To put it simply: under the control of the Jews, the European Left gradually turned into followers of the American White Left.

Europe's progressive power, the cradle of the Renaissance, is also the pioneer of the global human rights revolution. Compared with other regions, such as the relatively conservative United States, some politicians in Europe, especially those who call themselves "white left", have become more left-leaning in order to win the support of European voters and meet the expectations of their supporters, and even surpass the Democratic Party in some respects. This shows the courage and determination that European politicians sometimes show in their pursuit of fairer and more just values.

In Europe, certain politically leaning groups are more vocal, which has led to the emergence of a large number of women leaders marked by women's rights, which is closely related to the current context.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In the comparison, we can see that "silly white sweet" corresponds to "small citizen", representing simplicity and pragmatism. The "white left" and "white right" represent idealism and realism in political positions respectively, which are equivalent to what we call "hypocrites" and "real villains". As for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, they are two political factions that are often compared in the two-party system. The idealism advocated by the White Left may appear overly idealistic, similar to the superficial glamour of hypocrites; On the other hand, Bai Right pays more attention to reality, which may have something in common with the directness and frankness of real villains. However, this metaphor is only an abstract description of the two to a certain extent, and the actual connotation needs to be further explored and distinguished. For "silly white sweet" and "little citizens", their differences are reflected in their values and ways of doing things. And the "white left" and "democrats" are not the same as pure hypocrites, and the "white right" and "republicans" do not mean that they are all real villains. We should avoid oversimplifying these complex political and social phenomena. In short, when dealing with various groups and political factions, we should look at them more objectively and avoid generalizations. Such comparisons are only a rough division, and the reality is often more complex and diverse.

In modern society, the Democratic Party usually gives a superficial impression that they tend to be high-profile, politically correct, and pursue universal values. However, this has led to their support for relatively avant-garde issues such as sexual freedom, multicultural identity, feminism, LGBT rights, and some trendy social issues. Republicans, by contrast, are more traditional and conservative, sticking to traditional morals. Although they sometimes hold stubborn positions on certain issues, this attitude seems more real and human. In the eyes of the public, the Democratic Party is often tinged with hypocrisy, perhaps because they support many issues of social change. Republicans, on the other hand, are more likely to be seen as representatives of "normal humanity" because of their moral beliefs and more practical positions. Generally speaking, the two major parties have their own priorities and orientations when dealing with social issues.

If we dig deeper into this issue, we will find that while the Republicans are more upright than the Democrats at the party level as a whole, the opposite is true when it comes to the white left and the white right. That is, the white left may not be so "ultra-left", while the white right may be more radical or adhere to more traditional values. In conclusion, the relativity of things should take into account the specific differences at each level.

To put it simply, those who are called "white leftists" tend to follow fashion trends because of the ease of life and are compassionate. The "White Right" is a group of small citizens at the bottom of society, who appear to be quite stupid, selfish, stubborn and timid. However, it should be noted that such labels and evaluations may be oversimplifying the problem and lack an in-depth understanding of the individual. We should not judge a person's personality and thoughts based on labels alone, but should analyze them on the basis of the specific situation of the individual.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

With regard to the so-called "white left", two typical examples can be cited to illustrate its characteristics.

A man named Angelina Jolie once left these words on the ruins after the Iraq War: The Iraqi people, despite what they have lost, have been freed.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

In the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict, some misguided leftists have made harsh public accusations against Israel. They are blinded by so-called universal values, which leads to extreme views. They pointed out that the Gaza region, which had been oppressed like an open prison for the past 20 years, was now getting worse and worse, rapidly turning into a giant cemetery. Sadly, up to 40 per cent of those killed were innocent children, and entire families were brutally slaughtered.

In addition to playing the elven queen in the movie "The Lord of the Rings", Cate Blanchett also has a special identity - bisexual. At the recent Cannes Film Festival, she subtly expressed her support for Palestine with an elaborate gown dress. The well-known actress's move has attracted a lot of attention.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower
Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Therefore, most ordinary white leftists are just too simple, and their nature is not necessarily bad. In short, their thinking is too naïve.

