
How to analyze and summarize the thoughts and emotions of ancient poems (the answer is at the end of the article)

author:Informed Dali Little Fish w

How to analyze and summarize the thoughts and emotions of ancient poems

Grasping the thoughts and feelings of ancient poetry is the top priority in the study of ancient poetry and the examination of the college entrance examination. In recent years, the examination of this in the college entrance examination has changed: from the perspective of the object of analysis, there are words, sentences, couplets, and whole poems; From the perspective of emotional connotation, there are emotions, moods, moods, opinions and interests; From the perspective of the degree of emotion, there are surface layers and deeper layers, and there are scenes and classics in Chinese; From the perspective of the types of questions examined, there are direct summary questions, in-depth analysis questions, and emotional evaluation questions. When preparing for the exam, candidates should not only strengthen the basic methods of grasping thoughts and feelings, but also adapt to various changes in the examination, and be able to deeply analyze the thoughts and feelings through language and writing. The general way to grasp the emotion of ancient poems is to grasp the "love language" in the title and content of the poem, and then analyze the image in the poem.

1. Practice the internal skills of analyzing the situation in the scene, the situation in the object, and the situation in the classic

(1) Will analyze the situation in the scene

Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Dream Writing (1)

Ouyang Xiu

The night is cool and blows the flute, thousands of mountains and moons, and the road is dark and charming, with hundreds of flowers.

Chess does not know the reincarnation of people (2), and the wine (3) is helpless.

Note (1) This poem was written in the first year of Emperor You's reign (1049), when the author was relegated to Yingzhou for supporting Fan Zhongyan's new policy. (2) Legend has it that there was a person who went into the mountain to chop wood, saw two boys playing chess, so he put the axe on the sidelines, and waited for a game of chess to end, the axe had rotten, and when he returned home, he found that he had already changed the world. (3) Wine diaphragm: the wine is exhausted.

What kind of mood does this poem show for the author?


Read the following song and answer the questions.

[Double tone] Toad Gongqu Yangzhou Wang Youcheng is on the table

Lu Zhi

Jiangcheng song blows the wind and flow, the rain passes over the flat mountain, and the moon is full in the west building. A few years, three lives of drunken dreams, June and autumn. According to the advice of the Jin Se beauty, roll the red curtain and press Liangzhou [Note]. The guests are still staying, the cloud trees are Xiaoxiao, and the river is long.

Note Liangzhou: that is, Liangzhou song. This is the music of the Tang Tianbao period.

The first three sentences and the last three sentences of the song are all written scenes, but the feelings expressed are different, try to analyze.


(2) Will analyze the situation

Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Look at the plum blossoms

Pu Zong Meng

At the beginning of the sun, the warmth is not better than the cold. It can be appreciated as Suhua's long and lone show, and it is not red and purple. The Green Emperor should only be merciful and white, and not make the same as others. It's indifferent, how can the pink butterfly know Fangrui. In the middle of the night, the blinds were lost, only in the shadow of the silver toad. The remnant snow branches are recognized, and they have their own fragrance and charming.

What kind of thoughts and feelings does the image of the plum blossom in the word convey to the author?


Read the following poem while practicing and understanding 4, and then answer the questions.

Nguyen Lang Gui

Ouyang Xiu

When the South Garden is half-green in spring, the wind and the neighing of the horses. Green plums are like beans and willows are like eyebrows, and butterflies fly every day. The flower dew is heavy, the grass smoke is low, and the curtains are hanging. The swing is sleepy and untied, and the painting hall is double swallows.

Please briefly analyze the emotions contained in the last sentence "Painting Hall Double Yanqi" in conjunction with the next film.


(3) Will analyze the situation in the text

5 Read the following verse and answer the questions.

wild chrysanthemum

[Song] Yang Wanli

did not use the sao people as food (1), and the situation was made Chongyang with the customs.

Politics (2) has a dark color in the wilderness, and is willing to reduce the fragrance for no one?

