
National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

author:Be a happy teacher

Dalian this place, I have been to it six times, I am not afraid of your jokes when I say it, every time I go, I find something new, and I am not tired at all.

National Geographic magazine always said that it is the "pearl of the north", before I wondered if it was a bit exaggerated, only to find out after I went, it is really not poked, not exaggerated at all!

The first time I went to Dalian, I was purely deceived by the photos of the circle of friends, all kinds of European-style buildings, blue sky and blue sea, sunny beaches, and a proper holiday paradise.

got off the plane and went straight to the hotel, put my luggage and rushed into Xinghai Square.

Good guys, that square is really not ordinarily big, and I don't have any doubt that it is the largest in Asia.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

In the evening, the setting sun gilds the entire square with a layer of gold, and the sea breeze blows, which is called a comfortable.

There are also a lot of kites flying in the square, all kinds of shapes, I am dazzled, the sound of the waves crashing on the reef in my ears, and the laughter of children, mixed with the "whirring" sound of kites, like a lively symphony.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

In the center of the square, the huge white marble watch looks even more solemn and magnificent in the setting sun.

I heard that this Chinese watch was built to commemorate the return of Hong Kong, and it is carved with nine giant dragons, which are lifelike and represent the take-off of the Chinese nation.

Standing under the Chinese table, I felt like a speck of dust, small but full of power.

In the next few days, I visited the famous scenic spots in Dalian and found that this place is really a treasure.

If you want to see the sea, Bangchuidao Island, Golden Pebble Beach, pick at will, all of them are beautiful.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

The water of Bangchuidao Island is crystal clear, and you can clearly see the underwater reef and swimming fish.

The seaside of Golden Pebble Beach, with its strange-shaped stones, is a miracle of nature, and people have to sigh at the wonder of nature.

If you want to feel the history, Lushunkou and Russian Style Street will pull you back to that war-torn era in minutes.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

Lushun Military Port, which has witnessed the humiliation and struggle of China's modern history, has become an important tourist attraction today, but the traces of those history are still clearly visible, reminding us not to forget the national shame and self-improvement.

The Russian style street is full of exoticism, and the old buildings on the street seem to tell the story of a hundred years ago.

Walking down the street, it was as if I had traveled back in time to that era full of romance and legends.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

Like shopping, Victory Square, Qingniwa Bridge, guaranteed to let you buy soft.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

Victory Square is the busiest business district in the city center, with a variety of shopping malls and shops, from international brands to local brands, to satisfy your shopping cravings.

Qingniwa Bridge is more down-to-earth, with all kinds of snacks and specialties, which are dizzying, and the price is more affordable.

Dalian's food is also a must.

Needless to say, all kinds of fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish, fresh and fatty, and the price is affordable.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

I especially like to eat grilled squid, brushed with a secret sauce, which is called a fragrant!

One bite down, the outside is charred and the inside is tender, the fragrance is overflowing, and with a glass of cold beer, it is simply delicious in the world.

In addition to seafood, Dalian also has many special snacks, such as stewed seeds, salted fish cakes, and pot-wrapped meat, each of which is endlessly memorable.

Dalian stew is made of sweet potato starch, crystal clear, elastic and smooth taste, with sesame sauce, garlic paste, soy sauce and other seasonings, the taste is simply amazing.

Salted fish cakes are made of cornmeal and salted fish, which are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, salty and delicious, and are the first choice for breakfast among locals.

Pot-wrapped meat is a famous dish in Dalian, sweet and sour, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, making people never get tired of eating.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

The transportation in Dalian is also very convenient, with subways, buses, taxis, everything.

I generally like to take the bus and enjoy the city all the way.

National Geographic didn't lie to me! I haven't gotten tired of going to 6 times, this coastal city, delicious and easy to visit

The bus drivers in Dalian are very interesting, and they speak authentic Dalian dialect, which sounds very kind.

One time I took a bus to Tiger Beach Ocean Park, and when I got on the bus, it was a bit crowded, and I almost didn't squeeze in.

When the driver saw it, he said in Dalian dialect: "Young man, don't worry, take your time, you can go up!"

The city of Dalian, how to say it, is a kind of magic that makes people want to come again.

It has both the prosperity of a modern city, the romance of a seaside city, and a thick historical heritage, in short, it makes people feel very comfortable and relaxed.

No, I thought, after a while, I will go to Dalian again, eat grilled squid again, blow the sea breeze again, and feel the charm of the city again.

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