
The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

author:Shuofang Arsenal

Now that the war in Gaza is in full swing, Israel seems to have the idea of "starting again". At present, there are all indications that Israel does have the idea of going to war with the Allah forces that actually control southern Lebanon. On the one hand, during the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, although the Allah armed forces did not directly send ground troops to participate in the large-scale battle, Allah has been launching long-range strikes against Israel in the Lebanese-Israeli border area, which has forced Israel to evacuate hundreds of thousands of residents in the northern region and make Israel miserable. On the other hand, since the IDF's fighting in Gaza has not had the desired effect, Netanyahu's government has also been motivated to launch more wars in order to escalate the situation, further draw the United States into the water, and dispel domestic doubts.

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

There have also been repeated reports that the IDF is indeed showing signs of deployment along the Lebanese-Israeli border, and the chief of the Israeli army's general staff, Hezi Al-Halewi, also publicly stated last month that the Israeli army is ready to launch an offensive along the Israeli-Lebanese border and is close to making a decision to go to war. Not long ago, Israeli Defense Minister Yoaf Galant, who has always been known for his tough attitude, publicly stated during his visit to the United States that if the border conflict with Allah turns into a regional war, the Israeli army will return Lebanon to the "Stone Age."

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow
The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

In summary, it is indeed possible that Israel will go to war with Allah when the fighting in Gaza is not completely over, which is obviously not good news for the situation in the Middle East. Seeing that a very belligerent Israel is likely to push the Middle East further into the abyss of war, the 22-member League of Arab States, the largest interstate organization in the Middle East, has finally made its stance on Allah-related matters.

On June 29, local time, the deputy secretary general of the League of Arab States said that the member states of the League agreed not to list Allah in Lebanon as a terrorist organization. As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused extensive discussions among all parties. You know, the influence of the Arab League in the Middle East can be described as very important, the organization's member countries include Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and other Middle East countries, but also including Algeria, Asia, Somalia, Comoros and other African countries, the scale is quite large, the organization's strong voice at this point in time, can be seen as the Arab world's "support" of Allah, and can also be seen as a major blow to the United States-Israel hegemony in the Middle East.

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

In the past, under the instigation and intimidation of the United States, the countries of the Middle East can be described as scattered, and this is also the result that the United States wants to see the most, because in this way the United States can benefit from the contradictions between countries. With regard to Allah's attitude, the United States certainly hopes that the countries of the Middle East will adopt a hostile attitude toward Allah, so that Israel can find an opportunity to eliminate Allah in one fell swoop. Now, the 22 countries in the Middle East have rarely spoken out in unison to express their support for Allah, which shows that the 22 countries have the ability and confidence to unite, and it is very likely that they are not willing to completely submit to the threats and intimidation of the United States. You must know that among the member states of the Arab League, there are also Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, and other countries that in the past seemed to be the "hardcore" of the United States, and Bahrain is also the station of the so-called Fifth Fleet of the United States. This is enough to show that the United States' control over the countries in the Middle East has begun to weaken, and this is undoubtedly a major blow to the so-called "hegemony in the Middle East" of the United States.

Secondly, this is undoubtedly a major blow to Israel. So since the 22 countries of the Arab League no longer list Allah as a "terrorist organization", it is likely that the Arab world's ties and exchanges with Allah can gradually expand. Among the member states of the Arab League, there is Syria, which is a direct neighbor of Allah, Algeria, a military power in North Africa that is fully equipped with Russian-style equipment, and Yemen and Iraq, which are countries that already have a negative attitude towards Israel; if these countries and Allah's economic and defense exchanges are fully established, then Allah's strength will be further strengthened, and Israel will face an even stronger Allah Party, which is by no means good news for Israel, which is now bent on going to war with Allah.

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

In addition, the timing of the Arab League's announcement of this decision coincides with the time point when Israel threatens to attack Allah, so it is very likely that the Arab League has decided to unite and jointly oppose Israel's possible military attack on Allah, which means that Israel has faced a more united Arab world, which is what the Arab League's statement is most frightening to Israel.

Finally, this move by the Arab League is very likely to mean a further step forward in comprehensive reconciliation in the Middle East. You know, Allah has been Iran's "good friend" in the past, and Allah, as a Shiite armed organization, has revealed Iran's shadow everywhere from its establishment to its development. And we know that the 22 members of the Arab League are basically Sunni members, and Iran is not included in its member states. Obviously, the Arab League's support for Allah this time can actually be said to indicate that at the moment of direct military threat from Israel, Sunnis and Shiites should stop the fraternal wall and work together to resist military hegemony.

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

To sum up, the Arab League in the Middle East is now openly on the side of Allah, and behind Allah is now not only Iran, but also the entire Arab world may have the support, which is not only conducive to Hezhat's military counterattack by Israel, but also conducive to Middle East unity and the further disintegration of US-Israeli military hegemony in the Middle East. In such a situation, does Israel still have the guts to launch a military attack on Allah? We'll see.

The 22 countries of the Arab League strongly declared: no longer regard Allah as a terrorist organization! The hegemony of the United States and Israel has been dealt another heavy blow

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