
Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

author:Game Brother Xiao

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Hello everyone, I'm Brother Xiao.

It's now the S36 season, there are many changes in the new season, and the strength of different heroes has also been greatly adjusted, I believe that many friends are a little confused, it seems that some of the previous experience has become invalid now, which is especially obvious in the BAN position, so which heroes should be banned in the new season? (The data is from the camp, and the statistics are as of 7.1.) )

Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

Hundreds of miles to keep the covenant must be forbidden

You may be a little puzzled, Baili Shou has also been banned before, why do you need to mention it in particular. This is because of the changes to the new season of the 100-mile covenant, which has led to a great change in its strength, if it was previously disabled, it was most likely because it was more uncomfortable on the opposite side or did not have much effect on one's side, but now it is because the strength of the revised version is indeed higher.

Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

The current Baili Covenant is mainly due to the relatively high strength in the later stage, and the three-stage displacement makes it extremely flexible, and at the same time, it also has an attack range longer than that of a dull shot, which can not only continue to consume, but also harvest accurately, and has completely departed from the era of relying on second-skill output. Therefore, its BAN rate has risen gradually, and the whole segment has now reached more than 50%, the peak race is close to 83%, and the top ranking is 76%, so don't hesitate to ban it.

Big Joe and Doria are still banned

These two heroes, both of which were perennially at the top of the BAN rate in the previous version, are still in the category of banning the preferred hero in the new season. The main reason for this situation is that the mechanics of the two heroes have not changed much, Doria's skills have not changed much, and its core is still to be able to refresh skills for teammates; Although Da Qiao has changed back and forth, it is all about teleportation, and this feature has nowhere to go, and now Da Qiao also has control and damage effects, which is even more difficult to deal with.

Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

In all segments, Big Joe and Doria both have a BAN rate of more than 50%, and the top ranking and pinnacle matches have a BAN rate of more than 70%, and Doria's ban rate is even better.

Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

Liu Bang also had to be banned

Liu Bang is a hero who has newly joined the BAN luxury package in the new season, although it is not very obvious in the whole segment, only about 27%, but in the pinnacle competition, its BAN rate has exceeded 80%, which is enough to show everyone's attitude towards Liu Bang as a hero.

Who is banned in the S36 season? Da Qiao and Doria are still banned, keep the contract, and Liu Bang must not be released

Liu Bang is mainly weakened by a skill, passive, two skills and ultimate, especially the ultimate, now it is the original specialization effect to be fused, and teammates who land quickly will have a shield, causing damage after landing, and after completing the chant, the range will return to blood, which belongs to the damage value has been weakened, but the mechanism is fully replenished.

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I don't know anything, I don't know anything; I'm Brother Xiao, let's chat!

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