
Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

author:Ling said health science

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Zhang Wei is a busy marketing manager with a busy schedule and irregular diet.

One morning, he suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Seeing this, his wife Li Li immediately took him to a nearby city hospital.

After receiving the consultation, the doctor first asked Zhang Wei about his medical history in detail, including his eating habits, medication use and past medical history.

Zhang Wei recalled: "Recently, I caught a cold and took some medicine, but I didn't expect such serious side effects. ”

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

The doctor nodded and asked, "Can you tell me exactly what medicines I took?" ”

Zhang Wei took out the packaging boxes of several medicines, and after the doctor looked closely, he found that one of the cold medicines contained an ingredient called "indomethacin".

The doctor frowned slightly and said, "This drug may induce pancreatitis in some cases. The doctor immediately arranged for Zhang Wei to have a series of tests, including blood tests and an abdominal ultrasound.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Blood tests showed that Zhang Wei's pancreatic enzyme levels were significantly elevated, and abdominal ultrasound showed pancreatic swelling, consistent with acute pancreatitis.

"Your condition is most likely drug-induced acute pancreatitis." "It's not common, but it's not uncommon," the doctor said. Certain medications do trigger pancreatitis in some individuals. ”

For the next few days, Zhang Wei was treated in the hospital with strict fasting, fluids and antibiotics.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

At the same time, doctors are closely monitoring the changes in his condition. During the doctor's daily rounds, Zhang Wei would always ask, "Doctor, when will I be well?" Can I still take these medicines in the future? ”

The doctor always patiently replied: "Pancreatitis takes time to recover, and the current treatment is mainly to relieve symptoms and prevent complications." As for future medications, we will choose safer alternatives based on your situation. ”

Over time, Zhang's condition gradually improved, his pain lessened, and his pancreatic enzyme levels returned to normal.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Before being discharged from the hospital, the doctor explained the preventive measures of pancreatitis to Zhang Wei and Li Li in detail and prescribed a detailed list of medications.

The types of drugs that may induce pancreatitis are listed, so that Zhang Wei can be more cautious when using drugs in the future. While recuperating at home, Zhang Wei read a lot about drug-induced pancreatitis.

Although drug-induced pancreatitis is rare, some common medications, such as certain antibiotics, diuretics, and antiviral drugs, can trigger pancreatitis in certain situations.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

sighed: "I really didn't expect that the medicine I usually take casually has such a big risk." Fortunately, it is good to seek medical attention in time, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. ”

Li Li nodded in agreement, "We will have to be more careful in the future." Consult a doctor before taking medicine every time, and never take medicine by yourself anymore. ”

Zhang Wei's story makes people realize that while drugs can cure diseases and save lives, improper use can also bring serious side effects. Here are some detailed analyses of drug-induced pancreatitis:

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

The specific mechanism of drug-induced pancreatitis is not fully understood, but research suggests that multiple pathways may be involved.

Some drugs may directly poison pancreatic cells, causing an inflammatory response; Other drugs may indirectly cause pancreatitis by triggering biliary tract disease.

Drugs may also trigger an immune response, leading to inflammation of the pancreas. In addition, there are drugs that may interfere with the metabolism of pancreatic cells, causing pancreatitis.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Drug toxicity: Some drugs may have a direct toxic effect on pancreatic cells, leading to cell damage and inflammation. For example, tetracycline antibiotics may trigger cell damage and inflammation by interfering with the protein synthesis mechanisms of pancreatic cells.

Biliary effects: Certain medications can indirectly cause pancreatitis by causing problems in the biliary system.

Certain diuretics can cause cholestasis, which can cause bile to reflux into the pancreas, causing inflammation of the pancreas.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Immune response: Certain medications can trigger an abnormal response from the immune system, leading to autoimmune pancreatitis. Immunosuppressants such as azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine may induce the body's immune system to attack pancreatic tissue.

Metabolic interference: Certain medications may interfere with the metabolic processes of pancreatic cells, leading to abnormal cell function and inflammation.

For example, valproate, as an antiepileptic drug, may cause pancreatic inflammation by interfering with fatty acid metabolism.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

It is important to note that pancreatitis does not occur in all patients who take these drugs, and individual differences and other risk factors (e.g., alcoholism, cholelithiasis, etc.) also play an important role.

Physicians should take into account the patient's individual circumstances and past medical history when prescribing medications, and try to avoid drugs with known high risks.

For example, in patients with a history of pancreatitis, drugs that may trigger pancreatitis should be avoided and treatment with alternative drugs should be chosen.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Patients should fully understand the potential side effects of the drug before using it and strictly follow the doctor's guidance on the medication. The doctor should explain the possible risks and precautions of the drug to the patient in detail, making sure that:

Patients are able to detect and report uncomfortable symptoms in a timely manner during the course of medication. As soon as symptoms of pancreatitis appear, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible for relevant tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Early identification and diagnosis are essential for the treatment of drug-induced pancreatitis. Doctors should closely monitor patients taking high-risk drugs to detect and manage pancreatitis symptoms.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Once drug-induced pancreatitis is confirmed, the suspect drug should be stopped immediately and an alternative drug should be selected under the guidance of a doctor. After discontinuation of the drug, patients should be closely monitored under the supervision of a doctor to ensure that pancreatitis symptoms gradually resolve.

Treatment of pancreatitis should include a combination of fasting, fluids, analgesia, and anti-infection, which should be adjusted according to the specific situation of the patient.

Fasting can reduce the secretory burden of the pancreas, infusions can maintain fluid balance, and analgesic and anti-infective therapy can relieve symptoms and prevent complications.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

Zhang's experience reminds us that drugs must be used with caution, especially for those at risk of pancreatitis.

Doctors should fully consider the individual differences of patients when prescribing drugs, try to choose drugs with lower risks, and strengthen patient education to improve their vigilance against drug side effects.

Patients should also take the initiative to understand the potential risks of the drugs they are taking, take them as prescribed, and do not abuse them.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article

We have seen that while drugs can cure and save lives, improper use can also bring serious side effects.

Rational and scientific use of drugs is the key to ensuring health. Everyone should raise their awareness of medication safety, follow the doctor's instructions, have regular physical examinations, and detect and deal with health problems in a timely manner.

Only in this way can we truly stay away from diseases and enjoy a healthy life.

Drug-induced pancreatitis occurs, please be cautious with medication, what are they? The doctor told you in one article
[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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