
1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

author:Guoxiangju. Wan Yunkun. orchid

In the last article "Cicada Chirping Midsummer to Orchid Appreciation One Two" said that the Four Seasons Orchid is in bloom, with the various good feelings brought by living in the room, entering the hall, into the living room, dining room, study, tea room, bedroom, etc., Guolan is so indifferent and calm in front of us in a refined and elegant form, so I suddenly thought of the ancients who do not know who the fragrance for whom to feel, Guolan was born in the valley, not to no one and not fragrant, indicating its indifferent fame and fortune, but also in educating people and gentlemen should cultivate morality, It is not about poverty.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

Guolan has been regarded as a symbol of elegance since ancient times, and the ancients did not deceive me! Since the first time I came into contact with Chunlan's king's fragrance when I was 15 years old, I have developed a feeling. In the future, if you want to have and cultivate it well, so that it will bloom in all seasons, how beautiful it will be in an environment surrounded by fragrance! So for that beauty and unremitting efforts, and finally the sky with the wishes, the second year of the work began to get acquainted with Chunlan, unfortunately later rejuvenated and flowered to know that it is the unfragrant grass that fell in Xinyang, Henan, so that I was melancholy, so I found the real "Song Mei", "Da Fugui", "Green Cloud" and so on for the name of the product marked on the leaf.


Hard work pays off, in order to explore the origin of those names, I found the teacher who led me to get started, Mr. Lu Yimin, and then like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, when I saw the many famous Chunlan that has been inherited for more than a hundred years, my heart was shocked, and I was thinking about when I would come to invite these treasures. Therefore, I had the opportunity to see "Lan Hui Tongxin Lu", "Lan Hui Xiao History", Yao Yuxuan Zhu Youren "Orchid", Shen Yuanru Shen Yinchun "Orchid", and the Chinese simplified version of "Lan Hua Spectrum" and so on.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

Thirsty for knowledge is a true portrayal of me at that time, there was no way to have these originals, so I borrowed them all with the permission of the teacher to read and copied them for my own slow learning later. I still have these copies in my collection, this is not only a memory, but also that precious feelings, when I see these copies will remember the scene of the first contact with the traditional inscriptions of Chunlan, as well as many beautiful feelings.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

The first time I saw the traditional inscription of Chunlan, I didn't know how to write, I suddenly wanted to express my feelings, so, after visiting Yangzhou Ma Shiyu teacher, I wrote a "visit to the orchid grass house", this is my debut work with Guolan, printed out and handed over to a friend who graduated from Jiangxi Normal to modify, because the sentence is not clear and the grammar does not know how to deal with it with many brackets to solve, plus the typo even makes him unable to start, it can be seen how bad the writing is! To this day, I am proud of my boldness, and I took the first difficult step fearlessly, but what I didn't expect was that I would never be able to control it until I wrote about 500,000 words of Yilan's original articles every year.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

No matter how badly written, "Visiting the Orchid Cottage" is the first article of my Yilan essay, which has never been published to the public, so the number of people who know it will not exceed a slap, haha! With that persistence and that beautiful yearning, I have been writing like this for decades, and I have been writing hard because of my love for Guolan. In order to raise the national orchid well and be able to appreciate her holiness and beauty at all times, I have changed a few environments, such as today, as people wish, has more than 3,000 pots of beloved national orchids, the varieties from the original spring orchid, Hui orchid, to the land of China to all kinds of native orchids.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

In order to be able to settle down for my beloved Guolan, I have been working hard to create an environment as always, when the weak seedlings gradually grow up, rejuvenated, and reflowered, the sense of achievement is incomparable, whenever I appreciate the plum, lotus, narcissus, vegetarian, butterfly, strange and color flowers of the national orchid, I feel how beautiful it is, and I can enjoy the elegant and beautiful orchid flowers every day, as if I have the satisfaction of the whole world.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

In addition, the delicate and unique flower forms bloomed by the national orchid, such as simple ordinary petals or complex exotic flowers and peony petals, as well as mutated plums, lotuses, narcissus, plains, colors and other blooms, each of which is a work of art carefully carved by nature. The arrangement of the regular petals often presents a symmetrical beauty, with smooth and graceful lines, tight and subtle.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

Guolan is known for its elegance, and its reputation in ancient and modern times is never false, which has many circumstantial evidence. Its elegance is reflected in many ways. First of all, the form of its flowers is elegant and beautiful, and the delicate and unique forms range from simple to complex. The beauty of the simple lines, the color is upright, and it gives people a sense of uprightness. The compact lattice petal shape or the complex jade tree and peony flowers are even more gorgeous and dizzying. In short, each one is a work of art carefully carved by nature, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