It was too late to meet in the middle of the mountain, so I was busy and broke a branch of yellow.

Hua Ying sneered at the Dongli clan, still looking for favor from Tao Weng.

Note (1) Glutinous grain: dry food. The first sentence is from Qu Yuan's "Lisao" "The Fall of Autumn Chrysanthemum at the Evening Meal". (2) Politics: "Positive".

Which poem of Tao Yuanming is used in the tail coupling? What kind of interests does the author express?


Read the following poem and answer the questions as you practice6.

Water tune song head

Renzi is called, and the duanren is on the table (1)


Long hatred and long hatred, cut into a short song line. Who is dancing for me Chu and listening to my Chu madness? Yu is both Zilan Jiuwan, and the hundred acres of trees, and Qiu Ju is more dining (2). The waves outside the door can be wet. A glass of wine, ask what it looks like, the name behind it? Everything in the world is always heavy and light. Sad and sad parting, happy and happy new acquaintances, children ancient and modern. Wealth is not my business, it belongs to the White Gull Alliance.

Note (1) In the third year of Shaoxi (Renzi), Xin Qiji was summoned to Lin'an and gave this word to Chen Duanren's banquet. (2) The three sentences of "Yu Ji" are from "Lisao": "Yu is the nine acres of Zilan, and the hundred acres of trees", "The fall of Mulan in the morning is dewy, and the autumn chrysanthemum is in the evening." ”

Point out the source of the allusions to "listen to my wild voice" and "wealth is not my business". What feelings do the lyricists express through them?


2. Learn to answer questions from multiple angles and at multiple levels

Among the emotions of ancient poems, there are single items (single) and multiple (rich and complex), and the rich, complex and changing characteristics of emotional content are particularly obvious in the college entrance examination in recent years. There are two main types of emotional test questions: one is small incision, which is mostly for the understanding and comprehension of local sentences, thoughts and feelings, but it requires multi-angle and multi-level excavation; The first is to understand it as a whole, which requires that thoughts and feelings be related from different angles and levels. Either way, the answer is multi-point and multi-layered.

Read the following poem as you practice 7, and then answer the questions.

Look far away

Li Jing

The blue brick flowers shine brightly, and the town is long and long. It is difficult to dream if you don't go to the cold, and the stove cigarette is cold from the pavilion. Liaoyang month, Moling anvil, do not pass on news but pass on love. Under the golden window, there was a sudden shock: recruiting people to return to the sun and Ermao [note] was born.

Note 2 hair: gray hair.

What emotions are contained in the word "surprise" in the sentence "suddenly shocked under the golden window"?


Read the following poem as you practice 8, and then answer the questions.

Huai Jinling

ZHANG Lei(1)

He once roamed in Jinling, and returned to the north to change the dust into (2) clothes.

The lonely boat rain in the sound of the lotus and the first state in the south of the Yangtze River.

Note (1) Zhang Lei: A native of Huaiyin in the Northern Song Dynasty, he once served as Taichang Shaoqing and other positions, and was later implicated and demoted. (2) Change: staining.

What kind of thoughts and feelings does the second line of the poem express?


1. Read the following poem and answer the questions.


Tao An(2)

The river clouds are green and the sunset is on the side, and the river is empty, the sea is airy, and the air is connected.

A little far sail is like a white bird, and several rapid drums are separated from the smoke.

The nine factions of Xunyang are suspicious, and the thousand peaks of Lufu make the sky.

In the early night, the bottle is opened, and the Pipa Pavilion is a ship next month.

Note (1) Jiangzhou: now Jiujiang, Jiangxi. (2) Tao An: Poet of the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

(1) What is the expression technique of the last couplet? What feelings does the poet express?


(2) What scenes does this poem describe in Jiangzhou? What kind of feelings does the poet express?


2. Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Huanxi Sand

Kunihiko Zhou

The water rises and the fish sky shoots the willow bridge. Cloud dove (1) dragged the rain across Jianggao (2). A spring letter into the eastern suburbs. Idle phoenix group (3) to eliminate short dreams, quietly watch the swallows build a new nest. and the shadow of the sun is moved to the flowertops.

Note (1) Cloud dove: Describe the ink cloud and rain, its color is like a dove. (2) Jianggao: riverbank. (3) Fengtuan: a kind of famous tea.

Please find at least two words in the next film that can express the feelings of the lyricist, and analyze the thoughts and feelings of the lyricist in combination with the words and sentences.


3. Read the following Tang poem and answer the questions.

Creek dwelling

Liu Zongyuan

For a long time, the hairpin group (1) is tired, but fortunately, this is the south of the Yi.

Idly adjacent to the farm, it is like a mountain forester.

Xiao ploughing the dew grass, night list (2) Xiangxi stone.

Coming and going is not meeting people, and the long song Chu Tianbi.

Note (1) Hairpin group: This is the meaning of being an official. (2) Night list: night flight.

The Qing Dynasty poet Shen Deqian commented on the thoughts and feelings of this poem: "Don't complain but complain." "How do you understand that? Please analyze briefly in conjunction with the verses.


4. Read the song below and answer the questions.

[Double tone] in front of the palace

Zhang Kejiu

Looking at Chang'an, the future is bleak and sideburns. The journey from south to north with the wild goose is difficult. Qingni Xiaojianguan (1), red leaves and rivers (2) bank, white grass and clouds. Half a paper of fame, thousands of mountains of wind and snow.

Note (1) Green mud: Green mud ridge, bumpy and difficult to walk. Jianguan: Jianmen Pass, the terrain is dangerous. (2) Huanjiang River: a tributary of the Yangtze River.

In this song, "Wang" and "Sui" deeply express the author's inner emotions, please analyze them in detail.


5. Read the poem below, and then answer the questions.

Send Han Chaozhou Yu (1)

Gia Island

This heart was with Mulan Boat until the head of the Tiannan tide.

The chapter across the ridge came to Huayue, and the letters from the customs passed through the Taki-stream.

The peak hangs over the post road, and the old trees of the sea immersion city are autumn.

The miasma swept away overnight, and the moon was bright and the west building was on the waves (2).

Note (1) In the fourteenth year of Yuanhe, Han Yu was demoted to the history of Chaozhou Thorn, and on the way to his post, he wrote "Moving Left to Languan to Show His Nephew Sun Xiang" ("The Crossing Ridge Chapter" refers to the poem), which was transmitted to Jingshi, and Jia Dao wrote it with feelings after reading it. (2) Langxi Building: Chaozhou Famous Building.

From the perspective of borrowing the scene lyrically, please briefly analyze the thoughts and feelings expressed in the tail couplet.


6. Read the following poem and answer the question.

Bodhisattva barbarian

Mrs. Wei[Note]

The streams and mountains cover the sunset, and the towers move the mandarin ducks. Two or three on the other bank, red apricot blossoms out of the wall. Go down the road on the green poplar embankment and walk by the stream in the morning and evening. Seeing Liu Mianfei three times, he still hasn't returned.

Note: Mrs. Wei: The wife of Zeng Bu (Zeng Gong's brother), the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, and is quite famous in the history of words. Zhu Xi once mentioned her and Li Qingzhao together, saying that "the women of this dynasty can write, only Mrs. Wei and Li Yi'an are the only two" ("Cilin Chronicle", vol. 19).

Chen Tingzhuo commented on Mrs. Wei's word cloud: "The scene is both, and it has the penmanship of Zhou and Liu (Zhou Bangyan and Liu Yong). Please choose one of the descriptions of the scenery with rich rhyme in the words, and appreciate the wonder of its "scene and situation".


7. Read the following Tang poem and answer the questions.

Chang'an Spring Hope

Lu Lun[Note]

The east wind blows and rains over the green mountains, but the grass is idle.

When will the home arrive in the dream, and how many people will still be on the river in spring?

