
It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

author:Imagine sports


Scientists need to use a new craft to unlock the planet's secrets, and the biggest advantage of this spacecraft is that it can be used for long-term research, which may be the origin of the name of this new spacecraft, "Lingshen 1".

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

It once pointed its camera at the earth, and the whole earth appeared in the lens, and this photo became the farthest picture from the earth, so who took this picture farthest from the earth, and what kind of story does this photo have?

The novelty of Lingshen One.

Since the launch of "Chang'e-1" in 2008, the mainland has never launched a probe spacecraft, but the time when the continent's space exploration was lit up again was in July 2020, and the mainland launched the probe spacecraft again, and this relay spacecraft is "Tianwen-1", this spacecraft will explore Mars.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

If you want to reach Mars, then you must need a kind of aircraft, and this aircraft is the new star of space exploration "Lingshen 1", the reason why mainland scientists want to re-develop a new probe spacecraft, is because Mars is too far away from our earth, before the "Chang'e-1" on the moon to explore, although far away from the earth, but can still rely on a certain amount of electricity to work.

But Mars is farther away from the earth than the moon, so scientists need to develop a new spacecraft, the most important thing about this spacecraft is that it can conduct long-term research, and the biggest advantage of "Lingshen-1" is that it can conduct long-term research, which may also be the origin of the name of this new spacecraft "Lingshen-1".

So how did it come about, why was the "Lingshen 1" able to fly for so long, and how did it fly?

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

Scientists will follow a principle when developing spacecraft, that is, the lighter the weight of the spacecraft, the less energy consumed, so when the "Lingshen No. 1" was designed, scientists designed it to be lightweight, so that the weight of the spacecraft will be reduced, and it can fly by itself, of course, after the probe spacecraft flies out of the earth's orbit, scientists will not control the flight path of the spacecraft.

Because the damage to the probe spacecraft is very large, scientists will give the probe spacecraft a certain flight path, and even install a flight trajectory control system on the spacecraft, so that scientists can stay away from the spacecraft.

"Lingshen-1" will encounter many dangers when flying, and there will be many detection equipment in the spacecraft, which are used to serve the safety of the spacecraft, if the spacecraft is in danger, scientists will judge what is wrong with the spacecraft through these detection equipment, and then repair the spacecraft.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

The most important components inside the spacecraft are the energy components and the evasion parts, these two parts are very important, the energy components are used to power the spacecraft, and the evasion parts are to avoid the spacecraft from being attacked by meteor showers in the universe, after all, the attack power of the meteor shower is very large, if the spacecraft is attacked, it will enter the general state of the Pacific Ocean, so scientists must make safety changes to the interior of the spacecraft when developing the spacecraft.

The farthest photo from Earth.

After the spacecraft leaves the earth, scientists will not control it, but scientists will detect the spacecraft, monitor the status of the spacecraft, and assist the spacecraft in setting the flight trajectory, etc., when the "Lingshen-1" flies to 360 million kilometers from the earth, scientists decided to take a picture of it, and this photo is also the farthest photo taken from the earth.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

At that time, scientists also attached a "light blue dot" label to the photo, this "light blue dot" is also the name of the earth, and its former name is "blue planet", so what is the difference between "light blue dot" and "blue planet", and why should it be renamed as light blue dot?

This name change is related to the color of the earth, so scientists changed the corresponding name to the earth, when the "Lingshen 1" took a photo, it was in the middle of the Earth's orbit and the Martian orbit, just in the night of the earth, so the whole earth was photographed.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

And this photo is very meaningful, because this is the farthest photo of the earth, when the "Lingshen-1" took the photo, it has been flying for more than 1 year, the flight distance has reached 1.16 billion kilometers, and the flight time has also reached 650 days, which is also the first day of the "Lingshen-1" to take the photo.

The photo was also taken by a camera on the spacecraft, and the Lingshen-1 itself was busy taking pictures of Mars, sending the pictures back to Earth for scientists to study, so this photo is not only a memory, but also a commemoration.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

This camera was taken when the "Lingshen-1" flew for about 7 months, when it was 180 million kilometers away from the earth, but when the "Lingshen-1" was flying, the pictures it took were very blurry, and the earth was only a small dot at that time.

And this "light blue dot" photo is very clear, it can see some continents and some clouds above the earth, scientists think that this dot has a "blue" color, so the earth is named "light blue dot", but scientists still hope that the photo can be clearer, can show the beauty of the earth more, so scientists have also studied this camera, and shot the earth again, so that the photo will be more realistic.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

After improvement, the camera shot the earth again, and the final picture of the earth is very clear, scientists have also created this photo, painted as the earth and the moon are placed on the same photo, let people compare, of course, there is no "light blue dot" on this photo, and this "light blue dot" renamed "blue planet", it has been used, even when we were children to learn geography, the earth is also called "blue planet".

When I saw the motherland, my heart was filled with joy.

The exact launch time of Lingshen-1 was in November 2011, and the launch site was one of China's four major launch bases, which is still known as "China's spaceport", and this base is the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

This launch center can be seen from a distance, there are many large solid-fuel launchers in it, here is the starting point of the continent's space dream, the continent's first satellite was launched here, not only that, the first lunar rover was also launched here, and later the mainland's Shenzhou 10 spacecraft was also launched here.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

This is also the launch site of the first manned spacecraft in the mainland, the launch site of many mainland space exploration spacecraft, this base can be said to be the sacred place of the mainland's aerospace industry, this is the pinnacle of the mainland's aerospace field, and it is also the witness of the achievements of the mainland's aerospace industry.

The launch of the "Lingshen-1" was carried out by the "Long March 5-Y1" rocket, and this rocket is a new type of carrier rocket developed by the mainland, so this is also a new type of carrier rocket developed by the mainland, which has two launch stages and four liquid hydrogen and oxygen rocket boosters.

It has flown 22.4 billion kilometers, and it has taken the farthest pictures from the Earth, and it has seen this home

This kind of rocket is very large and very long, it can be said to be a huge rocket, this huge rocket is also called "Lingshen No. 1", it can be said that this huge rocket and "Lingshen No. 1" just correspond, so it also got the name of "Lingshen No. 1".


Scientists and engineers have been researching and developing the "Lingshen 1" spacecraft for nine years, and the spacecraft has taken far longer than scientists imagined, and the spacecraft has become an immortal spacecraft.

This spacecraft has flown a distance of 1.16 billion kilometers, and perhaps this spacecraft is the brainchild of scientists, who are reluctant to use these efforts, so they have been flying, as if this spacecraft is also the "daughter" of scientists.

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