
The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

author:Dragon City Anecdotes


The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture Worm Nange's photo album

It's another year of graduation season, and it's a new beginning.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?


It has been said that college is a feeling.

It carries 18-year-old boys and girls,

A vision for the future, a yearning for life......

And for those of us who have graduated for many years,

When I think of college,

It's more of a hindsight of nostalgia,

The university campus in the middle of summer has the most beautiful scenery and the most beautiful dreams.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture insect Chen Damu Linsen

Just like the famous host Dou Wentao once said,

When he first chose a university, he didn't choose a good professor,

Some of the selected graduation assignment opportunities,

He chose the university with the most beautiful scenery.

He said that the traditions of a school were made by others.

He wasn't interested; School spirit is summed up by others,

It has nothing to do with him. But the landscape, the people in the landscape,

The story between people is his life.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm chen0103

So on this special day of results,

Daqi selected 10 campuses with the most beautiful scenery,

Let's talk about the people and things in the landscape.

Do you want to see a school for you?

See if there is your alma mater?

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?





Wuhan University, Hubei

It has been ranked first in the list of "China's most beautiful universities" all year round

No matter which "China's Most Beautiful Universities" ranking, Wuhan University ranks first and second.

It is one of the first national universities in modern China, sitting on the top of Luojia Mountain, close to the shore of East Lake, full of verdant gardens, famous for its cherry blossoms.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture insect photographer Yang Mengnana

Every year in March, the "cherry blossom avenue" in front of the old house of the cherry garden is in full bloom, and the whole campus is surrounded by graceful cherry blossoms.

Under the cherry blossom trees and on the lover's slope, the leaves have not bloomed when the leaves have bloomed, and the petals of the cherry blossoms are flying all over the garden, which makes people feel intoxicated.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Diagram Worm Sean, you won't read

Walking on the campus, the cherry blossoms and the palace-like architecture of Chinese and Western styles reflect each other, and it is even more simple and elegant on the shore of Qingshan Lake, which makes people intoxicated.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture Worm -Uncle Cat-


Xiamen University, Fujian

The most youthful and beautiful campus

When it comes to the most beautiful university in China, without Xiamen University, there is less credibility.

Known as "the most beautiful university in China", it is backed by Wu Laofeng with the sound of pine roaring, facing the undulating Gulangyu Island, falling asleep with the pine waves every night, and waking up with the seagulls in the early morning.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure Worm 7516

Here, "facing the sea, spring flowers blooming" is no longer a dream, and you can go out to Baicheng Beach.

The swans on Furong Lake are swaying, the palm trees are swaying, and the brick-red and dark green buildings decorated in the school are lined up, all of which are like in youth literary movies.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?
The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm dreams of rivers and lakes


Tsinghua University, Beijing

Shuimu Qinghua, moonlight on the lotus pond

Tsinghua University was once part of the Old Summer Palace, and the moonlight of the lotus pond and the moonlight of the lotus pond were exhausted to the exquisiteness of the first university.

Walking into the campus, you will see a combination of Chinese and Western architecture, noble and elegant; The students who passed by were all polite and polite, and they walked around, as if they were back in school.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Little Red Book: Words are zero

Here, you can see the near spring garden where Zhu Ziqing wrote "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond", and the Guyue Hall where Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu formed a good relationship...

can also trace the traces of the lives of Liang Sicheng, Ji Xianlin, Zhu Ziqing, Li Jian and others, which is also a charm of Tsinghua.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Little Red Book: Words are zero


Shandong Ocean University of China

European-style architecture, unique

Ocean University of China (Yushan Campus), as its name suggests, is close to the ocean, and there are beautiful scenery such as Signal Mountain outside the school, and you can take in the green trees and red tiles of Qingdao at a glance.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm Ding Fan 0304

The campus building is quite German-style, with a red tube tile roof, beautiful Western-style pattern reliefs, interspersed among the lush trees, which looks both simple and elegant, but also quite exotic.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Diagram Worm lzzy-