Outside the floating clouds, the palace is uneven.

Whoever reads it as a Confucian, in the face of difficulties in the world, will be a declining guest in Qinguan.

Note: Lu Lun (739-799): Zi Yunyan, one of the "Ten Talents of the Great Calendar". He was a jinshi in the last years of Xuanzong Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, and then the "Anshi Rebellion" broke out, and he failed to become an official. He was recommended as an official, but he was implicated in political struggles and could not be reused for life.

Please summarize the rich emotions expressed by the poet in the couplet.


8. Read the following Tang poem and then answer the questions.

Guo Qin Zheng Building(1)

Du Mu

The name of the Thousand Autumn Festival is empty, and there is no longer a silk sac (2) in the world.

Only the purple moss is more satisfied, and every year because of the rain on the gold shop (3).

Note (1) Qinzheng Building: It was built by Xuanzong in the early period of the Tang Dynasty and was the place where Xuanzong handled government affairs. (2) Chenglu silk sac: Every year, the Qianqiu Festival, Xuanzong holds a grand ceremony, feasts the ministers, and accepts the ministers' birthday wishes. (3) Gold shop: The metal bottom bracket on the palace door with the door knocker is mostly cast into the shape of a beast as a decoration.

Briefly analyze the thoughts and feelings expressed in this poem.


9. Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Pale yellow willow

Jiang Kui

Living in the west of the Chiqi Bridge in the south of Hefei, the alley is desolate, different from the left of the river, but the willow color sandwich road, still pitiful. Because of this, in order to relieve the customer's arms.

Empty City (1) Xiaojiao, blowing into the weeping Yang Mo. Immediately single clothes cold and compassionate. Seeing all the goose yellow and tender green, they are all old acquaintances in the south of the Yangtze River. Zheng Cen is lonely, and the Ming Dynasty is cold (2). Strong wine, small bridge house. I'm afraid that the pear blossoms will fall into autumn colors. Yanyan flew over and asked where the spring was? Only the pond is self-greening.

Note (1) Empty city: Hefei was plundered by Jin soldiers. (2) Cold food: The day before the Qingming Festival, it is forbidden to light a fire and eat cold food.

The emotions expressed in this word are more complex, please briefly analyze them in combination with the whole word.


1. Read the poem below, and then answer the question.


Su shi

What does life look like everywhere? It should be like Feihong stepping on slush.

Occasionally, there are fingers and claws on the mud, and Hongfei counts things.

The old monk has died into a new tower, and there is no reason to see the old question (2).

Do you remember the rugged past? The road is long, the man is sleepy, and the donkey neighs (3).

Note (1) In the sixth year of Jiayou of the Northern Song Dynasty (1061), the author went to Fengxiang Mansion (now Shaanxi) to sign the judgment, and his brother Su Zhe sent it to Zhengzhou, and then returned to the capital Kaifeng. When the author was passing through the pond, he received his brother's poem "Brother Zhan of the Son of Huai Pond", and the author wrote this poem and sent it back. (2) According to Su Zhe's note, the two brothers used to be raised together, passed the temple in Mianchi County, and once inscribed poems on the wall of the monk's room where the old monk was idle. (3) Su Shi's own note: "In the past, the horse died in Erling and rode a donkey to Mianchi. ”

The last two lines of the poem recall the scene of passing by Michi in the past, what kind of thoughts and feelings does the author express?


2. Read the following poem and answer the question.


Wei Zhuang

Alone on the small building in the twilight of spring, I look forward to Yuguan Fangcao Road. The news is broken, and it is not a person, but it is a small eyebrow and returned to the embroidery household. Sit and watch the falling flowers sigh, and Luo is wet with red teardrops. Thousands of mountains and rivers have never traveled, and the soul dreams want to teach where to find.

"Thousands of mountains and rivers have never walked, where to find the soul dream to teach", Yu Qiyun called it "the language of love" in the "Selected Interpretation of Five Pronouns", please make a specific analysis.