No matter what form the flowers of the national orchid take, they all show a beautiful ingenious beauty. Secondly, the color of Guolan is mainly plain and elegant, unassuming but with a unique charm, giving people a quiet and noble visual experience. The color of the orchid is also abundant, compared with other flowers, it is not dominant, but the elegant and fresh green or white and yellow, which makes people extremely pitiful, such as the white and pure white liss, the nobility of yellow liss, and the elegance of green liss, giving people a quiet and elegant visual enjoyment.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

Guolan not only has elegant colors, but also gorgeous color flowers, such as Danyang, Heding Red, Cinnabar, Sauce Purple, Daiqing, Yao Huang, Wei Zi, Zhao Fen, Ou Jiabi and so on. In short, no matter what color the flowers of the national orchid exist, they all show an otherworldly temperament just right. Guolan's temperament is like a fairy, as if it is not contaminated with the hustle and bustle of the world, and it blooms with its own elegance and beauty, and this feeling of independence makes people feel infinite respect.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

Moreover, the overall temperament of Guolan is extraordinary, the flowers open quietly, and they do not compete for spring or color, but they can exude an unforgettable fragrance. The fragrance of the king, the national incense, the ancestral incense, and the first incense in the world are the myths that cover all the smells, and the classics will never be extinguished. In traditional culture, Guolan is endowed with the symbolic meaning of noble character, representing the humility, tenacity and nobility of a gentleman.

The fragrance of Guolan is quiet and elegant, as if there is nothing, giving people a quiet and distant feeling, which can wash the dust of the soul. When I was in the orchid room, I suddenly fell into a state of self-forgetfulness, and the ethereal inspiration in my heart was very beautiful! The fragrance of Guolan overflows, drifting into the small courtyard with the wind and blending with the fragrance of flowers, building a natural way of incense.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

In spring, it can be fused with flowers to become a flowery garden. In summer, you can coexist with lotus flowers, bringing original coolness. Autumn can complement chrysanthemums, if the Tang Dynasty's Huang Chao knew that he would be ashamed, he was like a cloud in "Not the First Queen": Stay until September 8 in autumn, and I will kill a hundred flowers after the flowers bloom. The heavenly incense array penetrates Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor. Huang Chao wants to be magnificent and ambitious, Guolan presents a variety of elegance and tenderness, not the same day and not the same day, may be narrow-minded, the same is the two famous flowers of the four gentlemen, Huang Chao turned a blind eye, has its own considerations, Chang'an is in the area of today's Great Qinling Mountains, the mountains are rich in fragrant orchids, and in the Tang Dynasty, there are also a lot of poems and paintings reciting Lan Hui, which shows that people's awareness of Guolan is still relatively high.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

What Huang Chao didn't expect was that there are many varieties of elegant national orchids, which can also bloom in all seasons, such as the autumn cold orchid in autumn and the winter cold orchid in full bloom. This makes the condensed fragrance or lingering fragrance of Hanlan bring a touch of freshness to winter, which is so beautiful and unforgettable. The beauty of the simple lines of the cold orchid flowers is bone-like, ancient, Zen-like, and elegant, and the fragrance of condensation is deeply fascinating.

Cycle after cycle, spring is coming, the most varieties of national orchids blooming in this season, there are Mo Lan and Four Seasons Orchid in the south, go east to the north and go to the west, there are more, spring orchid, Hui orchid, lotus petal, spring sword, send spring, red fragrance concubine, this is the object of elegant appreciation.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

The leaves of the orchid are slender and graceful, oblique and tough, ring-hanging and soft, and upright and upright, in short, the posture is diverse and diverse. The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the flowers and leaves are also luxuriant. The flowers either stand upright on the flower stalks, or fall generously and freely, full of smart beauty, full of elegant charm.

Guolan grows between mountains, forests and valleys, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and this independent attitude also adds endless elegance to it. Whether it is cultivated in delicate pots or grown in the wild soil in the natural mountain forest, it can show its unique elegance and charm.

1208: I see the elegance of Guolan

In the cultural inheritance, Guolan represents the noble character of a gentleman, such as noble, humble, elegant, etc. People appreciate Guolan, not only because of its external beauty, but also because of the elegant spiritual connotation it contains, which can make people find a sense of inner peace and peace in the impetuous world. Whether it is in the pen of literati and ink writers, or in the hearts of those who love Lan, Guolan has always exuded a unique and elegant charm that makes people intoxicated.

Guolan also contains a profound cultural heritage, since ancient times by the literati and ink writers to give a noble character symbol, representing the gentleman's integrity and demeanor, this cultural connotation further adds to the elegant temperament of Guolan. Like an elegant fairy, Guolan stands quietly in the world of flowers, exuding a unique charm that makes people deeply fascinated. I love the orchid because of my country, and I will never swerve in this life. On July 1, 2024, Wan Yunkun was in Guoxiangju

Description: The picture is the Four Seasons Orchid "Junhe"

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On July 1, 2024, Wan Yunkun was in Guoxiangju