
"Taste < Dream of Red Mansions>: Reflections on the Prosperous Life

author:Resourceful Yunfei

"Dream of Red Mansions", an immortal masterpiece that can be called a bright pearl in the palace of literature, is like a magnificent and delicate, gorgeous but full of vicissitudes of history, slowly unfolding in front of our eyes.

"Taste < Dream of Red Mansions>: Reflections on the Prosperous Life

The story takes the rise and fall of the four major families of Jia, Shi, Wang, and Xue as the grand background, and carefully outlines many characters with distinct personalities and different destinies. When we step into the world of the book, it is as if we are instantly in that specific era when the surface is extremely prosperous, but in fact it is full of helplessness and sadness.

"Full of absurd words, a handful of bitter tears. Duyun is an idiot, who understands the taste. This opening sentence is like a magic key, which accurately opens the door to the deep and complex emotions of the whole work. It makes us deeply feel the author's profound insight into life and the endless emotion and sigh.

Jia Baoyu, a rich boy who is loved by thousands of people but is full of a strong rebellious spirit against the conventions and bad habits of the world, his innocent nature and kind and compassionate feelings can't help but move people's hearts. The pure and unforgettable love between him and Lin Daiyu is like the brightest star in the night sky, allowing us to witness the most beautiful and moving side of human nature. "I've seen this sister before." This seemingly plain sentence contains an indescribable wonderful fate and deep concern.

Lin Daiyu, this sensitive, delicate and intelligent woman, her talent is overflowing and arrogant and cold, which makes people feel pity and admiration at the same time. Her tears are just like the pearls that slip down, each of which carries the sad and indignant accusation of the injustice of fate and the persistence of sincere love. "Once the spring is full of red and old, the flowers fall and the people die without knowing." This is her endless sorrow and helpless sigh for the impermanence of life and the perishability of beauty, which makes people sad to read.

"Taste < Dream of Red Mansions>: Reflections on the Prosperous Life

And Wang Xifeng, this shrewd and capable but ruthless woman, her image vividly shows the complex and multifaceted nature of human nature. Her sentence "The agency is too clever to calculate and cost Qingqing's life" is like a heavy alarm bell, allowing us to clearly see what kind of bitter fruits lust and greed will eventually bear after spreading wantonly.

From the great work "Dream of Red Mansions", we have gained many thought-provoking and profound revelations. It makes us deeply understand that life is impermanent, and prosperity is fleeting. We should cherish every moment of the present moment and grasp the real and precious emotion. At the same time, it also allows us to clearly see the complexity and changeability of human nature, and always reminds us to always maintain a clear mind and a kind heart when facing all kinds of life.

"Dream of Red Mansions" is not just an ordinary novel, it is also an encyclopedia covering all kinds of life, the true meaning of love, the rise and fall of families, and all aspects of society. The grand narrative pattern and delicate emotional portrayal it shows make us constantly fall into contemplation and gain insights in the process of reading. It gives us a deep understanding that no matter how fast the times change

"Taste < Dream of Red Mansions>: Reflections on the Prosperous Life

The essence of human nature and the unremitting pursuit of a better life have always been eternal themes.

Let us immerse ourselves in the dreamlike world of "Dream of Red Mansions", to fully appreciate its endless charm, and to deeply absorb the wisdom and power contained in it. Let our lives become more colorful and meaningful because of such a profound understanding.