3. Read the following Tang poem and answer the questions.

Inscription on the top of the temple

Fang Gan

Come and look up first, the horizon is infinite and the world is wide.

The sky is sunny and rainy, and the forest is cold in summer.

The mountains are stacked on top of each other, and the height of the road is not recorded.

Qingqiao cares about returning, and it is difficult to judge when he dreams of it.

What kind of emotions does the poet express in the first and last couplets of the poem?


4. Read the song below and answer the questions.

[double tone] jasper flute

Kwan Hanqing

The autumn scenery is worthy of the title, and the red leaves are full of mountain streams; The pine path is appropriate, and the yellow chrysanthemum wraps around the east fence. Zhengqing bottle poured drum, and there was a white-clothed wine glass. The official quality is extreme, what is the end of it! Return, learn from him to be drunk.

What is the expression used in the last sentence? What kind of thoughts and feelings does the author express?


5. Read the following poem and answer the question.


Qu Dae-kyun

There is no wind and dances to Zhu Lan, and the love is bitter for the king. Wujiang does not cross the red face, and endure the soul of the incense without the owner of the east. Spring is still warm with ancient blood, and it is skillfully made of red shades. Before the flower, he sang the song of the Chu people, fearing that the hero would be provoked and called for help.

Note Yu Beauty: The name of the word brand, the first song of Xiang Yu's pet Ji; It is also a kind of flower name.

From the perspective of Yongshi, briefly summarize the author's views and emotions.


6. Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Partridge day

Yan a few ways

Shoude opened the lotus to accompany him, and made an appointment to open the Ping Ye on the orchid boat. When I came, Pukou clouds followed the river, and the moon was full of buildings by the river. The flowers are silent, the water is empty, and the flowers are sad every year. In the Ming Dynasty, if the west wind moves, Zhu Yan will not be able to bear the autumn.

What artistic techniques are used in the next film of the word, and what kind of thoughts and feelings are expressed by the author? Please analyze it specifically.


7. Read the following Tang poem and answer the questions.

The second Tongguan first sent Zhang Twelve Pavilion old envoys (1)

Han yu

Jingshan (2) has gone to Huashan, and the sunrise Tongguan is open to four doors.

Thorn Shi Mo said goodbye to greet him, and the new husband broke Caizhou back.

Note (1) This poem was written after the victory of Huaixi, and the author accompanied the army on his way to victory. At that time, the Tang army arrived at Tongguan and was about to march to Huazhou. Zhang Twelve Pavilion Old Envoy: Zhang Jia, then the history of Huazhou Thorn, so he was called the envoy. (2) Jingshan: also known as Busan, in the east of Tongguan, more than 200 miles away from Huashan in the west of Tongguan.

What kind of mood does the poet express in the last two lines of the poem, and what are the characteristics of expression?


8. Read the following Tang poem and then answer the questions.

I was glad to see my brother [note] and said goodbye

Li Yi

After ten years of separation, they grew up and met.

Ask the surname for the first time, and recall the old face by name.

Don't come to the sea, talk about the twilight bell.

Tomorrow Baling Road, Autumn Mountain and several heavy.

Note: Cousin.

What scene does the sentence "Words and Twilight Sky Bell" describe and what emotions does the author express? Please analyze briefly.


9. Read the following poem and answer the questions.

Bodhisattva Man Yongmei

Zhu Shuzhen

Wet clouds do not cross the creek bridge cold, and the moth cold breaks the frost hook shadow. The sound of the water under the stream is long, and a branch and the moon incense. People pity the flowers like the old, and the flowers don't know how thin they are. Leaning on the railing alone, the night is cold.

What complex emotions does the next piece of the word express? Please analyze briefly.


10. Read the following Song poem and answer the questions.

Two Songs in the Boat (Part 1) (1)

Chen Shidao

The evil wind crosses the river and rolls the waves, and the yellow stream is turbulent and the fierce wind is strong (2).

