
Shucheng, the ancient village, has not yet been developed "virgin land"! Wonders and anecdotes are equally fascinating

author:Shucheng time window

Charming Yang Sanzhai

Author: Pan Daihuai

At the beginning of summer, we visited Yang Sanzhai.

The cottage looks like an umbrella from a distance, looks like a city in the near future, a peak is lonely, all sides are like cutting, the rock confrontation is like a bamboo shoot, standing between heaven and earth, the majestic shore is upright. To this day, it is still unexplored virgin territory.

Shucheng Xiaotian's friends introduced: "Filial piety is the first, and Yang Sanmei is famous." "The first filial piety mountain in East China - Yang Sanzhai is located in the territory of Yang Sanzhai Village, Dongxixi Township, at the junction of Shuhuo, which belongs to the remaining veins of Dabie Mountain. The stalagmites in the north lead to the east, the white horse tip in the west, and the Buddha Mountain and the Buddha Lake in the southeast......

After the night rain, the mountains are empty. Along the winding sheep intestine path, we grabbed tree branches and climbed rocks with our hands and feet, and after a long detour with difficulty, we came to the "first line of the sky".

Shucheng, the ancient village, has not yet been developed "virgin land"! Wonders and anecdotes are equally fascinating

Photo by Wang Kehai

The first line of the world, the peak is high and the road is steep, about 100 meters long, up to several zhang, and the narrow place can only accommodate one person to pass. Grasp the vine with both hands, or hook the stalactite, and move bravely upwards step by step. The more I walked up, the more I felt a cool air coming towards me, and the cold pleasure instantly took away the fatigue. Touching the uneven, angular rocks on both sides, a thick sense of history goes straight to the heart.

Looking up at the sky along the stone wall, a blue sky like a jade belt came into view. "The green trees are budding in the sky, and the white clouds are empty for thousands of years." At this moment, all the sounds are silent, leaning against the stone wall, looking at the sky, you will forget all the smoke and clouds in the world, "looking at the peak and resting the heart, peeking into the valley and forgetting the back", the heart is like stopping water.

Standing at the top, we shouted in front of the sky, the hollow valley sounded, and the echo lingered, like entering a fairyland. Out of the line of sky, we look to the southwest, the mountains are all over the wilderness, inlaid with unknown wild flowers, pink, white, east and west, echoing the green bamboo under the mountain, as if embroidering a gorgeous skirt for the towering Yang Sanzhai.

Shucheng, the ancient village, has not yet been developed "virgin land"! Wonders and anecdotes are equally fascinating

Photographer: Zhu Wei

We continue to explore the east, after climbing a stone wall road similar to a plank road, forty or fifty meters forward, a walled gate stands majestically - Dongzhai. "One husband is a pass, ten thousand people are not open", highlighting the majesty of Yangsan Ancient Village.

We cautiously climbed through the gate, and suddenly the stone cave opened. Raise your eyes and look up, the stone cave of the walled wall is like a window. Enter a hole, see a hundred holes, the big hole sets the small hole, the small hole surrounds the big hole, the big hole can accommodate thousands of people to dance, and the small hole only accepts two children to sleep. The cave goes up and down with the mountain, left or right, and can be seen everywhere.

There are wonders outside the cave, and the world inside the cave is wide. The gray-brown cave wall and the strange shape of the milky stone make people dizzy. A gentle breeze blows, and a cool air fills the empty hole, adding a sense of depth and mystery.

The chessboard hole, shaped like a chessboard, is said to be left by the immortal and Yang San's game. Zhaiwang Cave is Yang San's righteous hall and bedroom. The area in the cave is large, about one zhang high, and it seems to be able to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

On the cliffs that cannot be climbed, there are treasure caves, causeway caves, fairy caves, and Guanyin caves...... It is rumored that there are seventy-two holes, and there are no caves in the caves, and the magic of nature is amazing.

Shucheng, the ancient village, has not yet been developed "virgin land"! Wonders and anecdotes are equally fascinating

Photographer: Wang Yan

Finally climbed to the top of the mountain. We walked southeast along a slightly slower field of wild tea and came to the magical cottage Tianchi. It is not large, about seven or eight zhang long, more than one zhang wide, oval. The water of the pond is crystal clear, the sun shines through the treetops and the ten thousand silver rays kiss the water surface, and the little red fish in the pond play in twos and threes, enjoying the quiet time in the heavenly pool...... The clear pond, the shadow of the fish, the mountain light, and the sky together render a beautiful landscape painting.

We walked out of the cottage Tianchi, stood on the top of the village and looked up at the sunny sky, radiant. Looking around at the mountains and smoke clouds, the mountains are stacked and green, the peaks are undulating, the green trees and grass, the mountain flowers are fragrant, and I suddenly feel relaxed and happy.

A good fairyland resort, a charming Yang Sanzhai!

Shucheng, the ancient village, has not yet been developed "virgin land"! Wonders and anecdotes are equally fascinating
The author, Pan Daihuai, is a Chinese teacher at the Central School of Chunqiu Township, Shucheng County, and usually likes to read and write.

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