
If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

author:Ah Zheng is reading

Yuan Lifan was a famous thinker in the Ming Dynasty, and also a famous anti-Japanese general, Yunwen Yunwu, and had deep personal insights in dealing with wealth and destiny.

"The Four Disciplines of Lifan" is Yuan Lifan's classic work, which has a far-reaching influence and has guided the direction of life for countless people.

He revealed the code of the rich to obtain wealth through the book "The Four Disciplines of Liaofan", through learning, it can be condensed into three sentences, and we can get a lot of inspiration from these three sentences.

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If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

1. My life is my work, and I ask for my own blessings. A person's happiness comes from his thoughts, words and deeds, and disasters also come from his thoughts, words and deeds

If I get angry when I hear someone slander me, it will be like a spring silkworm spinning into a cocoon, and I will bind myself.

What others say about you does not represent the real you; We are often confronted with a variety of comments, including slander and slander from others.

When we hear negative things about us, if we don't respond with a calm mind, we may respond impulsively, which can lead to further deterioration of the situation. It's easy to talk nonsense in anger and do wrong things.

In the long run, it will inevitably soak a curse for itself, and the so-called disaster comes from the mouth.

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

We should approach it with tolerance and understanding. Perhaps the slander of others is due to misunderstanding or prejudice, but if you can communicate calmly, you may be able to eliminate the misunderstanding and turn the conflict into a friendship.

Even if the other party is malicious and slanderous, our calmness and generosity can also show our cultivation and mind, so that others can see the merits clearly.

When basketball star Jeremy Lin first entered the NBA, many people questioned that he had no strength, just luck. In the face of these slanders, he remained calm, did not be crushed by these gossips, proved himself with actions on the field, and created the miracle moment of "Lin Crazy".

In short, our fate is in our own hands, and we should be cautious in our words and deeds, always keep a clear head, guide our words and deeds with good thoughts, and face slander with tolerance.

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

Second, where the heavens will send people, they will not send their blessings, but they will first send their wisdom. Thinking about the urgency of helping people outside, and thinking about the evil of idleness inside; That is, he is quite knowledgeable and often thinks shallowly;

Heaven will make this man prosperous, and before he can be blessed, it will surely give him wisdom. Externally, we should think about the urgency of others, and internally, we should restrain our own evil thoughts. Even if your knowledge is excellent, you must always remind yourself that your knowledge is still too shallow.

The wisdom here is not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also the ability to perceive the world, distinguish between right and wrong, and cultivate oneself and morality.

It means being able to see the essence through phenomena and keenly grasp the hidden laws and trends behind things. In this world of change and uncertainty, anticipate challenges and opportunities.

We must have the good idea of "helping others" in our hearts. In life, be tolerant of others and be anxious about others. The takeaway ordered is delivered overtime, don't be in a hurry to complain first, and learn to empathize. Maybe the takeaway brother encountered some difficulties that led to the overtime, let's not be harsh on others.

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

For ourselves, we must learn to constantly reflect and introspect. The human heart is like a garden, if it is not pruned, it will become overgrown with weeds. Evil thoughts such as greed, jealousy, resentment, and laziness are like these weeds that eat away at our hearts and hinder our path.

Zeng Tzu once said: "I am three times a day and I am self-conscious: I am not loyal to others? Making friends and not believing them? Are you used to it? This illustrates the importance of introspection, through which we can be aware of these negative thoughts and get rid of them in time. This keeps our hearts pure.

The ancients said: "If you don't learn, you can't broaden your talents, and if you don't have ambitions, you can't learn." There is no end to learning, and we must establish the concept of lifelong learning. The ocean of knowledge is boundless, and no matter what we have achieved in a certain field, it is only a drop in the ocean. If you are complacent because of your momentary achievements, you will stop learning and improving.

Therefore, on the road of pursuing happiness, we should first strive to cultivate our own wisdom, treat others with kindness, self-reflection and self-cultivation, and be humble and knowledge-seeking.

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

3. Those who enjoy the long-term production of thousands of gold in the world must be a daughter of a thousand daughters; Those who enjoy the property of 100 gold must be 100 gold characters. Those who have the virtue of a hundred generations will be protected by a hundred generations of descendants, and those who have the virtue of the third and second generations will be protected by the descendants of the third and second generations.

In the house of goodness, there will be afterglow. Kindness is sincere, that is, one line can be regarded as all goodness.

The so-called wealth does not only depend on luck or chance, but also on one's virtue and cultivation.

A person's character and behavior determine to a large extent the amount of wealth he can accumulate and control.

People with high goals, perseverance, tenacity, and integrity are often able to gain more wealth and success in the market.

We often find that the richer people are, the more they will set up their own foundations to use part of the money to carry out public welfare and charity. This kind of charity is not a one-time thing, but it is passed down from generation to generation, and even as a family inheritance, it has to be carried out.

Why is that?

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

Of course, it's because of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. "A family that accumulates goodness will have a surplus of celebrations", a family that often does good deeds will have a steady stream of blessings and celebrations. Passing on acts of kindness not only gives material security to children and grandchildren, but also gives them spiritual strength and guidance, so that they know how to behave in the world and how to gain a foothold and develop in society.

These seemingly insignificant acts of kindness are like pebbles thrown into a lake, and the ripples they provoke will continue to spread, affecting more people and triggering more good deeds and good thoughts.

Li Ka-shing, a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, has amassed a huge fortune after great success in business, but still focuses on philanthropy and giving back to society. His family has also produced excellent offspring due to its good family style and virtues, and continues to play an important role in the business and social spheres.

His kindness and commitment to social responsibility have enabled his family's reputation and influence to continue, which is the embodiment of "those who have the virtue of a hundred generations will be protected by a hundred generations of descendants".

Therefore, we should understand that whether we pursue personal success and wealth, or hope for the prosperity and prosperity of our family, we cannot do without the accumulation of virtue and the transmission of goodwill, and believe that this power of goodness will bring us endless blessings.

If you condense the "Four Teachings of Liaofan" into three sentences: I will make my life, and I will seek blessings

Many people always mistakenly think that this is a life-changing metaphysical book, but in fact, this book is really a down-to-earth work of healing the heart! If more people had seen this book earlier and really read it with their hearts, I believe it would have saved us a lot of detours!