It is as fast as riding thousands of miles, and the air pressure is on the three rivers and five lakes.

The fire above the shore is bright at night, and the boat sits up to wait for the remnants.

The young man's journey is now white, and he does not return home to the national situation.

Note (1) In the first year of Song Zhezong Shaosheng (1094), the author was dismissed due to the scourge of party strife. The poem was written on the way out of office. (2) Wind is strong: It means that the wind is strong.

What aspects of the author's emotions do the poem show? Please analyze briefly.


Lecture 4: How to analyze and summarize the thoughts and emotions of ancient poems

Realize while practicing

1. (1) Facing worries and helplessness about the future due to career frustration. (2) The feeling of wanting to leave the officialdom and return to his hometown.

The analysis of "The Road Dark" shows the author's confusion about the future, and combined with the annotation, it can be seen that this is caused by the frustration of the official career. Words such as "helpless" and "homesick" express helplessness and longing to go home.

2. The first three sentences write about the author's joy in the beautiful scenery, and the last three sentences write about the melancholy of meeting and separating soon.

3. This word supports plum blossoms with words, expressing the author's pursuit of plum blossoms' arrogant and noble, indifferent and self-controlled, outstanding character and praise and love for plum blossoms.

4. It's getting late, the protagonist returns from walking and sits on the swing, feels tired, wants to undress and rest, looks up and sees two swallows standing on the painting hall, suddenly feels lonely, melancholy, and the feeling of longing arises spontaneously.

5. Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence. Spontaneous and natural, otherworldly.

To analyze and understand the author's interests, we must first understand the meaning of the tail couplet, which said that Yeju laughed at some people who followed Tao Yuanming, and also went to Tao Yuanming to find noble qualities. The implication is that Yeju does not need to be sought by others, and has a noble character like Tao Yuanming. This character is the author's interest.

6. The two allusions are from the Analects and Tao Yuanming's Words of Return. The former uses the allusion of Chu madness to receive public opinion, expressing the grief and indignation of the lyricist's ideal of resisting Jin and restoring the country that no one understands; The latter uses Tao Yuanming's own situation to express the lyricist's feelings of indifference to fame and fortune and self-purity.

7. The surprise of her husband's return from a long journey and the surprise of old age.

8. It expresses the poet's nostalgia for the splendid trip to Jinling, the yearning for a free and easy life, and implies the discouragement of the official career.

Follow-up detection

1. (1) Dictionaries. At the head of the Xunyang River at night, the poet remembered Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing", and drank to pay tribute, expressing the poet's condolences and sympathy for Bai Juyi, and at the same time having a trace of his own sadness and sighing.

(2) The poem describes the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains in Jiangzhou in the evening. The green clouds surround the reflection of the setting sun, and the river is wide and bright, connecting with the mist on the water. A sailboat in the distance, the sound of dusk drums in the mist. There are many tributaries in Jiangzhou, the water surface is vast, and the peaks of Lushan Mountain in the distance reach into the sky. The poet used the scenery to express his praise for the beautiful scenery of Jiangzhou, and there was a hint of sadness in the journey.

2. "Idle", "Quiet", "Again". Leisure: It vividly depicts the lyricist's sadness after a short dream, so he uses tea to dispel the confusion after the dream. Quiet: The busyness of swallow nesting contrasts with the stillness of people, suggesting that the lyricist is not in a calm mood. Again: Time passes, and unconsciously, the shadow of the sun has moved to the flowertops, suggesting that the lyricist has nothing to do, and the sadness of spring is empty every day.

3. The poet had the opportunity to get close to nature and live in seclusion after being tired of his career for a long time, so he expressed his "luck" with the word "luck" in the first couplet, so he said "no complaints". However, on the surface, the whole poem writes about the leisure of Xiju life, and between the lines it implies the strong joy and joy of degrading. In the poem, "lucky" is a depressive smile, "idleness" contains idle boredom, "occasional" shows that there is not really the indifference and leisure of a hermit, and "coming and going without meeting people" shows the loneliness of life.

