
If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

author:Ling said health science

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Mr. Wang, a middle-aged employee, was recently told that his blood pressure was high during a routine check-up.

The doctor advised him to undergo further detailed tests to confirm the high blood pressure. So Mr. Wang went to the hospital and underwent a series of tests including blood pressure monitoring, blood tests, urine tests and electrocardiograms.

After the test results came out, the doctor confirmed that Mr. Wang had high blood pressure.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

The doctor told him that high blood pressure is a common chronic disease that requires long-term management, and that lifestyle adjustments, including diet, exercise, and psychological adjustments, are equally important in addition to medication.

The causes of hypertension are complex and may be related to a variety of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and poor dietary habits.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Mr. Wang was determined to make a change in his lifestyle. Knowing that controlling diet is an important part of managing high blood pressure, but he still doesn't know exactly how to eat.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Mr. Wang searched the Internet and found that there were many suggestions for high blood pressure diet, one of which was about the choice of milk. Some articles say that it is better to drink pure milk, and some say that it is better to drink yogurt. This confused him and didn't know what to choose.

At this point, he decided to consult his doctor again. The doctor, an experienced cardiologist, listened to Mr. Wang's questions,

Explained to him in detail the difference between plain milk and yogurt and their effects on people with high blood pressure.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

"Pure milk is a nutritious food rich in calcium, protein and vitamins," the doctor explains.

Because calcium can help blood vessels constrict and relax, which in turn affects blood pressure. ”

However, doctors also mentioned that pure milk is relatively high in fat, especially whole milk, and for patients with high blood pressure, consuming too much fat may not be conducive to blood pressure control.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

"Yogurt is different," the doctor continues, "and not only does yogurt contain most of the nutrients found in pure milk, but it also contains probiotics.

These probiotics are beneficial for gut health, can promote digestion, and boost immunity. In addition, studies have shown that probiotics can help improve metabolic health and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. ”

The doctor adds: "Low-fat or nonfat yogurt, in particular, is a good choice for people with high blood pressure.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Yogurt is also high in potassium, which can help flush out excess sodium from the body, which can help lower blood pressure.

If you're choosing between plain milk and yogurt, yogurt may be a better choice, especially low-fat or nonfat yogurt. ”

After hearing this, Mr. Wang felt that he had a clearer direction, but he was still a little worried: "Then how much should I drink every day?" Is there anything in particular that I should pay attention to? ”

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

The doctor smiled and replied, "Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to drink one cup of yogurt a day, not too much." Also, try to choose low-sugar or sugar-free yogurt, as high sugar intake can also affect blood pressure control. ”

The doctor also gave Mr. Wang some other dietary advice: "In addition to yogurt, it is also important to increase the intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

For example, leafy greens are rich in potassium, and fruits such as bananas and oranges are also rich in potassium and vitamins. Also, reduce salt intake and avoid high-salt foods, such as pickled products, fast food, etc. ”

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Mr. Wang also learned that weight control is also one of the keys to managing high blood pressure.

Doctors advised him to do a moderate amount of aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling, etc., and get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

In addition to diet and exercise, emotional management and mental health are also important components of hypertension management.

On the advice of his doctor, Mr. Wang began to learn some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga to reduce stress and maintain peace of mind.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Over the next few months, Mr. Wang adjusted his diet and lifestyle in strict accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Wake up every morning with a cup of low-fat yogurt, and add wholemeal bread and fruit to your breakfast. Lunch and dinner are more focused on vegetables and cooking with less oil and less salt.

He also developed the habit of walking every day and occasionally going swimming or cycling. While still busy at work, he learned to relax himself and reduce stress through meditation and deep breathing.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

A few months later, Mr. Wang came to the hospital again for a follow-up visit. Doctors measured his blood pressure and found that his blood pressure levels had dropped significantly.

Mr. Wang is very relieved and knows that this is the result of his adherence to a healthy diet and lifestyle adjustments. Doctors also acknowledged his efforts and reminded him that high blood pressure is a disease that requires long-term management.

Even if your blood pressure is well controlled, you should not take it lightly, and you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have regular medical check-ups.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Through Mr. Wang's story, we can see that the management of hypertension does not only rely on medication, but also on lifestyle adjustments.

Regarding the choice of pure milk and yogurt, the doctor's recommendation is that low-fat or nonfat yogurt is more suitable for people with high blood pressure.

Because it is not only rich in nutrients, but also contains probiotics that help control blood pressure and improve overall health.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

This article aims to help readers better understand the management of high blood pressure, especially in terms of dietary choices, through a real-life story.

I hope that everyone can maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay away from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure.

Maintaining good physical condition and staying away from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure requires a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Eating a proper diet is crucial, increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, reducing the intake of salt and high-fat foods, and choosing low-fat or nonfat dairy products such as yogurt to help control blood pressure.

Regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling, etc., for at least 150 minutes per week, can effectively help control weight and improve cardiorespiratory fitness.

In addition, managing your emotional and mental health well and learning to relieve stress, such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga, can also help keep your blood pressure stable.

If I have high blood pressure, is it better to drink plain milk or yogurt? The doctor will tell you the answer

Regular medical check-ups are needed to detect and treat health problems early. Combining these methods can effectively prevent chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and maintain good health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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