
Yu Chengdong appeared at the graduation ceremony of Western University of Technology: positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

author:Car stuff
Yu Chengdong appeared at the graduation ceremony of Western University of Technology: positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

Car stuff (public account: chedongxi)

Author | SR64

Editor | Zhihao

Che Dongxi reported on July 1 that on June 29, at the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, chairman of the terminal BG, and chairman of the intelligent vehicle solution BU, delivered a speech as an alumnus.

In his speech, Yu Chengdong said that 37 years ago, he was successfully admitted to the first major of his first choice and came to Northwestern Polytechnical University with the first place in science in Huoqiu County, Anhui Province, which was the most correct choice in his life.

At the same time, in his speech, Yu Chengdong gave four life insights and suggestions to the graduates present.

Yu Chengdong appeared at the graduation ceremony of Western University of Technology: positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei Device BG, was at the speech

1. Set ambitions and work towards the goal

First of all, the first point that Yu Chengdong talked about is to have ambition, that is, to be inspirational.

Yu Chengdong said that in the process of his personal growth and professional development, he has always maintained a love for technology and an attitude of pursuing excellence. He aspired to be the best chief engineer and became a Level 7 engineer at Huawei, the company's highest-level technical expert at that time. Even after being promoted to a management position, he did not give up his research and learning about technology.

As an introverted and introverted person, Yu Chengdong said that he is not good at self-promotion in the workplace, but he firmly believes that as long as he works hard and has a simple style, he can create great value for the enterprise and society. He proves this with his own and his team's achievements, even if he is not good at performing, he can be recognized through strength.

During his tenure as President of Huawei's Wireless Products, Yu Chengdong put forward the concept that "positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm", emphasizing the importance of target positioning and vision. With this concept, the team led by him has not only demonstrated strong combat effectiveness within the company, but also achieved a leading position in the industry.

Yu Chengdong appeared at the graduation ceremony of Western University of Technology: positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei Device BG

2. Lifelong learning and continuous self-improvement

Insisting on lifelong learning is the second point that Yu Chengdong said.

Yu Chengdong said that the basic education he received at Northwestern Polytechnical University was very comprehensive, and he not only completed the courses in the Department of Automatic Control, but also mastered undergraduate and graduate courses in various disciplines such as computer, mechanical and electronic engineering through self-study. This interdisciplinary learning experience laid a solid foundation for his later career.

He emphasized that while learning so many fields of knowledge may seem crazy, at work, this knowledge can often make a difference at critical moments. For example, computer courses helped him maintain a clear strategic mindset in software development, chip design, and system development; His knowledge of the mechanical field allows him to find and solve problems in the field of consumer electronics.

Yu Chengdong said that strong learning skills are essential for managing teams and supervisors. Not only do they have to act as executive leaders, but they also have a deep understanding and insight into the business. At Huawei, we need to continue to learn and make breakthroughs in the fields of Internet communications, mobile communications, consumer electronics, and AI. When technicians move into management roles, a deep understanding of the business can help them reduce decision-making errors and make the right choices in complex situations.

3. Pioneering and innovative and brave to face challenges

The third idea that Yu Chengdong shared with you is to pioneer and innovate.

Yu Chengdong recalls that he started his career at Huawei as an ordinary software engineer, but he quickly demonstrated his technical prowess with his hobby of software and hardware.

In the 90s, Huawei has made certain achievements in the field of communication and exchange, but Yu Chengdong is not satisfied with this. After Huawei's first-generation smart switch was launched in 1994, Yu Chengdong started an internal business and successfully launched Huawei's first wireless business product.

At that time, the initial cost of installing a landline phone was as high as five or six thousand yuan, and many people had a monthly salary of less than 100 yuan. However, with the development of wireless communication technology, the use of fixed telephones has gradually decreased, and wireless communication has begun to occupy the market.

Under Yu Chengdong's leadership, Huawei's wireless communication technology, product level, and competitiveness have reached the world's first. In order to enhance the competitiveness of products, Yu Chengdong said that he personally went to Europe to inspect the actual situation of customers, put forward innovative concepts and communicate with customers, which was approved by customers and saved a lot of costs for customers.

As a company in a developing country, Huawei faced great challenges in breaking through the high-end European market, but through technological innovation, Huawei not only successfully entered the market, but also achieved high-priced sales.

Later, Yu Chengdong was appointed president of Huawei Europe, and faced with the dilemma of less than 3% market share, he was given the task of increasing the market share to the first place in Europe within three years. Although his supervisors thought it was an impossible task, Yu Chengdong and his team performed a miracle, surpassing competitors such as Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, and Alcatel-Lucent in Europe in three years, achieving a comprehensive breakthrough in market share.

In the end, Yu Chengdong said that we must have the spirit of daring to innovate and make breakthroughs. We must not only dare to create new and excellent products, but also dare to break through our own limitations, have the courage to face challenges and achieve our goals.

Yu Chengdong appeared at the graduation ceremony of Western University of Technology: positioning determines status, and vision determines the realm

Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei Device BG

Fourth, down-to-earth and simple, stay tenacious and patient

Finally, Yu Chengdong said that he must insist on being down-to-earth, down-to-earth and simple in his work.

When sharing his professional experience, Yu Chengdong emphasized the need to remain tenacious and patient even in the face of difficulties and challenges.

He mentioned that although he may suffer injustice, blows, or fail to get the recognition and promotion he deserves due to lack of communication in the course of his work, as long as he persists in his efforts, gold will always shine and one day he will stand out.

Yu Chengdong also expressed his expectations for the students of Northwestern Polytechnical University, hoping that they can become leaders, not only in the technical field, but also in management positions.

Finally, he urged the younger students to be able to endure loneliness and pressure, stick to their goals and dreams, and ultimately achieve great achievements.