4. "Looking at" Chang'an, it can be seen that the author's desire for meritorious deeds, but "hopeful but unattainable", the future is bleak, and the sideburns have been spotted. "Follow" the wild goose, his words are extremely passive, knowing that his fame is illusory, but he still has to run around. The contradictions in the author's heart that he can't break free, as well as the helplessness and sorrow of life that he can't grasp, seep out between the lines.

5. The tail couplet imagines that the miasma will dissipate one day, and at that time, the bright moon will rise in the east, and the silver light will shine on the west floor of Chaozhou Langxi. The author expresses his best wishes to his friends, and firmly believes that the innocent grievances of his friends will be revealed to the world.

6. (Example 1) The sentence "The shadow of the tower moves the mandarin duck rises" depicts a picture of the mandarin duck flying up against the background of the breeze blowing, the stream rippling, and the reflection of the tower shaking. "Mandarin ducks" were originally husband and wife birds, and seeing "mandarin ducks flying" naturally caused them to think far away and miss the people who had not returned for three years. The animals that symbolize love are used to set off the loneliness and loneliness in the hearts of the poets, and the feelings are born because of the scene, so as to achieve the effect of scene blending.

(Example 2) "red apricot blossoms out of the wall" sentence, the high wall of the deep courtyard, can't close the spring color of the garden, a branch of red apricot blossoms, with a delicate posture, pokes out of the high wall, writing the vitality of spring, meaning eternal. Here the red apricot blossoms out of the wall reflect their loneliness.

(Example 3) The lyricist often wanders by the stream, and sees the catkins flying for three years (years), and naturally recalls the scene of folding the willows and giving goodbye. In this way, the feelings of grief and the hatred of parting are hidden beyond words. "Three Seeing Liu Mianfei" is a real language, and with the word "Jud", it turns the real into the virtual, and the combination of the virtual and the real here conveys the delicate feelings of the lyricist.

7. (1) "Encountering difficulties in the world" expresses the sadness of encountering difficulties in the world, (2) "Dujiang" expresses the sorrow of loneliness and loneliness, (3) "declining sideburns" expresses the sorrow of being old and being born at the wrong time, and (4) "Keqinguan" expresses the melancholy of the detention and travel of the guest living in a foreign land.

8. Feeling the past and the present (the sense of the rise and fall of history in the past and the decline of the present). alludes to the criticism of Tang Xuanzong's absurdity and pleasure in his later years. At the same time, it is also a satire and criticism of the rulers of the late Tang Dynasty.

9. (1) The loneliness and desolation of living in a foreign land, "immediately single clothes are cold and compassionate" and "Cen is lonely". (2) The thoughts of the family and country of an empty city, "the alleys are desolate" and "the empty city is dawning". (3) Fear of the fleeting feelings of spring, "afraid that the pear blossoms will fall into autumn colors." Yanyan flew over and asked where the spring was? Only the pond is self-greening".

Breakthrough in the test center

1. The last two sentences of the poem recall the bumpy experience of "the horse died in the second tomb and rode the donkey to the pond" when the two were rushing to take the exam, expressing the author's nostalgia for the past years that the two experienced together. At the same time, he hinted to his younger brother: We have experienced a lot of ups and downs, but we have overcome them, we have gone through, and now we just need to look to the future and spur ourselves forward (or "express the author's optimistic and open-minded feelings in the face of the future").

The analysis of the grasp of the theme and emotion of the poem should start from the following aspects: (1) the background of the time and personal experience of the poet, (2) the key words described in the work, and (3) the characteristics of the scenery in the poem. From the annotations, it can be seen that the last two sentences are recalling the bumpy experience of "the horse died in the second tomb and rode a donkey to the pond" when the two of them rushed to take the exam, and the analysis of the poem's emotions needs to grasp the sentence "Do you remember the rugged past".