In spring, the cherry blossom avenue of Laoshan Campus is even more romantic with pink cherry blossoms, and in midsummer, the boulevard is sprinkled with fine sunlight, and the breath of youth is blowing in the face.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Diagram Worm Liu Xiang LiuX


Sichuan and Sichuan University

Hiding the most comfortable life

Zhuxi is a good place, the land of abundance, Sichuan University is located in the beautiful Chengdu. The lotus pond in summer and the ginkgo biloba in autumn are very distinctive.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm Junziyu

The blue bricks and black tiles of Sichuan University, every corner and corner are condensed with the style of simplicity and simplicity. The most exciting thing is its ginkgo street, autumn has arrived, and the ground is full of golden armor.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worms fly back and forth


Peking University, Beijing

It is the highest institution of learning and the most beautiful royal garden in China

Peking University, the first national university in modern China, retains the most beautiful garden scenery in China.

The campus of Peking University, also known as the Yan Garden, is adjacent to the Old Summer Palace and the Summer Palace.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Diagram insect water cloud pigeon

Walking through Peking University, you can always encounter antique buildings: Changchun, Hongya, Shuchun, Jingchun, Langrun...... Each building has a history behind it, and each one has a beautiful and colorful garden scenery.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm quoto

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm vilr

The most famous lake of Peking University is the Weiming Lake, in summer, the willows on the lakeside are still around, the lotus flowers in the lake are in full bloom, and the Boya Tower on the shore stands majestically, reflecting each other into the most beautiful picture of Peking University.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm Qin Qing


Jiangsu Soochow University

A school embedded in the garden

Soochow University, located in the ancient city of Suzhou, is also known as the "Paradise University".

It not only carries the exquisiteness of Suzhou gardens, but also has the legacy of Soochow University, the architecture is magnificent and exquisite, and there are many remarkable places.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Diagram insect Fan Ren vision

Here the spring is gorgeous, the midsummer is fresh, the autumn is splendid, the deep winter is quiet, and the temperament of the four seasons is very different.

But the most beautiful thing is the autumn, where you can stroll through the antique atmosphere and the classical buildings hidden under the huge ginkgo trees.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm A touch of learning


Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong

It is a collection of the great beauty of the southern scenery

Someone once said that "one CUHK is half of the city of Guangzhou", although this is to describe the important influence of Sun Yat-sen University in the past, but entering the current CUHK campus is like stepping back in time.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm yzerg

Walking around the CUHK campus, you will find that every brick and tile here is full of beauty.

Guanghan Palace and the central lawn exude a dignified atmosphere, and the classical charm of the small auditorium, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, and Chen Yinke's former residence makes people unforgettable for a long time.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm is as good as water and wheat


Hunan University, Hunan

A university without walls

Speaking of the most beautiful university, Hunan University, which is backed by Yuelu Academy, a thousand-year-old school, how can it not have a name.

Few universities have been able to combine buildings spanning hundreds of years into a single campus like this, mixing and matching without contradicting each other.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture insect archway road young man

Walking into Huda, shuttling through the buildings of different periods and styles, people can travel through thousands of years in a second. Compared with the scenery, the most beautiful thing about Huda is its historical heritage, which needs to be walked slowly to taste.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture Worm Meteor Universe who loves to take pictures


Yunnan University, Yunnan

The most beautiful university in Spring City

Yunnan University, located in the spring city of Kunming, gives this university a scenery that other universities do not have. Whenever you walk by the old buildings, the campus is always filled with the scent of birds and flowers.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure Worm RCCC

The clouds in spring are big, and you can touch the cherry blossoms when you open the window in the classroom, and the most unique thing is its weeping begonias, which bloom in clusters, outlining the most beautiful picture scroll in addition to spring.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Picture worm Ho Siu-yin

The clouds in late autumn are big, and the ginkgo biloba avenue of more than 200 meters is yellowing, paving a poetic and picturesque feeling.

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm Geng Sanshao

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

Of course, in the minds of many people,

His alma mater is the most beautiful,

After all, it is a place where 4 years of youth have been treasured,

That alone is more than ever.

If you were given a chance, which one would you choose?

The 10 most beautiful universities in China, come and see, is there your alma mater?

© Figure worm DriftLi


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