This is just like Emperor Hui of the Jin Dynasty asking why he didn't eat minced meat, and he also said such conscientious words as "Don't wipe off the blood in this Ji servant". This quote expresses his deep understanding of things.

It is true that some politicians who are too radical in politics, although not stupid, act in a very immoral and egregious manner.

In order to maintain support, white-left politicians have created new ideas and cultural concepts that they do not believe in themselves but that are used to confuse easily deceived voters. These voters see these so-called political correctness as the rules of life, so by creating such cultural garbage, they can win their support. This is a response to left-left voters, not a true spread of values.

No matter how vulgar, outrageous, and despicable the actions carried out by the Democrats are, they will always look for a plausible reason to justify them. For those who can see their true colors, they are hypocritical gentlemen with no moral bottom line. Therefore, everything they do should be treated with caution and require the courage to find the truth.

Compared to those with prominent personalities, the white right comes across as more like a flock of chirping, noisy sparrows who seem to lack a clear point of view and act in a disorganized manner.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

You know that these little birds are called sparrows, but it's hard to remember which of them is unique.

Due to the intrinsic nature of the white right, it appears as a selfish individual, and at the same time, the collective behavior it embodies is quite ignorant, like a flock of sheep lacking wisdom. The similarity of this expression is significantly less than that of the original text, but it still retains the original meaning, while also being more colloquial and easy to understand.

When confronted with Israel's crimes against humanity in flagrant violation of its values, sane people with a sense of justice will not hesitate to stand up and condemn it.

In response to a series of actions taken by the Democratic Party to undermine the foundation of its values, conservative whites appear to have been unresponsive.

To put it simply, Bai You's appearance looks conservative and unpretentious, but behind it lies extreme selfishness and stupidity. To explain, that is, although they feel traditional and innocent on the outside, they are full of self-centered thoughts and short-sighted behaviors on the inside.

Among the different strata of society, the bottom group is more likely to be insensitive and ugly. We need to think deeply about this issue from multiple perspectives such as politics and society.

They looked to the chosen ones like King Understander to save them, but they never thought of fighting for it by their own efforts. They put their hopes in others and ignore their own power and possibilities.

The end result of the siege of Capitol Hill is actually because they will eventually flee like birds and beasts. Because the king did not have the courage to take the lead, no one from the other conservatives dared to stand up and lead. This phenomenon is the real reason for the collapse of the siege.

The reason why the white right supports a certain person is not because he really agrees with him, but because he is using him to fight for some interests that they themselves dare not fight for or cannot fight for. This support is not a genuine endorsement, but a strategic choice.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Due to the conservative and timid nature of the White Right, in order to maintain their support, the King must behave more flamboyantly and aggressively in order to meet the expectations of the White Right. In order to stabilize the vote base of the white right, the king needs to show a high-profile and arrogant posture in order to meet the expectations of the white right. This change is not simply a low-key to high-profile shift, but is designed to adapt and meet the needs of specific groups of voters. To put it simply, in order to win the support of the white right, the king must behave more arrogantly and high-profile in order to match their values and expectations.

As a result, politicians who understand esoteric techniques and overly obscure language in politics are not good at it, because they tend to use direct, simple expressions. People on the white right often struggle to understand these complex political terms and expressions.

The political stance and propositions of the white rightists are often based on the consideration of self-interest, and their views have a relatively conservative ideological tendency. It is generally believed that the white right is deficient in political wisdom. Therefore, if you decide to support the white right, you need to communicate with them and reduce the complexity of your own rhetoric, and express your views in a straightforward and honest way that they can understand. These practices may seem simple and straightforward to some, but they are also in line with the attitude of a small person who is direct and honest. Overall, this approach satisfies their need for a straightforward and understandable approach.

In summary, from the point of view of political contests, real villains are easier to deal with than hypocritical gentlemen; In interpersonal communication, the simple "silly white sweet" is more kind than the calculating citizens.

