
What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

author:Perfume lily window
What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

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The former "Barbie in the world" has become a "greasy queen"? LISA's new song style detonates controversy!

REMEMBER THE ENERGETIC "BARBIE IN THE WORLD" LISA WHO SANG "DDU-DU DDU-DU"? Recently returned with a new song, she has changed and appeared in the public eye with a shocking image, not only the music style has changed greatly, but even the exquisite makeup of the past seems to have disappeared, replaced by an indescribable greasy feeling, which quickly caused a huge controversy on the Internet

What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

Many netizens shouted "unrecognizable", the former youthful vitality is gone, and now LISA seems to have fallen into the gutter oil, making people feel indescribably greasy and uncomfortable, and some netizens pointed out sharply that LISA's new style seems to be deliberately imitating the style of European and American artists, losing its original recognition, and even suspected of being an imitation of Dongshi

Cultural appropriation or artistic borrowing? The new song MV is deeply plagiarized Rashomon!

What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

In addition to the change in styling, the costume design and filming location of LISA's new song MV have also fallen into the suspicion of plagiarism, and some netizens pointed out that the costume styling of LISA in the MV is highly similar to some of the works of Chinese designers, but they have not seen any official statements or acknowledgments, and they have been questioned for suspected plagiarism

What's even more puzzling is that the filming location of the MV chose Chinatown full of Chinese cultural characteristics, but the lyrics are related to Japanese culture, this mix and match style is confusing, and it has also aroused the disgust of some netizens, who think that LISA is deliberately "playing" and consuming Asian culture, lacking respect for different cultures

On the side of LV, the third son can fly on the branch and become a phoenix? LISA's wealthy romance is suspected of being "chicken feathers"!

What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

In addition to the turmoil in the music career, the relationship between LISA and the third son of LV, Féé A, has also been the focus of public attention, this relationship has been accompanied by various controversies and doubts from the beginning, some people wish LISA to find true love, and some people question that she "the drunkard does not mean to drink", in order to use the resources of the LV family to enhance her fashion status

This wealthy relationship does not seem to be as sweet as imagined, some media photographed LISA and Féé A shopping out of their own pockets, without the treatment of "wealthy and wealthy", and even more, there is also news that Féé A will take his family to watch LISA's "Crazy Horse Show" performance, which has caused greater controversy and speculation

Will the "Crazy Horse Show" show be "dedicated" to love or self-depraved?

What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

What is "Crazy Horse Show"? To put it simply, it is a combination of nudity, dance, lighting and other elements, known for its sexiness, popular in Europe and the United States, but this form of performance has been controversial in Asia, and is regarded by many as a symbol of vulgar pornography

Therefore, when it was learned that LISA was about to participate in the performance of "Crazy Horse Show", many fans expressed their unacceptability, thinking that she lowered her price in order to "please" her boyfriend, and even did not hesitate to "dedicate herself", but some people held a different opinion, believing that LISA, as an adult woman, has the right to choose her favorite form of performance, and we should respect her choice

Caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, can LISA return to the top?

What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

In the face of doubts and criticisms from the outside world, LISA and its team have remained silent and have not made any positive responses, which has stimulated the public's curiosity and speculation, and various rumors have been rampant

What exactly did LISA go through to make such a big change? Are you carried away by love, or are you losing yourself in the pursuit of fame and fortune? Perhaps only time will tell, and it is unknown whether LISA can withstand the pressure and return to the top of her career


What? You tell me it's lisa? The new song release style caused controversy! Good things are coming to the third son

Since her debut, LISA has gained the love and support of countless fans along the way with her outstanding singing and dancing strength and unique personal charm, but in recent years, her series of behaviors have caused more and more controversy, and the once radiant "Barbie in the world" seems to be gradually losing its former brilliance

Everyone has different opinions and interpretations of LISA's transformation, but it is undeniable that her every move has touched the hearts of countless fans, and we look forward to LISA being able to get out of the confusion as soon as possible, find her original intention, and continue to bring us more excellent works

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views on LISA's new look and relationship

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