
Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

author:Be a happy teacher

In recent years, it has become more and more popular to run around.

Some time ago, I watched the video and saw a blogger who said that he had been to dozens of ancient towns in China, and a bunch of people in the comment area were screaming "envy".

I thought, what is there to envy here, I have been there a lot!

But then I calmed down and thought about it, and it seemed that the places I went to were different from what everyone understood.

The ancient towns that people say, they are all Wuzhen and Xitang, with small bridges and flowing water, and people who sleep on water, right?

As for me, I go to some remote places, what villages in the depths of the grassland, small towns on the edge of the desert, few people know about it.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

So today, let's also rub the heat and talk about those famous towns that are really worth visiting.

I picked 10 of them, I don't dare to say how authoritative, but they are definitely the essence, see how many you have been to?

I guess most people don't have 3 punches!

1. Wuzhen, Zhejiang

Let's start with a familiar one, Wuzhen.

I don't need to introduce this place, the representative of the Jiangnan Water Town, how many TV dramas have been filmed here.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

I've been there twice, once in winter and once in summer.

In winter, there are few people and it is quiet, which is suitable for a person to walk slowly and feel the quaint charm.

In the summer, there are more people, especially at night, when the lights are bright and lively, which is another feeling.

There are also a lot of delicious things in Wuzhen, such as Dingsheng cake, sister-in-law cake, braised mutton, anyway, you will be open to eat, and you will not be disappointed.

2. Zhouzhuang, Jiangsu

There is also a Zhouzhuang on the same level as Wuzhen, which is also a representative of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, but it is smaller than Wuzhen and has a lower degree of commercialization.

The most famous thing in Zhouzhuang is its bridge, what double bridge, Fu'an Bridge, different shapes, very distinctive.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

There are also ancient houses such as Shen Hall and Zhang Hall, which are also worth seeing, and you can learn about the life of large families in the south of the Yangtze River.

When I went to Zhouzhuang, I went by boat, and it was quite interesting.

There are many silk shops in the town that you can buy as souvenirs.

3. Yunnan Heshun

The next place, many people may not have heard of, Heshun, located in Tengchong, Yunnan, is a historic border town.

What attracts me most about Heshun is its cultural heritage.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

It used to be an important post on the Southwest Silk Road, where various cultures blended to form a unique Heshun culture.

In Heshun, you can see well-preserved traditional houses, feel the strong cultural atmosphere, and taste authentic Yunnan food.

I highly recommend everyone to visit Heshun Library, which is the originator of China's rural library!

4. Pingyao, Shanxi

When it comes to the ancient city, how can it be without Pingyao?

As a world cultural heritage, the history of the ancient city of Pingyao can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, and the city walls, streets, and shops all retain the style of those years.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

Walking through the streets of Pingyao, you will feel like you have traveled back in time to ancient times.

It was once the financial center of China, and the famous "Rishengchang" ticket number was born here.

I recommend that you stay in Pingyao for one night, you can watch a light show at night and feel the night of the ancient city.

Oh yes, Pingyao's beef is also famous, don't forget to try it.

5. Fujian Peitian

Even fewer people know about this Peitian.

It is located in Longyan, Fujian, and is a place known as the "South China Manor".

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

The most attractive thing about Peitian is its Hakka tulou complex.

These earthen towers are tall and majestic, highly defensive, and were built by the Hakka people to defend against foreign invasions.

In addition to the tulou, the natural scenery of Peitian is also very good, with green mountains and green waters, fresh air, and it is very suitable for relaxation.

I went by car and the scenery along the way was beautiful.

6. Hunan Phoenix

Phoenix Ancient City, I believe everyone is familiar with it, the border city written by Shen Congwen is the poetry and distance in the hearts of many people.

The Tuojiang River flows quietly, the stilted buildings are built against the mountain, and the ancient stone streets, all of which constitute the unique charm of Phoenix.

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

When I went to Phoenix, it was the off-season, there were not many tourists, and I could slowly feel the tranquility of the ancient city.

In the evening, you can go to the bar to sit down, listen to folk songs, and feel the nightlife of Phoenix.

7, Anhui Hongcun

Hongcun, a place known as the "village in Chinese painting".

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

Hongcun is most famous for its water system, the whole village is like a huge gossip array, the water flows around the house, and the house is reflected in the water, which is beautiful.

When I went to Hongcun, it was autumn, the maple leaves were red, and the scenery was particularly beautiful.

There are many shops selling handicrafts in the village, so you can buy some as souvenirs.

8. Guangxi Huangyao

Huangyao, a place known as the "dream home".

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

The ancient town of Huangyao has a history of nearly 1,000 years, and it has not been overdeveloped here and retains the most primitive style.

The quaint streets, the ancient ancestral halls, and the clear rivers constitute a beautiful landscape painting.

When I went to Huangyao, it was summer, and the weather was very hot, but there were many trees in the ancient town, and it felt cool to walk in the shade.

Huang Yao's tofu is famous, so be sure to try it.

9, Sichuan 阆中

Langzhong Ancient City, a place known as the "treasure land of feng shui".

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

The ancient city of Langzhong is one of the important birthplaces of feng shui culture, with many ancient buildings in the city and exquisite layout, reflecting the ancient Chinese concept of feng shui.

When I went to Langzhong, it was spring, and the rape flowers were blooming, and the mountains were golden yellow, which was very beautiful.

Zhang Fei beef in Langzhong is very famous, you can buy some and go back to taste it.

10. Shanxi Dangjia Village

The last one, Dangjia Village, a place known as the "Folk Forbidden City".

Of the 10 most of the 10 famous towns in China that must be visited, most people check in less than 3

Dangjia Village is a typical ancient village of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the building layout in the village is rigorous, the carved beams and painted buildings, exquisite, can be called the museum of ancient Chinese architecture.

When I went to Dangjia Village, it was winter, it was snowing, and the whole village was covered in snow, which was very beautiful.

The vinegar in Dangjia Village is very famous, you can buy some and go back to taste it.

How about these 10 famous towns, how many have you been to?

Are most people less than 3 punch cards?

Haha, actually, there are still many places worth visiting in China, waiting for us to discover.

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