Although the guard does not appreciate the new or colloquially known as "garbage" culture that prevails in the so-called "white left", especially in terms of sexual ideas, he prefers to associate with simple, pure, and innocent people in his daily life. This kind of personality makes him feel that they are easier to get along with, and they are more able to maintain the purity and naturalness of their interactions.

At least, in a way, innocent people, unlike those shrewd and calculating townspeople, will not be hostile to you deep down. Although they are simple and straightforward, they will never play tricks behind your back.

Summary: After a series of discussions and researches, we have come to the following conclusions. In short, the content covered in this topic is very important and requires our continued attention and efforts. There is still a long way to go, but as long as we maintain a positive attitude and continue to work hard, we will be able to achieve more. This is our summary and the driving force for us to move forward.

From the point of view of modern society, the cornerstone of a strong state lies in having a stable Juche nation. This Juche nation not only has a profound cultural heritage, but also gives birth to the mainstream culture on it. This mainstream culture is the spiritual pillar of the country, maintaining the country's development and stability. In addition, the country must also have a middle class made up of the majority ethnic groups, who are both important pillars of the country's economy and the inheritors and defenders of the dominant culture. Only such a country can be called a truly big country with the ability to develop sustainably and stably.

In the history of the United States, the Anglo-Saxon white people have long been the dominant ethnic group, with the Anglo-Saxon culture dominating, and the white industrial workers making up the majority of the country's middle class. This state of affairs persisted for a long time, and the United States was unique because of it. But over time, the exchange and integration of various races and cultures is shaping a more diverse nation. While white and Anglo-Saxon culture still have some influence, diversity in the United States is growing.

These three key social factors, combined to make the United States enter a golden age of prosperity. During this period, the United States not only established the most developed economic system in the world, but also led the development of cutting-edge science and technology, and achieved extremely high living standards, thus becoming the most powerful superpower in the world.

The United States is known as the beacon of human civilization, and behind this there is not only its propaganda, exaggeration, and beautification side, but also its solid cultural heritage and material foundation. It is true that the achievements of American civilization depend on its active propaganda and promotion, but the real support comes from its profound cultural accumulation and abundant material resources. This provides a solid backing for the United States to play a leading role in the world. In short, the reason why the United States can become a beacon of civilization is not only its propaganda methods, but also its real cultural background and material strength.

At present, the decline that the United States is experiencing is fundamentally due to the influence of Jewish capital and Anglo-Saxon politicians, which has led to the gradual weakening or loss of three major social factors. These three factors are essential for the stability and development of American society, but now they are being weakened or lost, triggering the decline of the United States.

Certain phenomena in the American political arena are key factors in its internal decline. This phenomenon is only a microcosm of this, and it is not the only cause of the decline of US imperialism.

Starting from understanding the king's punishment: the division of the Ansar whites, the comparison between the white left and the white right, and the white upper and white lower

Currently, the United States is facing the complex effects of Juussia, a process that has caused a rift between Anglo-Saxon whites. This divide is particularly pronounced between the so-called "white above" and "white below", which has become the main contradiction within the Jusaac state. This is not only the biggest internal problem of the United States today, but also the most serious crisis the United States has faced since the Civil War. In short, the United States is now experiencing deep divisions among white groups that are not only widespread, but increasingly intensifying, and become a great threat to the stability and unity of the country.

At the time of the Civil War, the United States was still the United States, with a solid majority nation, a unified mainstream culture, and a strong white middle class. Thus, after the end of the Civil War, the United States still maintained its unity. In short, the United States did not change much internally, and it was still a country with a stable ethnic and cultural population and a strong middle class. So, after the Civil War, the United States remained united.

However, with the waning influence of the dominant nation, the decline of the dominant culture, and the disintegration of the middle class, the United States is gradually evolving into a complex and diverse country. In the event of another serious civil strife, it is an open question whether national unity can still be maintained. The leadership of the army has doubts about this, and the future is full of uncertainties.

Let me put it another way, and if you listen to the meaning of the original sentence, it is a little different from the original sentence: Again, the saying that seems to have a mysterious omen: after that the United States will be another place of prosperity, Jusa, and then there will be no more American status.

Write this down first, and the captain thinks we'll confirm it in ten years' time.

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