
Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

author:Ice on entertainment


On the bright star map of China's aerospace industry, Chang'e-6 is undoubtedly the most dazzling new star.

This is not only another monument to China's aerospace industry, but also a big step forward for mankind to deep space.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

The heroic journey of the Moonback Explorer

Chang'e-6, the "Silver Armor" of space exploration, decided to go single-handedly into the mysterious back side of the moon, like a master in a martial arts novel, embarking on a lonely journey to find ancient mysteries.

It is not satisfied with being a hurried visitor to the surface of the moon, but is determined to be a deep explorer, the code of geological formation, the trace of rare ores, every puzzle is like a treasure hidden in the depths of the Moon Palace, waiting for it to be unveiled one by one.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

However, this adventure is not as simple as a weekend outing.

Imagine that conducting scientific research on the far side of the moon is like running a live broadcast in the deep mountains and old forests without mobile phone signal, and communication has become the number one problem - it is simply the "lunar version of Silent Hill".

The scientific research gods must first solve this "lost contact crisis" to ensure that Chang'e-6 will not become a "lone ranger" in the universe.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

There is also that heart-pounding landing link, which is even more difficult than parking on the side of the driver's license, and it has to be guaranteed to be a success, not NG.

This is not only a test of technology, but also an extreme challenge of psychological quality.

Chang'e-6 is very much like a competitor in the Olympic balance beam competition, both stable and accurate, and the slightest deviation will bring the hearts of hundreds of millions of people to their throats.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

But as the saying goes, "how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain", Chang'e-6, with its wit and bravery, has turned these seemingly impossible tasks into reality.

Every successful exploration and sampling is like planting a small five-star red flag on the far side of the moon, announcing to the world: "Look, we Chinese astronauts are so capable!" ”

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

The triumphant return has a far-reaching impact

The triumphant return of Chang'e-6 not only brought back precious lunar soil samples, but also brought a far-reaching impact on China's aerospace and even the global aerospace industry.

Like a seed, it is sown in the soil of the aerospace dream, giving birth to the vigorous growth of a new generation of aerospace talents, and also promoting the wave of technological innovation, laying a solid foundation for the grand blueprint of future deep space exploration.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

For the world, these samples are like the key to opening the door to the history of the moon, making an important step forward in the understanding of the moon and the solar system, and at the same time stimulating the enthusiasm and willingness of the international community to cooperate in space exploration.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

America's Subtle Response: Anxiety and Response

In the face of the success of Chang'e-6, the attitude of the United States is intriguing, with both concerns and challenges.

The logic behind some of the remarks seems to be a fear that the apple trees in their backyards will be picked by others.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

The woes of the U.S. space program in recent years — budget pressures, project delays, contrasting sharply with China's steady pace — have given the U.S. an unprecedented sense of urgency.

As a result, a series of tactics have emerged to try to assert its space leadership through technological blockades and restrictions on cooperation.

However, whether such a move will work, and whether it will provoke a counterforce, has become the focus of attention of the international community.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

Resonance and disagreement on the international stage

Feedback from all over the world is like a multi-part chorus, with warm congratulations and cooperation invitations from friendly countries, as well as objective evaluations and in-depth analysis by international experts.

This is not only a recognition of aerospace achievements, but also a harbinger of changes in the global aerospace landscape.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

Many countries see a great prospect of cooperating with China to explore the universe, while the U.S. position has been criticized by some voices as "isolationist" and runs counter to the trend of global cooperation.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

Prospect for the future: the sea of stars, infinite possibilities

Our Chang'e series probes are about to make big moves again! Just like the sci-fi movies we watched when we were children, Chang'e 7 and 8 can't wait, put on new equipment from science and technology, and are ready to continue to write the story of China on the moon.

This time, they will not only run circles around the moon, but also go deep into the poles to explore the frozen secrets hidden at the south pole of the moon, and even try to "take local materials" on the distant moon to see if they can make a precursor for their future space home.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

Speaking of the lunar research station, it is a super laboratory that we plan to build on the moon, imagine that it is like opening a scientific research café in the Moon Palace, where scientists from all over the world can come to gather, make a pot of coffee called "exploration" together, and talk about those things in the universe.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

This is not only for China, but to give wings to the space dream of all mankind, so that every participating country can "sign in" on the moon and leave its own space imprint.

On the way of China's aerospace, it adheres to the concept of "space family, let's get high together", and welcomes friends from all over the world to play together.

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

From the old legend of Chang'e running to the moon to planning the future on the moon now, we are not only chasing our dreams, but also inviting the world to chase the dream of the shining stars and the sea.

Does such a space expedition sound more exciting than a Hollywood blockbuster?

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!

Therefore, we can expect that in the near future, when the Chang'e series of probes set off again, it will not only be cold metal across the boundless universe, but also a heart-warming international cooperation, a common testimony of the wisdom and courage of all mankind.

Our China's aerospace story has gradually become a realistic version of "Interstellar", so that everyone's heart can ignite curiosity and yearning for the unknown.

This journey is wonderful, and it is definitely worthy of each of us to say proudly: "Look, that sea of stars also has one of us!" ”

Chang'e-6 successfully triumphed, and the United States once again broke its defense: China is not allowed to go to the moon again!


The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a glorious moment for China's aerospace industry, but also a common victory for all mankind to explore the universe.

On the long and uncharted path of space exploration, collaboration and sharing may be the real key to reaching the final destination.

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