2. (1) From the lovesickness of the day to the dream of the night, it can be seen that the lovesickness is deep; (2) Because the road of Yuguan has not been walked, I am worried that there is no way to find it in my dreams, which shows the lovesickness.

3. The first couplet expresses the poet's extraordinary surprise by writing that after climbing to the top of the temple with great interest, he found that he could expand his horizons here. The last couplet expresses the poet's infinite attachment to the scenery of Bao'en Temple that lingers in the poet's heart for a long time, but unfortunately he is about to return now.

Analysis: This question examines the content of the poem and the thoughts and emotions of the poet it contains. The stem requires to grasp the poet's thoughts and emotions contained in the first and last two couplets of the poem, and some key words in the poem often contain the poet's thoughts and emotions, so it is necessary to grasp the key words in the first and last two couplets. For example, in the first couplet, "coming", "infinity", "wide", etc., although these words are not directly lyrical, they have a strong emotional color, they write the poet's excitement after ascending the temple, revealing the poet's surprise; In the tail couplet, as long as the words "pity" and "difficult" are grasped, combined with the content of the poem, it is not difficult to understand that the tail couplet expresses the poet's infinite attachment.

4. Dictionaries. The last sentence borrows the allusion of Tao Yuanming living in seclusion in the countryside, expressing the author's anger of despair, returning to the countryside, and getting drunk to eliminate worries.

Analysis Tao Yuanming once ordered Peng Ze for more than 80 days, gave "Words of Return", exempted himself from his post, and began a secluded life of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely seeing Nanshan". The last sentence says that learning Tao Yuanming expresses the author's determination to say goodbye to his career and return to the countryside.

5. Opinion: The main reason why Xiang Yu was only in Jiangdong was that the king couldn't bear to let Yu Jixiang's soul stay alone and return to the east.

Emotion: The author gives full sympathy to Xiang Yu (the love between Yu Ji and Xiang Yu) (answering "sigh, affirmation", etc.), and the author expresses the hero's helpless feelings.

6. (Example 1) Symbolism. The lotus girl is sad for herself, Zhu Yan can't stand the torture of time, the author uses good flowers to symbolize the fleeting youth of the girl, and expresses the sadness (sorrow) of the fleeting appearance of youth.

(Example 2) pun. "Zhu Yan" refers to both the delicate color of the lotus flower and the beautiful face of the girl, both of which cannot withstand the changes of time, expressing the sadness (sorrow) of the fleeting face of youth.

7. It expresses the pride of the poet after the victory. Characteristics of expression: (1) use the second person tone, (2) express the heart directly.

8. This poem shows the scene of the author's conversation with his cousin after a long absence. They talked from daytime until dusk and the temple bells rang, showing the length of the conversation between the two. The author clearly describes the length of their conversation, the richness of their mutual conversations, and the warmth of the atmosphere of their conversations, thus showing the depth of their friendship.

9. Write "pity" flowers and resentment flowers, expressing the lyricist's love for plum blossoms and the desire to be cared for; Writing alone on the railing, still watching Mei late at night, expresses the loneliness in the lyricist's heart and the desire for warmth. (The meaning is correct)

10. (1) "Evil winds" and "yellow streams" imply the sinister environment of the author's life, so as to express the author's resentment after being dismissed; (2) "Empty Waste" and "Waiting for the Disabled" express the author's loneliness on the way home; (3) Through "today's whiteness" and "inexhaustible" feelings, it expresses the sorrow that Shaoguang has passed away and his ambition has not been rewarded.

Analysis combined with the annotations of this poem, many of the imagery of the poem have metaphors. For example, the "evil wind", "waves" and "yellow currents" on the river refer to the sinister and blows suffered by the author in his life, expressing a kind of indignation; The "empty waste" and "waiting for the disabled" in the neck couplet indicate the author's loneliness and loneliness; The "white today" and "not returning home to the national country" in the tail couplet show the author's feelings about the passage of time and the unpaid ambition.

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