
I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

author:Brother Feng's story

Text: Brother Feng's story

Editor|Brother Feng's story


Humans have lived on this planet for millions of years, and our ancestors began to spread out from this land and eventually evolved into what we are today. Since we live on this land, the attraction of grass, trees, mountains and rivers in nature to us cannot be ignored, otherwise there would not be so many poets and artists who fell for it and left a moving poem.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

When it comes to China's geographical wonders, there are countless of them, and one place, because of its mysterious and beautiful scenery, has always been a holy place that many travel experts yearn for: the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this remote and mysterious land, Tibet is like a shining pearl, shining with a unique light, and attracting countless travelers and explorers to set foot here.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Not long ago, a friend went to Tibet in a hurry, and drank a sip of crystal clear mountain spring water there, but who would have thought that this sip of water would actually bury a hidden danger to his health, and he was so frightened that he almost jumped. It turns out that in that piece of clean water, there are still "little goblins" that we can't see with the naked eye, and if we are not careful, it may bring harm to our bodies.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

How clear the water in Tibet is, and how powerful the microorganisms and parasites are, to survive in such a cold environment, also throws us a little health secret, let us enjoy the beauty of nature, but also learn to protect ourselves.

1. Clear water does not mean healthy water

Speaking of Tibetan water, it is absolutely natural mineral water, which has not undergone any chemical treatment, so even if it is placed there, it is crystal clear and thorough. In such clear water, we can also see some colorful pebbles, or fish swimming slowly, which is definitely the "beautiful water" in the hearts of the world.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Not only us, but even animals are very fond of this kind of water source, especially some precious animals, they like to drink water in such a place, and perhaps this is the reason why they can live a long life.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

In such clear water, there are actually hidden "goblins" that we can't see with the naked eye, such as some microorganisms, parasites, etc., these things, once absorbed by our body, will bury hidden dangers to our health.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Take echinococcosis, for example, which is a very common disease in Tibetan areas, once our body is infected by these eggs, it will accompany us for a lifetime, and there will be a variety of diseases, and in severe cases, it can even endanger our lives.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver
I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Not only hydatid disease, but also many other parasitic diseases, are all caused by drinking raw water that has not been strictly sterilized, or using uncooked water, which poses a threat to our health.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

The clarity in front of us does not mean that such water is healthy water, and sometimes, we need to understand it with a scientific eye to ensure that every drop of water we drink is safe.

Second, we should take other people's stories as a warning

After hearing what happened to this friend, a thought immediately popped up in everyone's minds: it turns out that when we travel outside, we really have to be very careful about some things, especially drinking water hygiene.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

Not only this friend, but also many travelers who have encountered similar things, they drank unboiled water outside, or drank mountain spring water directly, and as a result, they all buried hidden dangers in their bodies and were tricked.

Some people, in pursuit of excitement and novelty, like to try some sashimi, raw pickles, raw fruits, etc., but as everyone knows, behind such food, there may be a variety of parasites and bacteria.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

There are also people who feel that their bodies are particularly healthy and can resist any germs, so they don't pay attention to these things at all, and in the end, they add some hidden dangers to their bodies.

Other people's stories, we should take warning, know what kind of lifestyle is responsible for ourselves, encounter some wild animals, do not touch casually, let alone eat some wild ingredients, this is actually a kind of protection for ourselves.

3. Drink water safely and travel healthily

In life, things that may pose a threat to our health at any time are far more than just drinking water, but we must learn to understand some things from a scientific perspective and protect ourselves.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

We need to learn how to protect wildlife so that they can play their part in the natural ecological chain, and for example, how to protect the natural environment, so that clean and beautiful water can be left to future generations. The most important thing is to learn how to protect your health, so that you can better feel the beauty of this world.

I didn't expect the clear water in Tibet to be so terrifying Netizen: I drank a sip of water in western Sichuan and lost half of my liver

When we go out, we must pay enough attention to the matter of safe drinking water, especially in some places with beautiful natural landscapes.

Even if the water looks clear, you must be cautious, if you can, you can drink bottled water directly, or bring some water purifiers, so as to ensure that your drinking water is safe.

When we go out, no matter what kind of things we encounter, we must learn to keep a normal heart, protect ourselves and the people around us, so that we can make travel more perfect and make our lives more colorful.

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