
What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

author:Ling said health science

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Li Ming is a middle school Chinese teacher, and he is busy preparing for classes, correcting homework and attending classes on weekdays, and his throat is often uncomfortable, but he has not paid much attention to it.

Recently, his throat discomfort has become more and more pronounced, and he often feels that his throat is dry and painful, and sometimes even has difficulty speaking.

Worried that he might be suffering from pharyngitis, he decided to take some time to go to the hospital for a check-up. Li Ming went to the general hospital in the center of the city on Saturday morning and hung up the otolaryngology department.

As he waited for his appointment, he couldn't help but think back to his recent life, frequent colds, sore throat after long lectures, insomnia at night, and a dry cough when he woke up in the morning.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

These symptoms all seem to point to a possibility – pharyngitis. When it was Li Ming's turn to see a doctor, he walked into the consultation room and saw a middle-aged male doctor, and the nameplate on the table showed that his name was Dr. Wang.

Dr. Wong wears a white lab coat and gold-rimmed glasses, giving him a professional and intimate feel. "Hello, Mr. Li, please be seated. Where is it uncomfortable today? Dr. Wang asked.

"Doctor, I've been feeling sick lately, feeling dry and painful, and it's even more uncomfortable when I talk a lot.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Sometimes I have a dry cough, and my throat is especially uncomfortable in the morning. I'm worried about pharyngitis. Dr. Wang nodded, motioned for Li Ming to open his mouth, and carefully examined his throat with a searchlight.

After the examination, Dr. Wang said calmly, "Your throat does have some signs of redness, swelling and inflammation, and considering your symptoms, it is very likely to be pharyngitis."

Let's do some further checks to confirm. Subsequently, Li Ming was scheduled for laryngoscopy and routine blood tests.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

The results of the examination came out quickly, and after careful examination, Dr. Wang explained to Li Ming: "Mr. Li, from the examination results, you do suffer from acute pharyngitis.

Acute pharyngitis is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection and can also be related to environmental factors such as dry air, smog and excessive use of the voice.

Have you been talking for a long time or have you had an irregular routine lately? ”

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Li Ming nodded: "Yes, there have been a lot of things in school recently, and I usually talk for a long time in class, and I prepare for classes late at night, maybe because of this." ”

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "That makes sense. Although acute pharyngitis is not a serious illness, it can affect your quality of life if left untreated and cared for.

Here are a few things you should pay special attention to as they will help you recover quickly. Li Ming listened to the doctor's advice and carefully wrote down these five suggestions.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Keeping your throat moist can reduce discomfort and promote the resolution of inflammation. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and avoid cold or irritating beverages.

Reduce unnecessary speech, especially during acute pharyngitis attacks, and try to avoid loud or prolonged speech. Symptoms can be relieved with some throat sprays or lozenges if necessary.

Avoid spicy, greasy, and overly hot foods, which can irritate the throat mucosa and aggravate inflammation. Eat more mild, easily digestible foods such as porridge, soup, and soft rice.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Dry air can aggravate throat irritation, and a humidifier can be used to increase the humidity of the air, especially in autumn and winter or in air-conditioned rooms.

Tobacco and alcohol are very irritating to the throat, and smoking and drinking alcohol can aggravate pharyngitis symptoms and may even lead to the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis.

Li Ming listened carefully to these suggestions and felt that he had benefited a lot. I remember that I didn't pay attention to taking care of my throat before, often drank and smoked, and loved to eat spicy food, and I must get rid of these bad habits this time.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

To speed up his recovery, he also asked Dr. Wang if he needed to take medication. Dr. Wang nodded, "Yes, medication is also a very important part.

Depending on your situation, I prescribe you some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as some Chinese herbal lozenges that can help relieve pain and promote inflammation to subside. Remember to take your medication on time, and you can't just stop it. ”

With the prescription in hand, Li Ming walked out of the consultation room and breathed a sigh of relief.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

I decided to take good care of my throat and change my unhealthy lifestyle habits from today. Although pharyngitis is not a serious disease, if you are not careful, it may recur and affect your work and life.

After returning home, Li Ming began to adjust his lifestyle according to Dr. Wang's advice.

The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a large glass of warm water, try to control the speaking time during the day, and try to rest early at night and no longer stay up late.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

I also bought a humidifier and put it in the bedroom and turned it on every night before going to bed to maintain the humidity in the room. After a few days, Li Ming felt that the pain in his throat had eased and the number of dry coughs had decreased.

Take the medication prescribed by the doctor on time and feel like you are recovering quickly. A week later, Li Ming felt that his throat was completely healed, and he no longer felt uncomfortable.

Li Ming knows that this rehabilitation experience is not only the effect of drugs, but more importantly, he has changed his living habits.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Realizing the importance of health, I decided that I would take more care of my body in the future and stop letting pharyngitis recur. Through this experience, Li Ming has a deeper understanding of pharyngitis.

I understood the symptoms and triggers of pharyngitis, and learned how to prevent and treat this common disease. Although pharyngitis may seem simple, if left untreated, it can lead to more health problems.

At the class meeting, students were reminded to pay attention to the maintenance of their throats, not to use their throats for a long time, to drink plenty of water, and to maintain healthy living habits.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Based on his own experience, he also taught a lot of practical health knowledge to the students, which was welcomed by everyone. Everyone should pay attention to their own health, especially some conditions that seem to be minor problems.

Through a reasonable lifestyle and timely medical intervention, we can effectively prevent and treat many common diseases, maintain physical health and live a happy life.

This article describes the symptoms, diagnosis process, and treatment and care methods of pharyngitis in detail by telling Li Ming's experience of suffering from pharyngitis.

What are the signs of pharyngitis? Reminder: Mastering these 5 points can lead to quick recovery and good results

Li Ming's story not only gives us a deeper understanding of pharyngitis, but also reminds us to pay attention to our own health and develop good habits.

A healthy body is the foundation of a happy life, and everyone should value their health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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